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Search Industrial, Commercial and Investment (ICI) Real Estate 

40,000 opportunities, 75% not on MLS. Learn how to work opportunities.

Over $1 Billion In Sales. Massive sales potential for you. Join details & learn. 

Global sales to buyers in Dubai and networking with 185 countries.

Provided by The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople

Install the ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App 

Ensure you don’t miss out on the most current opportunities. 

Spend as little as 10 seconds to a minute once a week connecting for potential business transactions. If you spent 1 minute once per week that totals 52 minutes a year. One connection can make you $100,000 and more.

More Ways To Search, Make Connections and Do Business.


  1. a) Everyone can search. 2,300 +/- Active Listing Status. About 900 are less than 90 days old. Advanced Search Real Estate Database 1 With Contact Info. in the Subject Line  Great for printouts to follow up and call people. All the results will be on one page with contact, names and numbers.

    b) Members Only have access to:. Full access to all 26,000 +/- listings, Haves and Wants. Includes Solds, Expireds, Inactives. Advanced Search Real Estate Database 1 With Contact Info in the Subject line  
  2. Everyone can search all 26,000 listings, Haves and Wants. Contact information for Inactives, Expireds, Solds for Members OnlyAdvanced Search Real Estate Database 1 No Contact Info in the Subject Line. You would have to be logged in to see the expired, solds, inactives, etc.
  3. Search Real Estate Database 1 By Message # 
  4. Search Real Estate Database 1 by Member. Make sure you only put in your first and last names.
  5. Search Real Estate Database 2 FSBO AREA By Business Category 15,000+ real estate and business opportunities placed by the public. Everyone can read the subject line. You must contact a member for more information in any message number in Database 2 FSBO Area. (For Sale By Owner)
  6. Database 2 Real Estate FSBOs (For Sale By Owner) Category Search Members Only Access
  7. Database 2 Real Estate FSBOs (For Sale By Owner) By Message # Members Only Access
  8. Database 2 Real Estate FSBOs (For Sale By Owner) Advanced Search Members Only Access
  9. Contact a member for more information on any message number and to discuss placing your Haves and Wants for what I call the ultimate in ICIWorld Wide Exposure. 

10. Residential Ontario Real Estate Properties We have not modified this website yet to represent listings less than 90 days only. Use the Search Form for Search Residential at the top of this page. No matter how old, all listings can be used for networking purposes.

11. Search Real Estate Database 1 Backups Created Daily

12. a) Canada (Mobile devices use Our older sites still generate traffic from these pages to this day. Keep in mind we started in 1994. We do not delete them. Keep in mind we have built links to these pages from all over the world, from embassies, economic development departments of cities, and much more. If we were to delete them the links would be broken and there would be missed traffic to your listings. Instead, we simply build new websites. Just one lead can make the difference of you making money or not making money. The older pages load fast because they are original HTML pages. 

b) The start of a new Canadian Website in 2023 created by Lorraine. Websites can be set up for any region on earth, for any professional group, a state or province, and an organization, association, or brokerage. The website is like an envelope. The database delivers the information. 

13. USA  (Mobile devices use iciworld.comThis was our first-generation website. Naturally, everyone uses the searches at the top of this page. No matter how old, all listings can be used for networking purposes. This site also demonstrates how the ICIWorld database can be tailored by you, your organization, professional group, state, or province, for any country. 

For Professional Groups and Companies and eventually Real Estate Boards and Associations

Commercial Real Estate Networking 
Internal or displayed on YOUR website
It is inevitable for every member to do business.




Any Company – Type the 1st one or two words of your company name at the top.

Any Designation – Change the designation at the top to another designation such as SIOR, FRI, SRES and search, etc.

Real Estate Conventions and Conference Organizers 

We can provide a special link that you can advertise to prospective attendees, to place their Haves and Wants on lCIWorld, so that other attendees at the conference can search at the conference. The benefit is, that when they see a Have or Want at the conference, they can call that person on their cell phone and meet up with them at your conference! This is what brokers would like to do. Meet personally on something of a mutual interest so they can really do some business. This benefits attendees of your conference and gives them a reason to attend future ones. This link can be placed on your main conference website so that when people are registered, their Haves and Wants will show up for other conference attendees to see. During your convention we will provide around the clock assistance for them to place their Have and Want opportunities.

ICIWorld Global ICIWorld Powered Mobile-Friendly Websites

ICIWorld has over 300,000 pages and websites link to all members information. Over 100 websites, 12,000 EMails deliver  information weekly to the real estate profession and the public worldwide, over 2,000 brokers displaying the exclusive opportuniities on their website, on the ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App and more. Front page on major publications links to our app which means people can and should be able to find your listing. Handouts to 10,000 people attending a major world real estate conference and one person interested in your listing, Have or Want can benefit you and your customers.  

Search Commercial and Residential Real Estate Worldwide

Measure Your Success Every 90 Days By Our Pledge

Never go longer than 90 days without either doing a transaction or at the very least triggering leads that you feel will lead to do a transaction some day. Otherwise make an appointment and give us a chance to help. It is very easy to miss out something with an information service and not realize it Almost 100% of members who give us a chance to help agree. We have the experience of helping members do over $1 Billion in transactions.  

Our Pledge

A material defect in your membership, one piece or a tiny bit of information not checked or clicked on, or one mistake can be the difference between triggering a lead or zero. It can be the difference of making $50,000 or zero. Give us a chance to go through a special checklist and fix any issues. It can be like a lightbulb turning on.  All of a sudden you can start getting results. We have the experience of helping members do over $1 Billion of transactions.

ICIWorld Our Pledge



The public can place free and see the subject line of all the opportunities in Database 2 FSBO Area
Search Database 2 FSBO Area Including By Category
You will have to contact a member for more information in Database 2 FSBO Area


Members must be logged in to access the FSBO Area and following links.
See numbers 6, 7, 8 above on this page called Member Access to FSBO Area. 

The public can post information freely and see the postings’ subject lines.

$25 Million portfolios have been sold, 10,000 acres in Peru, a string of shopping centers in California, a buyer for a seven-plex in Toronto Hyde Park, medical buildings in Canada, and more. Place your Haves and Wants free.
If a member broker has a potential buyer for your property or has something that matches the description of what you are looking for, Would you like them to let you know about it? Then, place your information free now on this service.
If you would like assistance, make an appointment.
ICIWorld has built a following since 1994, a community of people with a like-minded interest in real estate worldwide. It is pretty amazing when you think about how people from all over the world are posting their Haves and Wants on this site and doing business with the existing licensed real estate brokers and salesperson members. They also provide security because members are trained in consumer protection.


Subscribe FREE to receive the ICIWorld Weekly Newsletter

An EMail newsletter is a weekly reminder to search for new opportunities, contact others to network to do business, update your listings Haves and Wants, check your website to make sure IDX links are working, or you can miss a connection to do a transaction. 

Subscribe FREE to receive exclusive listings, EMail Alerts of Exclusive HAVES AND WANTS, by EMail.

A competitive edge. Find out about Haves and Wants within 24 hours. 
A daily digest of one EMail, whether there are 2 or 10 new Have and Want opportunities with contact names and numbers.
It is like being at a convention, where you can hear about all the opportunities and networking going on. Otherwise, you can be missing opportunities to do business and not realize it.

You can unsubscribe at any time. You will be dealing with a computer.


Available for Android and iOS –  ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App.


Only two things you do once you are a member, after you have had a one-time 60 minute orientation.

To increase your net worth . . . increase your network.


Join Today