ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking.
Provided By Real Estate Professionals. This is the information age.
- how to sort by price.
Learn how to search by:
- keyword
- business category
- business area
- Haves or Wants
- Age of listing
The initial display of listings is always less than 90 days old. If your information is older, you can easily miss doing transactions and not realize it.However, under a choice called Have/Want Select, you choose from 30 days to any age. Many commercial brokers value people’s contacts for prospecting and networking purposes.If you do a deal not on ICIWorld but as a result of making contact through ICIWorld we like to take credit for that as a testimonial.
DATABASE 1 is information placed by commercial and residential real estate brokers and salespeople. They advertise their real estate board listings. But they also network real estate opportunities that are not listed but where owners have indicated they wish to sell or buy. If you cannot get a signed listing, but the owner says they will pay you a commission, there is a special way to network that information worldwide with ICIWorld. Qualify the callers and put agreements in place first before showing the property. It is like an electronic equivalent of newspaper real estate classified ads that also displays your contact information so people can contact you directly. Compared to the cost of a newspaper, it is like 1/10 of 1 cent per line per day and to a global marketplace of people interested in real estate and business opportunities. Does it all work? See testimonials of transactions started by making connections with real estate Have and Want information, opportunities to buy and sell real estate that led to a listing to cover a showing and led to a transaction. Some brokers have now done over 30 deals. Transactions to $50M+ because one can work opportunities confidentially. All brokers in the world can do it. We think all real estate associations in the world should offer their members this service to serve the public.
ICIWorld: Global Real Estate Networking & Opportunities
Connecting Brokers, the Public, and the Real Estate Profession. Designed for every single real estate broker and salesperson in the world to network and share information globally and locally. Every state and province in North America and 185 countries of the world. See Database 2 FSBO Area as well as Database 1 provided by member brokers and salespeople.
About ICIWorld
ICIWorld provides a platform for brokers to share confidential opportunities with the public and the real estate profession. Just as listings trigger leads, opportunities trigger leads – giving everyone more chances to connect.
Our History & Experience
With experience dating back to the 1980s, we have participated in CCIM marketing sessions where over $100M worth of opportunities were presented—often in a confidential setting. In 1994, we pioneered the concept of networking information online, moving beyond traditional listings.
We started independently as iciworld.com, the first real estate service of its kind on the Internet, and launched CIBBS—a commercial real estate bulletin board system—to provide brokers with a worldwide networking choice rather than being limited to one-off meetings.
Our Commitment
As the manager of ICIWorld since 1994, I am honored to serve our community. I take great pride in hearing about successful transactions initiated by broker members connecting with each other and the public through our global networking platform.
“Don’t be a secret agent; place your information on ICIWorld and let it work 24/7.”
Inspiration & Philosophy
Inspired by Bill Gates’s book “Business @ the Speed of Thought”, we applied information technology to revolutionize real estate marketing. Drawing from insights at CCIM networking sessions, our focus is on sharing “Have” and “Want” opportunities to drive meaningful business transactions.
In this information age, we have harnessed technology to trade thoughtful and impactful opportunities—a system that has been thriving since 1994 and continues to evolve today.
Our Services
With nearly five decades of real estate experience, consider ICIWorld your personal marketing and information assistant.
- Connecting brokers and salespeople with the public for successful transactions
- Providing a secure platform for confidential real estate opportunities
- Expanding choices for the public through diverse networking information
We emphasize public protection by working only with trained brokers who adhere to strict consumer protection standards and codes of ethics as established by licensing bodies in the USA and Canada.
Why Choose ICIWorld?
Every trade in real estate contributes to the GDP and the prosperity of our communities. Our 30 years of experience ensure that every lead triggered on our platform translates into potential success.
Don’t let your opportunities go unnoticed. Place your information on ICIWorld and let it work for you 24/7!
Get Started Today
Our one-time setup takes just 60 minutes. We ensure that your networking information is properly integrated and fully compatible and compliant with all services in the real estate industry.
We are here to help you succeed.
Learn to use the Key Word search for business opportunities.
See the drop-down list of choices.
You can type your keyword in the Other Text or City field.
Spelling is critical. You only need a few characters to find things sometimes. The fewer characters, the better; four or five characters, i.e., restaurant search resta, hotel and motels search, otel finds both hotels and motels.
Be careful after a search to clear your form.
The initial search will only display listings less than 90 days old.
There is a search field called “Have Want Age.”
You may find it helpful to expand your search further back. Both for the possibility it is still available and the connections you can make to network with others.
There is a saying in real estate; if you have a showing today, you can make money today. Without a showing, you make zero.
How to get immediate showings? See if I can help you understand. Here goes.
Tips To Help You Connect To Do Business
Focus a part of your time on “Wants.”
Brokers have placed buyers’ criteria. They have qualified the buyers, so they are ready, willing and able to buy TODAY, TOMORROW. It can be that fast!
If you know what buyers are looking for, ask an owner of any business in your area, “would they consider selling for the right price?”
When they say “yes,” you have just identified an opportunity to do business.
You could arrange an immediate showing and be doing business today, tomorrow!
If you are a residential agent and do not want to sell a business, do a referral to a commercial broker. If you want to learn how to sell a business and make money, consider splitting your commission with an experienced commercial broker who can help teach you. For example, you need profit and loss statements for the last three to five years, assets and liabilities, and inventory estimates, all from the owner and owner’s accountant.
