CREA proposed a rule
requiring all Exclusive Residential Listings must be on MLS. It is proposed that it would be up to the individual board according to the FAQ page, to apply a penalty or something to make one comply and in my opinion seeing what happened in the USA you could lose your membership.
Are you for or against the CREA proposed rule forcing exclusive listings onto MLS?
This is our first attempt at a poll. Thank you to those who have responded with excellent and constructive criticism.
Improvements may come later. Opinions also can be made in the comments at the bottom of this page.
CREA proposed a rule requiring all Exclusive Residential Listings must be on MLS.
To be Voted by Real Estate Boards in April 2023 at CREA AGM
Your board may ask you to vote to convey a board vote to AGM. Have they asked for your vote yet? When will they give all a chance?
1st Article For:
2nd Article Against:
Article in REM Magazine about ICIWorld. About exclusive networking type real estate opportunities. We call anything you cannot get signed to put on MLS as exclusive. It can be a signed exclusive listing or a verbal representation from a seller or buyer. For the verbal networking opportunities, no one identifies or gives the address until you have the consent of the owner in writing.
This new proposal may affect only eight listings on ICIWorld at first out of 30,000 exclusive opportunities because they say it only affects residential. However, there is a problem with the definition of residential.
However, the definition of residential versus commercial may be another matter.
- What about a residential home in commercial zoning?
- What about a home with a business?
- What about five residential homes in a row that are development potential infill sites?
- What about a home on a farm or land?
- What about investment properties such as duplexes and triplexes, which are investment properties?
- What about investments in condos and single-family homes to be rented? This is an investment. ICI stands for industrial, commercial AND investment.
- There are duplicate uses for properties, homes and investments.
- What if the homes sit on an industrial or commercially zoned property?
- What about owners with a luxury property who want their property exclusively marketed?
So saying the rule would only apply to residential, not commercial, may be blurred, and is that an issue?
And there is no need for this rule if real estate brokers and salespeople put their exclusive opportunities on an information listings service (Such as powered by ICIWorld) that shares exclusive opportunities provided by the ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople made for this purpose to network and share exclusive real estate with the public and on each other’s websites with IDX links.
NAR did not have this choice.
Twenty-nine years on the Internet proves every Realtor has an opportunity to connect with someone through to do transactions by “networking information” and advertising listings. See testimonials.
Networking information globally is a significant advantage.
Easier to have 15 Haves and Wants to work 24/7. Hard to have 15 signed listings on a real estate board.
Haves and Wants trigger leads like an MLS listing can trigger leads.
You can learn from our webinars.
Invite us to conduct a Webinar using Zoom
or Seminar for your real estate board, association or in your office.
Content (pdf file) Comments of AttendeesThe benefits are significant. Firstly, the public is protected as brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection for all non-MLS transactions. It can be noted that Have and Want opportunities can lead to an MLS listing. And for the leaders at NAR Global Services, this can make inroads in countries worldwide to help to grow MLS worldwide. Secondly, the public has more options as brokers can offer opportunities that are not listed on MLS due to the lack of a signed listing. However, it is still advisable to get a signed listing and include it on MLS for maximum exposure, especially in residential cases, in order to secure the best price and terms for the seller. Unfortunately, some homeowners may not agree to a signed listing, creating an opportunity for brokers to assist. We teach brokers how to network and promote such opportunities on ICIWorld.
We support CREA (Canadian Real Estate Association) Proud Realtor and MLS as the best in most cases but not the only way to market real estate. Sometimes one cannot get a signed listing, but it is an opportunity for sale.
One major criticism by proponents of the CREA proposed rule of exclusives must be on MLS is that brokers do not share their exclusive opportunities.
But ICIWorld is a global service that shares exclusive type real estate opportunities confidentially and has been doing it successfully since 1994. All real estate boards and associations could adopt a modified version of ICIWorld and provide for all their members much the same as sharing listings on MLS. We call our service ILS information listing service for real estate. See Much like brokers have IDX links on their websites to display listings, ICIWorld provides IDX links of exclusive listings to be shared on each other’s websites. This has never been done before.
All real estate boards and associations can and should provide this kind of service for their members to serve the public.
We have the feedback from conducting seminars and webinars for years where attendees say they would like this service to be provided by their real estate board. Please take a look at the comments of attendees. Specific question: would you like your real estate board to supply this service?
