Webinars – Workshops, One on One Assistance, How To Promote Your Website, Recorded Webinars, more.
Please consider us as a personal marketing and information assistant
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See recordings of seminars Mastering the Powers of the Internet
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Daily Assistance is by appointment. They are meetings conducted with GoToWebinar software.
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Join Today’s Webinar Workshop Now
With Gary
If the above link does not work use this one.
Call 416-214-4875 to make an appointment. Arrive 10 minutes prior.
Call if you have any problem within one minute of your appointment time.
Demonstrations conducted the same way. Call for time for a Demo.
With Cecil at your appointment time go to www.join.me/iciworld.com2
Call 416-628-4313 if you have any problem.
With Lorraine join.me/iciworld.com
Call 416-840-5787 if you have any problem at your appointment time.Call Diana to book a seminar or workshop or webinar/workshop/seminar for your office. 905-577-5600
Technical Support from Citrix Go To Meeting 1-800-263-6317 Our account is service @ iciworld.com Our phone number in the meeting is 416-214-4875 for assistance. Never go one minute past your time without calling this number if you are having issues. These appointments are just like a doctors every 30 minutes.
For assistance on your membership call 416-840-6227 and make an appointment usually for a 30 minute Webinar Workshop.
Try to get in 10 minutes before your appointment or call one of the above phone numbers.
Request an appointment time:
Usually only one Webinar workshop is suggested, one for an orientation, 2 workshops for a website, one workshop if you have not made money or generated leads within a 90 day period. See Our Pledge.
Webinar Workshops are conducted every 30 minutes, like a Doctors office, daily, 7am-4pm daily, five days a week, by appointment.
Webinar workshops are a quality approach to providing customer service . . . one on one, in your home or business office, over the Internet while we are talking with you on the phone.
Executive Member Training and Support Videos and printouts on doing most everything.
How to Promote Your Website
Register for the next one now!
June 18, 2015 Recording
“Great content, was very easy to log on and follow along.”
Very knowledgeable
Very helpful for my business and lots of great advice to help enhance it and stand out from others. Great tips that will definitely help get more business.
This was a great webinar, I really liked how I got a half hour warning to log in and get ready for the seminar. It was simple and easy, I really appreciated the mute button so zero distractions and kept the webinar on schedule and left the Q&A’s for the end so people could choose to leave if they needed. I think if you can walk away with at least learning one thing to help your business then it is worth it and I learned several in the webinar and recommend it to others.
“Very helpful great ideas to apply to our Website. ”
“Like every webinar, it provided more information than you can memorize. I am looking for the recorded version to listen to it again.”This is so important it is conducted monthly.
What good is a web site if you have no or little traffic to your website!
There are many reasons to have a website. One reason is to trigger direct leads that lead to a showing or doing a referral or being introduced to someone with whom you can develop a new business relationship that will lead to providing your services for real estate. Examine ICIWorld Widgets and why do we possibly suggest that they be installed first before spending any money on SEO.
Of all the industries on the Internet, real estate provides the highest return on investment (ROI) because one lead can make one $3000 to $10,000 to $50,000 and much more!
So it becomes important for your to learn how to set up your website first and then how to promote your website.
We have traveled to world search engine conventions to learn and we share this and other knowledge in this special Webinar.
Post Session Survey Questions
Q:General Comments, Very Informatics, Great session, as always. I appreciate the opportunity of virtual online training. It enhances my knowledge and retrieves information that was once learnt and perhaps temporarily forgotten. Great refreshment!
Q: Knowledge of Subject Matter, etc.:
A: Excellent, Perfect, Very knowledgeable about the subject matter.
Q: Relevance to your business:
A: Very useful tips and tricks, Very relevant to my business, Very Much
Q: Testimonials
A: Gary is always patient and thorough in his delivery, I have been learning lot since become a member of ICI World, but I regret I joined too late, thanks
Q: Do you think this should qualify for Real Estate Education Credits?
A: Yes
Q: How long have you been in real estate?
