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Realtor Quest Visit the ICIWorld Booth #1400 May 17, 18 ONLY

Congress Centre Toronto

The video you see above is a recording of a past Realtor Quest Conference to give you an idea of what it will be like for you.

This announcement is maintained here for a few days to allow salespeople globally to take advantage of the ICIWorld REALTOR QUEST SPECIAL available for all brokers and salespeople on the Internet as well as those attending the show.

Nowhere can you see so many products and services in one two-day period as you can at this show.

Bring lots of business cards. (The whole box)

We are next to the International Exhibit Room and across from tables and chairs for networking.

May 17, 18, 2023 Toronto Congress Center

People nationally and internationally attend this show.

The people that attend have international contacts.

Make sure your Have and Want information on is up-to-date and less than 90 days old.

We will get people to install the ICIWorld Global Real Estate App at the booth and to look at listings, Haves and Wants!

There will be higher traffic than normal for your listings, Haves and Wants.

Hopefully, you can all do a deal as a result of contact just from this one show!

Realtor Quest is one of the largest trade shows in the world for real estate brokers and salespeople.

The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople have a booth at this show.

We invite all Realtors in the business.

For TREB members, it is free.

For Non-Treb members but Realtors, there is a charge

Members of ICIWorld can work at our booth.

Networking ICIWorld getting new people to put the ICIWorld App on their mobile phones

Networking on your own account to do business.

It is all about developing business relationships to do business.

Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 49 Years
Manager and Founder
Since 1994
See some of the transactions going on.