When NAR passed the MLS rule a few years ago, it did not have this concept and technology available to them then. They did not even know that it was possible to share exclusive type information confidentially with an IDX link like regular listings. And to this day, they do not know.
Our founders of MLS formed it because of the cooperation. ICIWorld is simply following in their footsteps for exclusive type information.
That was one of the biggest criticisms of exclusives. And exclusive sharing has been working wonderfully for ICIWorld member brokers.
Just see the testimonials of transactions started by making connections with people who may be interested in an opportunity, not a listing at that time, but THEN putting a listing agreement in place to show the property.
It works. It provides more choices for the public. It provides more opportunities and income for salespeople. It protects the public because real estate brokers are trained in consumer protection.
As the new rule is proposed, an owner, if they do not want in on MLS, or a broker cannot get a signed listing, has to fend for themselves or be forced to put it on social media, etc., where there are severe and potential security issues. Under the proposed rule, if a Realtor or office advertises one exclusively, they and their office could be banned from MLS. is one sample prototype for an information listing service that all real estate associations and boards could offer their members to serve the public with appropriate legal statements that the service is all about networking information that could change, not actual signed listings in many cases.
PS: Our definition of exclusive differs from many others; it is an opportunity to buy or sell real estate that is not on MLS or a broker who cannot get a signed listing to put on MLS.
If you have a signed MLS listing, it must be submitted immediately or subject to penalty. We agree.
If you place an exclusive opportunity on ICIWorld, it is immediately available to the world. So all our brokers share their information just like on a real estate board, like MLS.
That is why ICIWorld can be adopted in one way or another for real estate boards. Get a signed listing and put it on MLS. But if you cannot get a signed listing or it is decided exclusively is more appropriate for the situation, put it on an exclusive listing service supplied by the same board and association that subscribes to MLS services.
Because this would be new to real estate boards and associations, we recommend one or two boards work with us to make it work for a year and demonstrate how wonderful it can be for all real estate boards and associations worldwide. Every real estate broker and salesperson should provide it from their website. It generates leads. The broker can do direct business or do referrals.
Could you contact us to explore this significant development for the real estate industry? To explore this significant development for the real estate industry.
Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 48 years.
Manager and Founder
Founded 1994.
March 26, 2023, A major change affecting our real estate industry is about to be voted on.
Complete discussion For and Against, and a poll is on this page.
CREA proposed a rule forcing exclusive residential listings onto MLS.
Excludes Commercial real estate. However, a home in commercial zoning?
A business in a home? A triplex we consider investment commercial, etc. Read on.
Mind you, 99% of the 40,000+ listings, Haves and Wants on ICIWorld are commercial.Under the graphic picture for and against below, two articles in REM (Real Estate Marketing Magazine circulated to real estate offices in Canada), one For and one Against, crystallize the issue.But there is something else at stake here that the industry is missing.We are working on rewriting all the following in a more presentable and organized format. If you can help, call us now to help rewrite all this. (I will pay.) Please keep in mind March 23, 2023.
But due to time commitments, we must get the essence of this major change communicated to our real estate industry, or the motion may slide through without the major input of rank and file members of the Canadian Real Estate Association hearing both sides and then making a decision that will affect us daily.
The following is a collection of my thoughts and others as they are inspired.
Please consider the essence of the presentation at this time. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 49 Years, BIO.
We have successfully operated an exclusive real estate information listing service since 1994. See sales 0-$50M+ generated initially by making a connection by networking Have and Want information on the Internet, sharing these networking messages with other brokers and salespeople with IDX links just like MLS, making contact with someone interested, then putting an agreement in place to show it.
Mainly commercial, which we understand is excluded from the new CREA proposed MLS rule; however, there are issues with that as well.
There is a beautiful solution. However, that is ultimately being overlooked. This affects the real estate industry worldwide. And based on our presentation, NAR should modify its rule and make sharing exclusive real estate a reality, not forbid it.
Don’t forget that sharing exclusive real estate with IDX links, such as being done with MLS, has never been done with IDX links for exclusive. ICIWorld is providing it successfully for the real estate industry. See Website design can all be improved and modified, but the essence of sharing information needs to be added. It should be allowed to be explored and developed.