If you can’t get the owner to pay you a commission, get the buyer to pay you.
One free question to an owner today and you have a built in showing today to do business.
Always put a listing agreement in place first before showing of course.
Fastest connections for your next potential real estate transaction.
Almost thirty years building an information service that is the fastest in the world.
Three second demonstration.
- Install the App ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking. One second to open the App. One second to click on a choice commercial, business, residential or FSBO. One second to click on Search Database. See a Have or Want and click on it. One second.
- A collection of brokers placing their Haves and Wants for your consideration.
- It is like talking to 300 people at a conference all at once and seeing the opportunities that they have for you to contact and do business.
- Make selections and a few seconds more the contact names and numbers are available for you to contact. Just like classified ads in a newspaper.
- Add a listing, Have or Want and it is instantly available on tens of thousands of pages that link to ICIWorld from 138 countries built since 1994.
- Delivery to the public by EMail starting at 12 midnight. Over 200 EMail List Servers. See https://www.iciworld.global
Older listings are used for prospecting and networking purposes.
A buyer for medical buildings placed a Want in 2015. A broker contacted him in 2022 with a medical building. He purchased two since then and was still looking for more.
You do not have to look at older listings if you do not want to. The initial display of listings is set to 90 days old.
However a study revealed that 50% of transactions were conducted with brokers making connections and networking with older messages.
For instance,
- we do not delete old listings. Some have critiqued this and do not know the networking going on. But we will not prevent all the others from contacting the people behind the older listings, networking with them and then doing deals. It is simply prospecting. Older listings help you identify people dealing in a particular area or for certain properties with whom you may be able to do business.
- Another reason, the building is still there. The contact information is still there. The circumstances may have changed. And in some cases, better.
- Can it benefit you to talk with the broker and perhaps find out if the property was sold and for how much?
- Is the property possibly coming back for sale again, or did the original offer fall through?
- Is it possible that because the other broker deals in this property, he/she has another one, not on the service, and if you develop a good business relationship, you can explore other business opportunities, not on the service? But it is ICIWorld that helped you make contact, and we like to take credit for that.
- And if you establish a good business relationship with that broker, perhaps in three weeks, they find an opportunity that suits you, call you back, and you go off and do a transaction. Is that possible? It is all prospecting. It is all networking. That is the power of this service.
- One 19-million-dollar quarry was on here for three years. That broker would never have done that deal if we had deleted that listing.
- MLS has expired listings. We have expired information. MLS has sold listings. We have sold as well.
I have been present and participated in and conducted numerous commercial real estate marketing sessions where in one case, over $200M worth of property was presented in a day. Our monthly sessions allowed brokers to stand up and talk about opportunities in a confidential manner. If you showed interest, you raised your hand; we collected the business cards in the room of people who showed interest and gave those business cards to the person who had the Have or Want opportunity to be followed up after the meeting.
CCIMs, SEC, and many others conduct these kinds of marketing sessions. Salespeople talk about their potential listings and what their buyers are looking for at Monday morning meetings for their companies.
ICIWorld provides an information service for everyone to network and share their opportunities with others.
This provides more opportunities to do business.
We think all brokers should have an information listing service and multiple listing services, providing the best of both worlds.
Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 48 years.
Learn how to network real estate opportunities not just listings.
If someone says they want to sell their property, “bring me in a buyer, and I will pay you a commission, but I do not want to give you a listing at this time”, that is an opportunity to network that kind of information on ICIWorld to trigger a buyer.To learn how to effectively network that information globally to trigger interest and conduct a sale when you have no listing to start with, take in a Webinar-On-Demand Featured Video.Recorded sessions conducted for real estate boards, associations and companies.How valuable can this seminar be? See the comments of attendees.
This has never been done before. And NAR was not aware we are doing it successfully in the same vein of cooperation as MLS itself.
We think NAR should take over our service and supply it for the world real estate profession.
Experience With Information in the “information age.”
We are finding that 50% of the residential opportunities on ICIWorld are exclusive type information.
Coming for sale opportunities are shared on ICIWorld with YOU. How? If a property is coming for sale in the spring, you can place it on ICIWorld now without the address. When people call, tell them you will put them on a list, and when you get the listings signed, you will call them back, and they can be one of the first people through the property on the first open house.
Brokers share this information on ICIWorld with the real estate profession and the public.
You can network all the FSBOs out there. But ask the owners if they will pay you a commission if you bring them a buyer. Network the opportunity but not the address. Put agreements in place before divulging an address. Get at least verbal permission to network the information but tell them you will not divulge the address.
Lawyers have confidential information. Doctors have confidential information. This is confidential information in our real estate profession. The benefit is more opportunities in one place to serve the public.
And very importantly, with all the loose information on social media, FSBO groups, etc., where the public is dealing directly with the public, there are a lot of problems because licensed real estate brokers and salespeople are not involved in protecting parties to a real estate transaction.
Owners and brokers have a great deal of training, responsibility, follow-up, and management to ensure trades are conducted safely and adequately to benefit the public.
So it is a benefit to have all the real estate brokers and salespeople in the world place all the opportunities not on MLS but on the ICIWorld information listing service, which leads to proper listings and sales.
DATABASE 2 FSBO AREA (For Sale By Owner) is commercial and residential real estate. Have and Want information placed by the public for free.
USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, Caribbean, South America, and Africa. See information from all continents.
