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ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking and Information Listing Service


Provided By
The ICIWorld Association of 
Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople

Serving the public and the real estate profession successfully since 1994


See ICIWorld 10+ years at REALTOR QUEST, now over.
Realtor Quest over with 10,000 people attending.
Tremendous response with salespeople adding the free real estate ICIWorld global networking app called:
ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App
And requesting appointments with us to learn more about commercial real estate.
You can request an appointment here to learn more.




Memberships for all registered real estate brokers and salespeople worldwide

Information networking tools that help you serve your prospects and clients

And assistance on how to use them

Now over $1 Billion Sold.
And in 2024 with the new technology available today, it is just the beginning. World Spinning on Your Fingertip

Make your information available to people worldwide at their fingertips and yours.

Let your information do the talking on the Internet worldwide.
Make an appointment to ask questions.

ICIWorld is dedicated for every real estate broker and salesperson in the world to serve the public worldwide. 

Networking real estate opportunities and marketing listings on ICIWorld is working so well for members and the prospects and clients they service, that we have a special pledge for every member.

Article in REM magazine.  

We call your “real estate information” the gold on the Internet. 

The ICIWorld global real estate information database connects you with the public to do business using information, Have and Want opportunities, as well as marketing real estate board listings. 

Timing can be critical and profitable for those who act. That is why many subscribe to receive the listings, Haves and Wants by EMail. Another benefit is the initial listings are always less than 90 days old. See ICIWorld’s Global EMail List Servers and subscribe/unsubscribe.


We appreciate the opportunity to serve you.

Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 48 years. Bio
Manager and Founder Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople
Canada Bus. 416-840-6227
USA 954-317-2327
Mobile 416-214-4875

Contact Us

Place one piece of information and it instantly appears worldwide on all of our various servers and services worldwide.

ICIWorld has over thousands of pages and websites on the Internet so that when information is placed, your information is instantly available worldwide. 

World Real Estate Network. com

Information  Listing Service . Real Estate

National Real Estate Information Listing Service 

Real Estate Haves and Wants . com

and 150+ more domain names and websites and pages all designed to trigger leads for members with over  300,000 pages on the Internet, 2,000 other brokers displaying Exclusives on their websites, 20,000 EMails delivering information daily to the public. 

Please consider us as an assistant to you personally.

Dedicated to all the real estate brokers and salespeople in the world.

Vimeo video using the ICIWorld App to get listings. 
And it demonstrates how well-connected you are in the marketplace of buyers and sellers.

Once you are a member, we will show you how to do this with your own website with ICIWorld IDX Links.

Specializing in helping you take advantage of the powers of the Internet and network real estate. Have and Want information in a professional and compatible way with all in the real estate profession.

Experience helping brokers network information since the 1990s.


Available for Android and iOS has developed

Subscribe FREE to receive the ICIWorld Weekly Newsletter

An EMail newsletter is a weekly reminder to search for new opportunities, contact others to network to do business, update your listings Haves and Wants, check your website to make sure IDX links are working, or you can miss a connection to do a transaction. 

Subscribe FREE to receive exclusive listings, EMail Alerts of Exclusive HAVES AND WANTS, by EMail.

A competitive edge. Find out about Haves and Wants within 24 hours. 
A daily digest of one EMail, whether there are 2 or 10 new Have and Want opportunities with contact names and numbers.
It is like being at a convention, where you can hear about all the opportunities and networking going on. Otherwise, you can be missing opportunities to do business and not realize it.

You can unsubscribe at any time. You will be dealing with a computer.



ICIWorld Booth at Trade Shows. Next one May 14, 15, 2024 TRREB Realtor Quest 10,000 attendees last year. See brokers networking on the ICIWorld App.


Manager and Founder. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 49 Years. Bio.

Consider us as a personal marketing and informattion assistant.

Ask us how to search, connect and do business. Make an appointment.

Interesting to hear about the early beginnings of ICIWorld such as in these videos. It is all about a vision and sticking to it Napoleon Hill style. 

And now, in 2024, over $1 Billion has been transacted by Executive Members of ICIWorld making connections with buyers and sellers, by networking information in a confidential manner before a signed listing.

I firmly believe every real estate broker and salesperson on earth should have ILS an information listing service on their website as provided by ICIWorld. This is in addition to MLS. They are completely different. But each one provides a great service to the public. Each one provides an opportunity for real estate brokers and salespeople to provide services and make money. Each one provides protection for the public because real estate brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection. Each one contributes to the GDP because real estate is a major contributor to the economic prosperity of a nation. Without these services you can easily be missing doing transactions and not realize it. If someone says they want to sell their property for x dollars but they do not want to give you a listing at this time but they will pay you a commission if you have a buyer, you can network that information on ICIWorld to find a buyer as long as you do not identify the property. We teach how to manage this properly.

2024 Debbie has a Facebook page with 300,000 members. She invited me to speak, and this is a video of that presentation. Contact me and I can invite you into that group. She has outstanding presenters each week all related to real estate.