Happy birthday Lisa on your 50th, racing and riding bikes to this day.
Health Before Wealth
Naturally, any advice provided here and in the links you read here should be run by your Doctor first.
I might like the Costco nuts that include cashews, almonds, pecans, brazil nuts, and macadamia (I add walnuts to my breakfast cereal.). But if you are allergic to nuts, it could kill you.
CLICK HERE sharing my collection of Health Videos On YouTube
For you, my personal and business families, friends and acquaintances.
At the end of 2022, I purchased the Premium version of YouTube. Removes all the commercials! Now I hardly watch T.V. It is YouTube, where you can search for documentaries, travel the world and see walking tours in 4K, in-depth world news and events, history from ancient civilizations, courses, lectures provided by university professors, speakers hosted by google, speakers on all kinds of subjects, music videos, human interest, videos on how to do various things, health videos, and anything that interests you. All uninterrupted by commercials. I watch the highlights of NBA basketball games in 10 minutes without commercials or having to watch foul shots. I learn cross-over moves and more For me, it is like returning to university, staying up to date on current events and learning many things.
My channel contains Playlists. One of them is Health. Leave a message at the bottom of this page would be nice if you appreciate it. Can it help others too? Add that to your message at the bottom of this page. And if you find any link on this page that does not work or have a suggestion, leave a message.
This information page is a collection of ideas designed to help you live a long, healthy life through lifestyle choices. Many have helped to contribute. No particular order. If the articles in the link looked helpful to learn, I added them to this page. So your comments would be appreciated.
If you have a link to information we can add to this page that will also contribute to helping make healthy lifestyle choices, please do EMail or contact me.
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” Hippocrates(460-377 B.C.)
Health is on many people’s minds, and more as we age But if you know about many of the things that sure doctors are teaching and sharing with us, it can contribute to a healthier and longer life.
Here are some health links that are not only interesting but can be downright beneficial.
If you have anything you think can be an excellent addition to this page, please do not hesitate to suggest it.
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal There are ongoing webinars, some of which are recorded.
Feel free to link to this page from your website and pass it on to others. The link to pass on is http://www.iciworld.com/health
What is the single best thing we can do for our Health? Resource
Note: Youtube videos include advertising that you click on Skip to get to the video.
Many people eat “healthy” chocolates worldwide, including Opray Winfrey.
Can Foods Forestall Aging? Studies at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston suggest that consuming fruits and vegetables with a high-ORAC value may help slow the aging process in both body and brain. ORAC–short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity–measures the ability of foods, blood plasma, and just about any substance to subdue oxygen-free radicals in the test tube.
United States Department of Agriculture
Why knowing about ORACs might be necessary for a healthy lifestyle?
Many mornings I have a bowl of:
- strawberries
Other seasonal fruits from time to time.
I make a smoothie with avocado, Brockley and many of the above when in a rush with many of the above.
- protein powder
- Green Tea with Cinamon and Honey
Do you also have a recommendation?
I would like to hear about it and why.
Comments at the bottom.
Heart How To Survive a Heart Attack When You Are Alone.
This is a PowerPoint presentation. After reading each screen, you must click on it to proceed.
10 Things Dr. Oz Knows for Sure
The Number One Killer of Women Revealed This deadly disease had claimed more lives than the following six leading causes of death combined. Now heart scans can detect problems and help you correct things, so you live longer! Search Results for Health on Opray Winfrey
This reputable organization provides exceptionally well-researched, well-written, easy-to-follow advice on nutrition. Recommended by one of our member’s sons, which will also be helpful.
http://www.aarp.org/health/ Health Page from AARP Four surgeries to avoid
Secrets to an Age-Defying Diet Secrets to an Age-Defying Diet Inflammation is the basis of age-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disease, and wrinkled, sagging skin. The wrong foods, such as sugar, processed foods, pasta, bread, pastry and baked goods, can increase pro-inflammatory peptides.
www.mayoclinic.com, More than 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers from Mayo Clinic share their expertise to empower you to manage your Health.
How Much Do You Know About Fat? Explanation. This is a test for you to take now. Explanation.