Everyone in the world can place Have and Want real estate information free in Database 2 Free FSBO Area.
Contact a member for more information in database 2 because only licensed real estate brokers and salespeople members can access the contact information.
Database 2 helps protect the public because brokers and salespeople train in consumer protection.
Everyone can search the real estate database, make connections, and do business for free.
It is free for everyone in the world to search daily.
There are now over 40,000 real estate contacts to do business with connections for sales to $50M+.
$25M portfolios have been sold, a four plex in High Park, 17,000 acres in Peru, $13M medical buildings sold. I am amazed at the connections being made by members in Database 2.
Add Haves Wants Free
Global Database 2 FSBO Area
For more info on a listing
contact a member.Member Access
If you are a buyer or seller, or a tenant looking for space or a developer who has space to lease, place your Haves and Wants FREE.
If a member of our service, licensed real estate broker or salesperson, has a potential buyer for your property, or seller for your Want, would you like them to contact you? Then you should place your Have or Want in our Database 2 Free FSBO Area.
Make your own arrangements for compensation with the real estate broker or salesperson.
Just so you know brokers and salespeople provide a certain amount of consumer protection because they are trained. Here is the governing body in Canada in one province as an example. RECO.
For more information on any message in Database 2 FSBO Area you must contact a member.
ICIWorld was the first information service of its kind in the world on the Internet in 1994.
Experience With Information in the “information age.”
From my unique experience operating the ICIWorld service for over 30 years, I share some of the experiences members relate to me.
A 25 million dollar portfolio of properties was sold due to Database 2 FSBO Area. Another sale a member called a doctor who placed a Want for a medical building several years ago. He was not only still looking for more medical buildings but had purchased two since he placed the Want on ICIWorld in this Database 2. Another member did business with a buyer who placed a Want for an income property. He showed him his listing, which did not suit the buyer. Found one on MLS that did suit the buyer and sold it. So you see how ICIWorld can work hand in hand with MLS.
We call it prospecting to look at older listings in Database 1 or Database 2 FSBO Area. If you do not want to see listings, Haves and Wants older than three months or 90 days old, don’t look at them. Everything on the service is dated. However, we will keep the older listings for the following reasons.
- members report doing business on the older listings.
- the buildings are still there.
- although the circumstances have changed, the contact person may still be available for networking purposes.
- if a building was sold, could it be of value to learn how much it sold for?
- is it possible the building could be coming back for sale?
- if you develop a good relationship with the contact person, is it possible they know about other opportunities not on the service you may be able to do business with?
- if you develop a good business relationship, is it possible that person may have precisely what you are looking for three weeks from now and call you back and do business?
- in one respect, it is like a gold mine. However, much like mining for gold, you must dig through some dirt to get to the gold, but the gold is there. Over time and with future development, we hope to add comments on the listings so that if the phone numbers are dead and contact cannot be made, we can say so or remove the listing. But the price of our service is kept low. To do all these things takes a great deal of money, time and effort, and we have our hands full as it is trying to design systems that keep the price down. ICIWorld is built without advertising popping up in your face on purpose. Is it worth paying .83 cents per day for this? These brokers think so. They are serious about doing business. All have families to support. They are not about wasting your time.
One survey found that 50% of the transactions were done with listings older than 90 days.
However, we only display listings initially in Database 1 that is less than 90 days old. Change the Have Want Age field if you want to talk with brokers on listings older than 90 days old and then search. This is particularly helpful when searching for business opportunities or harder-to-find properties.
Wants are almost always looking even past 90 days old.
There is a responsibility upon the real estate brokers and salespeople in this real estate profession to keep their listings, Haves and Wants up to date to serve the public. We recommend updating listings, Haves and Wants every 31 to 60 days, but in no case let them go longer than 90 days old, or they do not get displayed to the worldwide audience when they search initially.
Everyone is still learning how to use the database. But we find everyone is getting better and better at it over time. That is why we are hearing more stories of sales occurring very quickly.
It has taken 30 years to get to this point where if you have a business for sale, for instance, you can search the Wants, and contact the broker who placed that Want because they have a qualified buyer, ready, willing and able to look at your business, within a concise time, hours to a few days. It can be that fast!
Join the ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople: A Global Invitation
Attention Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople Worldwide:
You are invited to help build a global networking service that has already facilitated over $1 billion in real estate transactions—with just hundreds of members but tens of thousands of readers. Imagine the possibilities if thousands of brokers and salespeople joined forces, presenting networking opportunities for the world. And . . . you can have it all on your real estate website with special IDX links. And it all compatible with NAR, CREA, RECO, you name it. We follow all the guidelines.
Our Pledge to You
Proven to work since 1994, we have dedicated 31 years to refining a service that complements all real estate professionals. Yet, many are not leveraging this powerful platform because they either do not understand how it works or assume that MLS is the only way to sell real estate.
Welcome to the Information Age.
One piece of real estate information can mean the difference between missing out on or closing a deal.
If you have a buyer for a shopping center and hear about one coming for sale, that information alone can lead to substantial earnings. While MLS provides an essential service with due diligence, not all properties can or will be listed there.
Owners often say, “Bring me a buyer, and I’ll pay you a commission, but I don’t want to sign a listing agreement.” Confidentiality is crucial for many transactions.
ICIWorld enables real estate professionals to network these opportunities—Haves and Wants—securely and effectively.