A: 3 years - Demonstrations and assistance for the public on how to use the service Call 416-840-6227 or 416-214-4875 and set a time for 10-30 minutes at your discretion . Then at the appointed time click on Join Todays Workshop above. This is a complimentary free service for members AND the public. We will cover the four ways to connect to do business. Great for the public, developers, buyers, sellers, builders, investors, business owners and more for all real estate asset classes.We will help tailor your mobile device to display the timely information that can benefit you and your company.One $10M+ apartment building was sold within three days. We will show you how to stay in touch.There are properties coming for sale and we will show you how to get on the list to see them the day they are available and much more.Includes power of sales, key word searching, age field, contacts that networking that can help you do business for a lifetime.
- Demonstrations for licensed real estate brokers and salespeople prospective members – 416-214-4875A) One on one or to your group either with a hands free telephone while watching a computer screen.B) Or get everyone to click on the above number 1 link at an appointment time and all can listen in!Everyone will see and hear what is going on. This is money making real estate services for the rest of your life. Have as many in your office listening as you can or one on one is fine. You must be a licensed real estate broker or salesperson in the USA or Canada. Call 416-840-6227 and set a time for a presentation. Then ten minutes before your time time click on Number 1 above Join Todays Webinar Workshop Now.This is free and there is absolutely no obligation to join. We are happy to introduce and share these cutting edge tools built for you in the industry to any and everyone who cares to listen.Consider us as a personal marketing and information assistant to all licensed real estate salespeople in the world to help you take advantage of the powers of the Internet to serve your prospects and clients on an industry wide, world wide stage.See some of the items covered see demonstrations. As a broker for forty years, and a thousand members input and use, you will see developed a service unlike any other that networks information not just listings. We like showing how you can connect with people to do business unlocking the power of information not just listings on a real estate board which is the best way but not always possible. Great for prospective members licensed real estate brokers and salespeople who may be thinking of joining. Absolutely no obligation to join.
- Internet Webinar Seminar for your real estate office – Call Cecil 416-628-4313 or Gary 416-214-4875 to book a seminar. See sample content.No matter where in the world you are located the Internet and our services apply!Here is a You Tube of sample contentThe Internet Webinar is conducted over the Internet “live” while you and others can listen and watch from your computer and/or mobile device. You can invite as many as you wish and the more the better. Invite everyone you wish to listen in and watch from their computers no matter where in the world they are located . . . all at one time! (Up to 1,000 may attend)When doing a live seminar in your real estate office we can even broadcast live to people who may not be able to attend as long as they have a computer on the Internet. You can invite as little or as many as can listen in your office and invite others at their home office to listen. All will be watching our presentation on your computer screen while we present a power point presentation, do live searches, point out how money is being made, why some generate leads from their website and others do not, take questions and answers, and more.This is a live Internet demonstration to demonstrate how these very exciting and cutting edge information tools are generating leads for licensed real estate brokers and salespeople. There is absolutely no obligation to join, it is educational and you will be able to do business with our members whether or not you join.
- Recorded Webinars for the Public Search ICIWorld on YouTube.
- Training Videos for Executive Members Only
- Seminars for Real Estate Offices and Associations
- ICIWorld Internet Webinars Sponsored Events ICIWorld can host YOU in your own event sponsored by ICIWorld. We can host, produce a Webinar with you as a speaker, moderator and you can invite up to 1,000 people to attend. Contact us to discuss.One example is for a broker of record (located anywhere), to introduce a guest speaker (located anywhere), and invite all real estate team members in his/her company (all located anywhere), and have everyone be together on line at the same time seeing a powerpoint presentation or demonstrating things on the web, while everyone is listening, etc. all at the same time.A short message from ICIWorld sponsoring the event at the beginning and at the end in lieu of payment and event is done much like a commercial for a show you might see on TV.Do it at times convenient for all your staff. Everyone can listen in with computers, iPhones, iPads, Androids and any and every mobile device.So calling a meeting does not have to be problem. Just announce it.And . . . it can be recorded for those who can not attend. If you want every single person in your organization to benefit this is the way to ensure everyone benefits.
There are solutions and/or work around’s for everything to get every single member up and running very quickly.
And for present members it is a great regular tuneup. There are fixes to get websites generating leads, to get fifteen or more listings, Haves and Wants on ICIWorld, to get your listings triggering leads, etc.
Here are some items you can work on yourself and/or we can help in a tuneup see checklist.
Everyone makes connections to do business or call us. See Our Pledge.
Let your information do the networking . . . 24/7 on ICIWorld