This is one of the most practical, down-to-earth applications of the usefulness of the Internet. Here is an example of personal use. Health conditions. If you want to learn more about any medical condition, get the exact spelling of the condition, go to www.google.com for the USA and World or www.google.ca in Canada, type in the condition and put quotation marks around it. A list will appear. You can then investigate by clicking on these links. Any result you get, run it by your Doctor. It would be best to not rely on anything you get off the Internet but rather use it for more education and knowledge to talk to your Doctor.
Ultimately we are responsible for our own lives. A personal family member of mine had a condition called Meniere’s Disease. It is a condition of the ear that can cause dizziness, earaches, etc. One would be worried about driving a car. Although there is no cure, there are things one can do not to aggravate the situation. The Doctor was not 100% current about what one could do. I found that dizziness would be minimized on the Internet if one cut out chocolate and caffeine. It just so happened my family member had coffee and chocolate each day. Once stopped, the dizziness stopped the next day! This did not come from our Doctor. It was from a specialized report by another Doctor who specialized in and studied this disease and placed his findings on the Internet.
Further, there were health groups and people who shared their experiences on the Internet, which made my family member feel better for the understanding it provided. So search www.google.com for any medical condition. You can search any search engine, but this has been the most productive and helpful site for me on the Internet for many things. I feel comfortable with it. Some computer journals and reporters have given it the highest marks in reports comparing search engines. It will also lead to medical sites, so don’t just stop there.
A great medical site! I often listen to Dr. Mirkin on the radio. A forty-year-old practicing physician and a talk show host for twenty, Dr. Gabe Mirkin is now heard weekly from 4-7 PM (E.T.) on the Talk America Radio Network and DrMirkin.com. The Dr. Gabe Mirkin Show is broadcast on over 75 radio stations in the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Mirkin wrote the chapter on sports injuries for the Merck Manual (both lay and physicians’ editions), the giant-selling book worldwide with over one million copies in print. He has been the fitness broadcaster for CBS Radio News since the 1970s. Over 25,000 subscribers read his monthly “Mirkin Report, a newsletter on the latest medical breakthroughs and healthy lifestyle information. He has written 16 books, including The Sportsmedicine Book, the best-selling book on the subject that has been translated into many languages. Dr. Mirkin doesn’t rely on press releases; he goes directly to medical journals. He frequently finds studies or spots trends in research that the popular media ignore. If linking to this website ends up helping either you or someone in your family, please let me know.
Sincerely Gary Nusca, CCIM
http://www.quackwatch.org/ QuackwatchSM Your Guide to Health Fraud, Quackery, and Intelligent Decisions
GREAT PLACE #2 ONE CLICK TO GOOD HEALTH INFORMATION (thanks to Jack Peckham, CCIM) http://medlineplus.gov This great place brings you extensive impartial health information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources. Health professionals and consumers depend on this source for authoritative and up-to-date information. This is a helpful and vital place with extensive information on over 650 diseases and conditions. There are lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials. This great government-funded place is well worth a health bookmark.
http://familydoctor.org Want quick and accessible information on the new prescription your Doctor just wrote? Does it interact with any other medications you currently use? What are the possible side effects? How should you take the medication?
Hunza; Place Where People Live the Longest, Disease Is Unknown
“Health secrets of people who live to 145 years of age”
Your opinions on this are most appreciated. Whether it is true or not, might we learn from it? I have not studied this, but I found it fascinating. Your thoughts on this would be most appreciated
Dark Chocolat
I found many benefits to these chocolates, including losing weight because it curbs appetite.
If you have one an hour before supper, you do not have to eat as much.
Have one between meals to curb snacking on junk food.
All the while maintaining an antioxidant-rich body; hopefully,
These antioxidants fight disease, etc.
When you consider how many families have someone that has cancer, it makes you wonder that we all have it, but some fight it off better than others. Having a proper anti-oxidant-rich body might be the answer.
Benzene Warning | Cancer Society
This is interesting!! I knew you needed your minimum water to flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me.
Correct Time to Drink Water….Very Important from a Cardiac Specialist! Drinking water at a specific time maximizes its effectiveness on the body: 2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs, one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion, one glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure one glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack.
Appreciate it. Please indicate which page you are on and which link needs to be fixed. If any link needs to be fixed, please let me know.
Any advice you’d like to give here and in the links you read here should be run by your Doctor first.
Would you like to share some of your best health ideas and links? Appreciate it.
All the best.
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