ICIWorld vs. Traditional Methods: A Case Study
One broker listed a $4 million shopping center on their real estate board and received 4 calls. After listing it on ICIWorld, they received 32 calls and successfully sold it.
The point is not that ICIWorld is better than MLS—it is that both complement each other. If you’re not networking information, you’re missing opportunities.
Your Website Becomes a Lead-Generating Machine
ICIWorld enables brokers and salespeople to display global Haves and Wants on their own websites. Each inquiry creates opportunities:
Earn referral fees (often $5,000–$50,000+) in minutes.
Split commissions with commercial brokers to learn how high-value deals work.
Part-time brokers can still earn through referrals.
Retiring brokers can continue earning by networking information.
How to Get These Leads?
Simply install IDX Links on your website with one easy step.
The next visitor who sees a listing must call you.
You connect them with the listing broker and negotiate a referral commission.
Your website is part of a global network reaching billions of potential clients.
Show Your Connections Instantly
When speaking to a restaurant owner, for example, show them your website (not ICIWorld) and display buyers/sellers of restaurants. They will keep your business card because they now see you as a valuable connection.
A Global Real Estate Network—Built for You
ICIWorld has been fine-tuned over decades:
A seamless, subscription-based model—no ads, no pop-ups.
A secure platform—only licensed brokers and salespeople can access contact details.
A trusted, classified-ad-style service protecting public and industry professionals alike.
ICIWorld’s Unmatched Reach
Over 300,000 indexed pages on the Internet.
100+ ICIWorld real estate websites reaching buyers and sellers worldwide.
2,000+ brokers display ICIWorld listings on their sites.
40,000+ monthly visitors from 185+ countries.
12,000+ email subscribers receive weekly updates.
Daily digest emails deliver fresh listings straight to inboxes.
Mobile apps for Android & iPhone keep the world connected to real estate Haves and Wants.
Beyond MLS: A New Way to Network Real Estate
MLS remains an important tool, but it is not the only one. Brokers and salespeople use billboards, signs, social media, and other methods—ICIWorld is simply another tool, a real estate information listing service (ILS).
In Canada, ICIWorld operates as an ILS, like a classified ad service but exclusive to real estate professionals.
In the USA, it functions similarly to MLS, restricted to licensed real estate professionals.
A Safer, More Efficient Real Estate Marketplace
Fraud is rampant online. ICIWorld protects brokers, salespeople, and consumers. Each listing is managed by a licensed professional trained in consumer protection, ensuring a secure transaction process.
The Future of Real Estate is Here
With ICIWorld IDX Links, your website becomes a global real estate hub.
Display exclusive listings and buyer demand, making you an indispensable real estate professional.
Use ICIWorld’s networking capabilities to close more deals, generate referrals, and maximize income.
Join Today & Be Part of a Billion-Dollar Network
For a free demonstration or more information, schedule a consultation today.
ICIWorld: 31 years of innovation. Operational and thriving since 1994.
Let’s build the largest real estate network in the world—together.
The Power of Real Estate Networking ARTICLE
I am in a special position being the Manager of an information listing service. I have seen and continue to see the benefits of networking real estate opportunities for over 50 years. The information age and ICIWorld and how we have embraced it has opened up new ways for real estate brokers and salespeople to help the public. MLS proves that share a signed listing with others works. In the same vein, sharing real estate information of an exclusive nature with others works also. There just has not been an information listing service quite like ICIWorld. The function of connecting others with a like-minded interest in real estate is established as beneficial. And on ICIWorld real estate brokers and salespeople present it from the point of view of organized real estate making sure it is working properly.
Please make an appointment anytime to talk about it. We welcome your suggestions to improve things. In this appointment, if you wish to share the kind of business that you would like to do, we believe there are solutions in the real estate industry and perhaps from ICIWorld that may be able to help. And if they are not invented yet, you and we can invent them together. Our service is built on the suggestions of 1,000+ real estate brokers and salespeople over 31 years. Over $1 Billion in sales proves that it works.
We would like to invite leadership in your organizations to contact us to either try it all out or prove it to themselves.
Once you do this, you will see that all your members are missing opportunities to generate business by not instituting an information listing service such as we propose for your organization.
Look forward to speaking with you.
Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, REALTOR, Broker 51 Years.
Manager and Founder
The ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking Information LIsting ServiceProvided by
The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople
Contact us.
Add ICIWorld.com as a shortcut on your mobile phone. It will look like an App but it does not use any resources.
More Ways To Search, Make Connections, Network and Do Business.
- a) Everyone can search. 2,300 +/- Active Listing Status. About 900 are less than 90 days old. Advanced Search Real Estate Database 1 With Contact Info. in the Subject Line Great for printouts to follow up and call people.
b) Members Only. Full access to all 26,000 +/- listings, Haves and Wants. Includes Solds, Expireds, Inactives. Advanced Search Real Estate Database 1 With Contact Info in the Subject line - Everyone can search all 26,000 listings, Haves and Wants. Contact information for Inactives, Expireds, Solds for Members Only. Advanced Search Real Estate Database 1 No Contact Info in the Subject Line.
- Search Real Estate Database 1 By Message #
- Search Real Estate Database 1 by Member. Make sure you only put in your first and last names.