There is way more protection for the public, more choice for the public, and more revenue opportunities for Realtors.
Something significant has been overlooked in considering this motion. There has yet to be any consideration given to sharing exclusive type real estate information, much like the invention of MLS, whose advantage is sharing information. Only now, there has been a service designed, proven, and successful with information technology that provides the opportunity to share exclusive type information taking into account rules to comply with licensing bodies such as RECO until now. ICIWorld, at the moment, is the only service in the world where IDX links are provided for brokers and salespeople to share exclusive type information with each other to benefit the public. Invented in Canada, and it should be applied worldwide and have NAR reconsider its rule. The spirit of sharing exclusive opportunities should be the same as the spirit of sharing MLS listings. See https://www.iciworldidx.comWe think a service like ICIWorld, and there may be others in the future, that allow brokers to share exclusive type information, such as being done on ICIWorld, provide a solution so that a salesperson can have exclusive listings on their site to share! We are doing it successfully on ICIWorld for commercial real estate, and it should and can apply to residential real estate.The National Association of Real Estate has yet to contact us or consider it. I believe they were unaware of it initially; certain Internet services fly beneath the radar until they are discovered, such as ICIWorld. By ignoring it, they missed an excellent opportunity for brokers to provide this service to the public, which has many benefits. It is time for all real estate leaders to reconsider.Why not provide an exclusive real estate networking information service that all brokers can use, share and provide on their website so that everyone can share, just like MLS, displaying on each broker’s website? ICIWorld is built to do it.Discussion For and Against.
Poll For and Against on this page.
I would appreciate your comments.
Has any salesperson or broker been approached to vote yet?
Would like to see more communication from leadership with rank and file membership on this matter.
We have been asking this daily since December 2022. Oops, one today, Feb. 24, from a leader. Still waiting.Updated Jan. 24, 2023
If you need any help or to discuss the poll, don’t hesitate to contact me. Contact.
ICIWorld has been networking exclusive type information successfully since 1994.
A solution for every real estate board and association in the world.
Please look at the feedback from seminars that we have conducted.
“Would you like to see the ICIWorld service provided by your real estate board?”
1. Some of my thinking here. 2. More thinking.Indeed, many make the case that MLS is better for maximizing circulation. But if the owner signs a waiver, they should be able to opt out of MLS for legitimate reasons. There are other legitimate ways to market properties. We believe Realtors should be involved and must follow the code of ethics whether it is on MLS or not. Realtors protect the public. If exclusive listings are not allowed, owners can suffer at the hands of evil people doing private deals. It is better to involve Realtors, whether Exclusive or MLS, in a transaction. More income. More protection. More choice.UPDATE FEBRUARY 18, 2023. Link from CREA I Just found out about this link today. Feb. 19, 2023, Not one broker that I have spoken to has been approached on this subject. Yet you will see they say they have consulted us. But not one broker I have spoken to in four months has been approached or informed. I am informing you about the CREAs initiative here for the first time. You must log in to your real estate board to see it. The proponents, the executive of CREA, seem only to see one side and be receptive to anything supporting their initiative. They listen to the other side with their mind made up. There does not seem to be anyone representing the homeowner and their rights and other Realtor professionals with valid opinions. If I am wrong, please let me know. Comments. For instance, see REM Article they seem to overlook. It looks like CREA is a fait accompli. Already done and moving forward. That is a shame when exclusive listings are shared on ICIWorld, and they seem to ignore it. See
My response to:A third and completely overlooked option exists to force exclusive real estate opportunities onto MLS.It is called real estate networking. It is conducted by networking and marketing the opportunity without the address or identifying the property. Once a buyer is interested, a listing agreement is established to show it.Originally started as an Internet industrial, commercial and investment real estate networking service, it does provide the opportunity to network information, not just advertise real estate board listings. It is sharing exclusive real estate opportunities amongst the real estate profession and marketing and networking with the public but in a confidential manner. The institutional approach of MLS has hindered the growth of this kind of service, but it has been alive and working successfully since 1994 at An explanation on the website may help some powered by An explanation on the website may help some powered by ICIWorld. Originally started as an Internet industrial, commercial and investment real estate networking service, it does provide the opportunity to network information, not just advertise real estate board listings.ICIWorld is not an MLS service but an information listing service. The real estate industry should include this service for brokers and salespeople to offer to the public. It provides more choices for the public. And the public is protected because real estate brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection.Our definition of exclusive is different from what is generally espoused. Our definition can include an open listing or a verbal agreement with an owner. If you cannot get a signed listing with an owner, but the owner says bring me in x amount of dollars, and I will pay you a commission, a broker can network that information on We have three special questions for the owner first before doing that. We have been doing that since 1994. See successful transactions. to RECO (The Real Estate Counsel of Ontario), a real estate broker or salesperson must have an owner’s consent in writing if you are going to give an address or identify a property for sale. But if you do not give an address or identify the property, we publicly network the Have and Want opportunities on and many other websites. And we do it with the owner’s verbal consent. Remember, they say, “I want to sell my property, but I do not want to give you a listing, but I will pay you a commission once you have a buyer.”