- Search Real Estate Database 2 FSBO AREA By Business Category 15,000+ real estate and business opportunities placed by the public. Everyone can read the subject line. You must contact a member for more information in any message number in Database 2 FSBO Area. (For Sale By Owner)
- Database 2 Real Estate FSBOs (For Sale By Owner) Category Search Members Only
- Database 2 Real Estate FSBOs (For Sale By Owner) By Message # Members Only
- Database 2 Real Estate FSBOs (For Sale By Owner) Advanced Search Members Only
- Contact a member for more information on any message number and to discuss placing your Haves and Wants for what I call the ultimate in ICIWorld Wide Exposure.
10. Residential Ontario Real Estate Properties www.residentialontarioproperties.com We have not modified this website yet to represent listings less than 90 days only. Use the Search Form for Search Residential at the top of this page. No matter how old, all listings can be used for networking purposes.
11. Search Real Estate Database 1 Backups Created Daily
12. Canada
13. USA www.iciworld.us We have not modified this website yet to represent listings less than 90 days only. Use the Search Form for Searching at the top of this page for listings more than or less than 90 days old. No matter how old, all listings can be used for networking purposes.
Commercial Real Estate Networking For Professional Groups and Companies
Every company and professional group can add the following link to your appropriate website.
It is a win win situation for your members. The extra traffic that they get from the public that you can give them helps them do transactions. If they do transactions, your revenue increases. More happy and satisfied customers.
Any Company – Type the 1st one or two words of your company name at the top
ICIWorld Global Mobile Friendly Websites
Real estate brokers and salespeople building a real estate information listing service to serve the world.
Making a Global Real Estate Connection 24/7 within 1 minute of searching for your next transaction is possible.
75% of the real estate and business opportunities are not on real estate boards.Real estate brokers and salesperson members of ICIWorld are making their exclusive real estate Have and Want opportunities available to you in this unique cutting-edge technology service that has taken over 20 years to develop. Working as smooth as a baby’s bum.See transactions being done. If they can do it, so can you. Join today.How To Search Coming For Sale Residential YouTube Video
How To Search Development Land YouTube Video
How To Search Shopping Centers YouTube Video
How To Search Apartment Buildings YouTube Video
- One second to open ICIWorld on your computer or open on the App the ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App on your mobile device,
- one second to click on Search Commercial,
- one second to click on Search Database.
- The latest up-to-the-second message ads appear.
- Click on one to open it and see the contact information.
- Press your finger on the phone number; it will be highlighted and give you a choice to dial it.
The search form provides sophisticated searches.Search by:- geographic area,
- keywords,
- business categories,
- business area
- Haves or Wants,
- date,
- Sort by price or square footage.
The form will remember the last area that you searched.
When you see a Have or Want, click on it.Call the cell phone number in the message ad.It is that simple.ICIWorld provides access to 40,000+ real estate contacts for networking purposes at your fingertips. May we show you how?
Make an appointment for assistance.
Real estate brokers and salespeople have been networking real estate have and want information daily since the beginning of time.
If someone says “I want to sell my property come over next month, and we’ll list it,” that is a piece of information.If someone says that “I want to sell my business for x amount of dollars, bring me in a buyer I’ll pay you a commission, but I don’t want to give you a listing at this time,” that is a piece of information.If a developer says he wants to buy a piece of land in a particular area in a specific price range, that is a piece of information.If someone says “I want to sell my office building, but I want to do it confidentially,” that is a piece of information.If you search on Kijiji and see all the for sale by owners, that is information.If you searched all the social media sites for sale by owner, that is information.If a lawyer says, “I have a client who wants to sell his shopping centre,” that is a piece of information.Only real estate brokers, salespeople, and lawyers can trade in real estate information and make money.If you have a listing on a property, that also is information.ICIWorld is not an MLS service. It is an information listing service. In one respect more like real estate classified ads in the newspaper but provided by licensed real estate brokers and salespeople worldwide. Brokers also use ICIWorld to promote and market their regular real estate board listings for worldwide marketing exposure.The advantage of the Want information is that there are customers who are working with Brokers that are ready, willing and able to see a business or a property today, tomorrow or the next day. So if you as a real estate broker or salesperson ask the owner of, let’s say, any kind of business would they consider selling for the right price and if they say yes, you have a built-in showing from a broker working with the buyer for that kind of business or property literally within 1 2 or 3 days. It can be that fast.Built for the 2,000,000 +/- real estate brokers and salespeople professionals worldwide to network real estate information with the 5 billion people using the Internet. Could you help us as we help you?
A world real estate networking service for all brokers becomes a powerful tool for all members.
Subscribe to ICIWorld Weekly Newsletter
Subscribe to ICIWorld Monthly Newsletter
Otherwise you can be missing networking opportunities and not realize it. Just one example! If you know there is a buyer for a car wash, the next time you get your car washed could you ask to speak to the owner? Could you ask him/her if they would consider selling? If they say yes then you have an opportunity for a showing and with a showing you have a chance to make money today. Without a showing you make zero. How about if you attending a wedding at a banquet center? Could you ask the owner of the banquet hall if they would consider selling. The weely ICIWorld Newsletter should remind you to think of these things, all designed to help you do transactions.
We use Constant Contact Emailing Software so it is easy to unsubscribe anytime.
Purpose is to remind you, once per week, to network.
Click on the link to Search. It will take you to ICIWorld.com (one click.)
Click on commercial OR business opportunities OR residential OR FSBOs. (one click)
Click on Search Database (one click)
You will see the latest industry wide networking.
It is like attending a different real estate conference every week and talking to other brokers and salespeople about what they are looking for and what they may have for sale.
You will see lists posted by brokers and salespeople of what their buyers are looking for.
You will see lists posted by brokers and salespeople of owners who have expressed desires to sell.
Other tips for networking, to do business.
ICIWorld is free for everyone in the world to search.
In fact it is free to place information in Database 2 FSBO Area. Question for you? If a broker member has a buyer for your property, would you like them to call you? If a broker member has a property that matches the description of what you are looking for, would you like them to let you know about it? Then place your information free in Database 2 FSBO Area.
Add a listing, Have or Want and it is instantly available to the public worldwide.Search within 4 clicks to see the latest real estate listings, Haves and Wants no matter where in the world you are located with the ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App or on computers with iciworld.com
ICIWorld aims to be one of the world’s most productive real estate networking platforms. It is a major real estate community of people interested in real estate with a daily to the monthly readership of people from 138+ countries interested in real estate. Provided by real estate brokers and salespeople globally with mobile apps, from their websites with IDX links, over 200 EMail List Services delivering information daily to the public, and more.
To search:
- go to iciworld.com on your computer and make choices.
- Use the ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App for iPhones and Androids and make choices or
- make iciworld.com a shortcut on your mobile phone, open it and make choices.
- other ways are listed below.
One-click to open the App.
One-click on commercial.
One-click on Search Database.
Total time 3 seconds.
It is longer if you have a slower connection or an older phone.
Click on any message number, call on the phone to the brokers or salespeople. Do not depend on EMail.
Make connections, network, explore opportunities to do business. Do business.
Add your listings, Haves and Wants and they are instantly searchable worldwide.
For the public. Search free. Post your Haves and Wants free. Receive listings by EMail free. Connect with a member for the ultimate in marketing on the Internet. See For The Public.
For Brokers and Salespeople: Join Now. Add a listing, Have or Want and it is instantly on the Internet where there are 5+ billion people. ICIWorld itself has over 700,000 pages on the Internet linking to it and your information when you add it. Make connections with Have and Want information as well as listings. You are not restricted to making money with just real estate board services. You can add information networking services to your real estate practice. Personal assistance is provided over the Internet and by telephone. Usually, only a 60-minute orientation is all that is needed. System designed by a CCIM who has participated in and conducted over 100 marketing sessions at TREB, CCIM events, SEC events, national and international NAR events and more.
This service is designed to be a platform with the fastest way to network real estate opportunities worldwide with each other. Gary has recognized all the missed opportunities in all the marketing sessions where valuable information is exchanged with others in a confidential fashion but if you were not there you missed out. The attendees missed out if you could not record all the great opportunities from wonderful brokers and salespeople because there were so many and you could not have a chance to talk to them all. There is nothing else faster or more comprehensive than I have personally ever seen in 25 years than this ICIWorld serviced to collect and display real estate Haves and Wants . . . all to serve the public.
Readership for your real estate listings, Haves and Wants is from people locally and from 138 countries, all within 3-10 seconds, 24/7 since 1994.
- Member brokers and salespeople add their listings, Haves and Wants for instant display worldwide.
- There are over 700,000+ connections on the Internet built since 1994 to the global ICIWorld real estate database.
- 20,000 EMails deliver Haves and Wants to the industry daily. See https://iciworld.global and subscribe.
- Buyers and sellers click on For The Public on the Menu bar. There are four+ things you can do to ensure you maximize your opportunities to do business. And, add your listings, Haves and Wants, free.
Receive listings, Haves and Wants by EMail free. Subscribe/Unsubscribe. For commercial we recommend selecting your state or province only. That way you get any and all new listings once per day if any. Do not subscribe to every city because you will get them all in one email a Digest for the province or state.See ICIWorld IDX Links Brokers and salespeople can provide the ICIWorld real estate networking service from their own websites. It is like having classified real estate ads on YOUR website in a way that YOU get the leads to serve the public with more choice.Click on a featured video, Webinars On-Demand Learn how to network exclusive real estate opportunities. Webinars that were conducted for real estate boards, associations and companies.
Join today. For brokers and salespeople.
Your Feedback Appreciated Here.
- Transactions. Proof every single person, members and the public can make connections to do business.
Transactions prove that the ICIWorld information service works for the real estate industry similar to how real estate board services work. They are totally different. One cannot do what the other does. In our opinion both are important and beneficial tools for all licensed real estate brokers and salespeople in the world to serve their prospects and clients.
As the manager of the ICIWorld service this is my attempt at showing you the power of salespeople to network Have and Want real estate opportunities, information, to help the industry do more transactions in addition to real estate board services with proven sales from $0-$50M+ which is now higher than most real estate boards in North America.
This is not something that the average salesperson knows how to do in a competent and responsible fashion.
Most all professions have confidential information whether you are a doctor, lawyer, accountant etc. To network real estate Have and Want information without a signed listing requires the certain information to be confidential. Brokers also market their real estate board listings, but an information service can handle the networking of opportunities that cannot or do not appear on real estate board services.
But it can be learned. I learned it in CCIM and SEC marketing sessions. We have digitized the Have and Want networking opportunities. Make an appointment with us and we will share it with you. As a broker for 48 years we have been helping the industry for over 20 years,
And we also share How To Work Exclusive Type Real Estate Opportunities in Webinars for real estate offices, real estate boards, real estate associations.
The testimonials should be an inspiration to everyone interested in real estate because it proves an information service can trigger leads to do deals just like a real estate board service triggers leads to do deals. And it can be done by the organized real estate industry as we have been doing it since 1994 successfully.
In fact in our opinion if you do not include ICIWorld in your marketing today May/2022, you can be missing opportunities to get the highest and best price and terms for your commercial property and not realize it. Again proven by $50M+ connections that led to the sale by member real estate brokers and salespeople members of ICIWorld who made contact and successfully completed the transaction.
If you read the testimonials you will see brokers and salespeople making tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars and helping the public, buyers and sellers, create millions for themselves in equity and investing in real estate. This of course contributes to the real estate companies bottom line.
A major benefit of ICIWorld is that real estate brokers and salespeople in the world can consolidate all the opportunities that they cannot place on real estate boards for one reason or another and still network the opportunity on the ICIWorld information service to trigger interest from someone in the world who may be interested.To teach brokers and salespeople how to work exclusive opportunities that can trigger leads and make money just like a real estate board service can trigger leads and make money, you really have to take in a Webinar-On-Demand Featured Video.That can be a challenge because they are 90 minutes long. We know how hard that can be under today’s fast paced world, commercials coming at you a mile a minute, other family and business pressures. All we can say is read the comments of attendees.See all the testimonials that were started by a connection made through ICIWorld using information not an real estate board listing services. The great news is that salespeople can and should use both.How to do it all properly in compliance with your real estate licensing bodies, is taught.Seminars and webinars are conducted for real estate companies, real estate boards and real estate associations. See the content. Request a Webinar for your group.We supply here the written comments of attendees of brokers and salespeople from brand new in the business to 30+ years in the business.The comments are in separate pdf files hand written notes of hundreds of real estate broker and salespeople attendees evaluations. If you are not sure about ordering a Webinar for your office next week, read the comments.Everything we are doing on the ICIWorld service is too ensure that what you will listen to can help you increase the income for your salespeople and for your office. In many many cases it can be quite dramatic. This is new generated business that was not done with real estate boards.By being a member, you can network Have and Want information.Think of the return on investment of a membership of $319 per year or $40/mo. compared to what you can make generating every lead into a sale or referral minimum of $3,000 to $10,000 and more for referrals, $30,000 to $100,000 and more for sales in the case of commercial and higher priced residential real estate while providing an important service for the public.All from information, not a signed listing to start. Information triggers interest. Then a listing is put in place.Learn how it is being done since 1994.One broker that we know has made over $1 Million dollars.Contacts for sales now exceed $50M which is among the highest of real estate associations and real estate boards and companies. Our assistance to help members connect with others plays one small but vital role in all the things brokers have to do to conduct a successful sale.And the contribution to the GDP of the economy is tremendous.Bringing more land to market has the benefit of trying to keep home prices from rising.Many benefits to the prosperity of a nation all from salespeople making a sale.Learn how to do with information not just a listing on a real estate board. Both are great!!!And if you are a Director, CEO, President, Broker of Record, Owner, please do not hesitate to contact us to bring all this technology to work for your organization, your salespeople and most of all for your prospects and clients. They too miss out if you are not networking here on their behalf.More information comes out of the woodwork so to speak when we do not allow the public to cut you out of a transaction like most of the other services in the world. This benefits the public big time because opportunities are easier to find, more qualified because information is going through the hands of a broker, and the public is protected unlike other services because real estate brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection.There is a little more work that has to be done in many cases by the broker and salesperson because in many cases more due diligence has to be done. But networking real estate opportunities, giving real estate brokers and chance to talk with others in the industry to explore opportunities that are not on a real estate board is resulting connections to do transactions that will increase your bottom line and help your prospects and customers create wealth through real estate.Transactions are proof that every broker and salesperson member of ICIWorld can and should be doing transactions to benefit the public and yourself. If not make an appointment with us. We can identify within two minutes what you are missing. There are five billion people out here on the Internet and everyone makes connections unless you have abandoned it. Manager, ICIWorld.com. Never let your membership in ICIWorld go longer than 90 days without either doing a deal or triggering leads that you feel will lead to doing a deal, or doing a referral, otherwise give us a chance to assist. Our-Pledge.
- Distribution, Accessibility GloballyAll Have and Want information placed by everyone in the world is instantly accessible on everyone’s mobile phones and computers globally within a few seconds.The inspiration of Bill Gates’s book “business @the speed of thought” is one major factor contributing to the development of ICIWorld as a real estate information listing service rather than a multiple listing service.This is the information age where if a person is thinking about selling, a licensed real estate broker or salesperson can help them consider all the options. If a person is thinking about buying, a licensed real estate broker or salesperson can help them consider all the options. Developers in many cases do not want to give a 3 month real estate board listing to sell their shopping center. Business owners do not want people to know their business is for sale as it could hurt their business. Some people want to try to sell their properties by themselves. All of these situations are information, not formal listings.Place ICIWorld.com as a shortcut on your mobile phone. It has more information than the ICIWorld App. Three clicks and you can see the latest networking going on in your area. The shortcut remembers the last business area that you searched.Install the ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App. Within a matter of seconds see the latest real estate networking going on in your area. The app remembers that last area that you searched.All the above ICIWorld powered websites and many more are powered by the ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking Search Engine Database operating since 1994.
When a member broker from anywhere in the world, places Have and Want information, it is instantly available worldwide on all these websites, thousands of pages on the Internet, mobile Apps, 2,000+ real estate broker websites, and 20,000 EMails distributing Haves and Wants daily, weekly to subscribers. Links to all listings, Haves and Wants are promoted to the worldwide real estate industry on social media groups and pages, EMail global distribution to subscribers and more. Frontpage advertising on commercial real estate trade publications drives traffic to members’ listings, Haves and Wants. All of these services drive traffic to members’ websites.
Let ICIWorld work your information on the Internet 24/7/365 where there is a market of 5+ Billion people.
We recommend that all member brokers and salespeople provide this real estate networking service from their own website with a special link that you can put on the Menu Bar of YOUR Website.
See IDX Links Widgets of Listings, Haves and Wants for a real estate broker website.
Our vision is of all brokers to supply both real estate board listing services and Exclusives on their website. In our opinion both are of benefit to the public and it is real estate brokers and salespeople who are best placed, trained and can protect the public.
For Real Estate Boards, Associations, Chapters, Professional Designations, Companies.
Special links can be made for any and all organizations compatible with serving licensed real estate brokers and salespeople.It is the database of Have and Want information making it publicly available as much as possible that is making money for all members.Can you offer a link on your organization website on behalf of YOUR members. That one link can trigger leads to YOUR members. When they do deals they will appreciate your organization for the exposure to their networking. All pages and levels of access can be made to suit your preference. You can display them private or public. They can be set to different security levels for full access, partial access.See the prototype links and how they display Haves and Wants within a few seconds. And then imagine if all your members were able to take advantage of this world wide networking and support. Your organization website can provide traffic for your members Haves and Wants if you simply place this link on the menu bar of your organization website. All tailored to suit. And you can have your own domain name linking to a search page. We have over 100 domains we have been maintaining as possible great domains for you and your organization.In order for someone in your organization to check it out, have one of your board members join to learn how it can work wonderfully for every organization in the world today. Over twenty years specifically being designed for the real estate industry.
Affiliate Partner Program
We supply a special link for your professional group, company, association, real estate board that you provide to your members to join. When someone joins from the link that we supply to you, you can receive $25. And the person joining receives a special of one year AND three months, ie: 15 months for $240. You may also make use of any of the following links for your website that generates leads for your salespeople.
The public can post information free and see the subject line of all the postings.
Contact a member for more information
on any listing, Have or Want in the FSBO Area.
Message from Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 38 years.
Inviting Leaders of Countries and Real Estate Groups to join.One transaction can lead to building significant housing and commercial developments. The transaction leads to creating jobs and prosperity through real estate. But you have to make it happen. Real estate brokers and salespeople can make it happen. They are best positioned in the industry and trained and can protect the consumer because they know consumer protection.And it can lead to a real estate board listing service starting in a country or area of the world that does not have it.I am in a unique position globally, managing the ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople since 1994, a Global Real Estate Networking Saervice.Just because someone can not get a signed listing and put it on a real estate board does not mean it does not exist.One can network that information in a compatible way within the real estate industry, and we have been doing it now since 1994.ICIWorld is simply opening up the networking of real estate information in an organized fashion, unlike any other service. The members facilitate the connections in the real estate market that make it more efficient. Carrying on the tradition of the concept of real estate board listing services, which started in the late 1880s, yes, sharing of information, you help me sell my property listing, and I will help you sell yours.And yes, members share their information on each other’s websites!Number 1 is the member brokers and salespeople. One must respect their time and effort, training and experience; to gather certain information that remains confidential. Then to network that information; otherwise, people can go around the broker or salesperson. And the years of effort, training and education to get to this level are not respected.The ability to put food on the table for the family is dependent on this confidentiality. Sometimes, it takes many years to build up relationships with others to do commercial real estate transactions, land, businesses, you name it.ICWorld is running smoothly with brokers and salespeople who have had our one-on-one training.The networking service contributes big time to the economic betterment because each sale contributes to a nation’s GDP.You may not have a real estate board listing service working in your country yet. But why not try ICIWorld. It can lead directly someday to adopting a real estate board listing service. People will appreciate that they can pick and choose who they want to work with, where, and how.In commercial real estate, the opportunity is there. It may not be on a real estate board, but the opportunity does exist. Our real estate industry of brokers and salespeople should be working on all this information because it works. Period.But it has to be done right.The more you learn, the more you find out you don’t know.ICIWorld.comSince 1994Transactions that brokers and salespeople can do in addition to a real estate board listing service. Get excited all brokers can do both.
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An EMail newsletter is a weekly reminder to search for new opportunities, contact others to network to do business, update your listings Haves and Wants, check your website to make sure IDX links are working, or you can miss a connection to do a transaction.
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A competitive edge. Find out about Haves and Wants within 24 hours.
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Unlimited full access to Database 1. The public can see the latest ones, about 2,000. Members have full access to 20,000+
Unlimited full access to Database 2 FSBO Area (For Sale By Owner) The public can see the subject line content but they do not have access to the contact information.
Executive Members have full access to Database 2 FSBO Area 20,000+ contacts to do business.
Re: older listings. The real estate is still there. Only the circumstances have changed. Contacts for people are what is important. Can buildings come back for sale again? Does the person know of other buildings available? Develop and build good relationship and that person might call you back in two weeks with another opportunity.
For Wants there are Doctors looking for medical buildings from 7 years ago still looking having bought two buildings in the meantime.