Haves – the properties for sale and lease; and Wants – are the acquisition criteria of buyers and tenants looking for space.This could be the solution for some who want the new CREA proposed rule to prevent brokers from networking exclusives and forcing them onto MLS.We have a discussion and a poll For and Against the CREA proposed rule.We have a poll running on ICIWorld on our blog. Gates wrote a book, Business @The Speed Of Thought. We have adapted this concept to the real estate profession competently and professionally, and it works successfully.We conduct seminars and webinars. We asked the attendees, “would you like your real estate board or association to provide the ICIWorld service for your members?” See the answer yes. See PDF files of individual feedback. In many cases, it can dramatically increase revenue for real estate brokers and salespeople and provide more choices for the public. And since every trade in real estate contributes to the GDP, it enhances the economic well-being of people. And there is a way that countries with no MLS can help the development of MLS to grow in those countries that do not have it working and the economic prosperity that every trade in real estate creates.It is bothersome that voting excludes the rank and file membership of CREA. We have daily workshop training sessions every hour on the hour with Realtors, and everyone has yet to be asked to vote by their board or association. NAR did not know about this networking of exclusive real estate information successfully in Washington when they voted. I know. I was there. It opens up a whole new world of excellent real estate networking.Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 48 years.Manager and FounderThe ICIWorld Society of Real Estate Brokers and (Since 1994)
- Jan. 13, 2023 This is another example of property rights being taken away by gov’t & other organizations! The owner has the right to decide when to use, rent, sell, etc the property. Why should anyone be forced to list on MLS? When did Canada become a dictatorship…what happened to “rights & freedom”? We should not allow a few law/policy makers to dictate to the population of the country!
- Jan 10, 2023 Seller’s decision, not CREA’s
- Mike, If The Seller has decided to List the property as Exclusive, He/She must have had a reason why they wanted to go that route. I and most other realtors will and do cooperate on Exclusive Listings with other realtors. RECO cannot and should not be the ones deciding how a Seller wants to sell their property. RECO should be representing and working for their realtors and not imposing rules without the approval of the membership. I believe we are living in a democratic country and not in a dictatorship/communist country.
- I don’t encourage a mandatory rule. The benefits out weight the negatives but I’m not in favor of force !!!!!’
- Some of my thinking on this matter.
- HomeLife Romano Against
- Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 48 years. personally conducted a show of hands at a recent CCIM meeting where 30+ real estate brokers and salespeople attended and were against the motion. Not one hand went up for the motion to force exclusives onto MLS. Most hands went up against the motion. Please note, many of the Realtors that I talk to daily have an interest in commercial real estate and do residential as well and have the experience of five plus years in the business.
- Please note as a broker for 48 years, I believe we are all 100% FOR MLS. We simply want the option to continue a choice, not be legislated to have to put it on MLS. On this one rule, we respectfully disagree. We would vote against this one proposed rule prohibiting exclusives and forcing them onto MLS. We appreciate the extraordinary efforts and contributions of all Realtors who volunteer their time and effort to make things work for all members. Good intentions but, in this case, misguided. And not seeking out all the salient points. I am in a unique position in the industry from helping brokers network exclusive opportunities but sharing this information with other brokers and to the public. There is new technology today that allows us to share exclusives. I believe leadership in the industry is not aware how wonderful it can be to help brokers do business when done properly. In the USA, when they brought this rule in, they were not aware of this new technology. I was at the NAR meeting in Washington. As one of the prime networking services in the real estate industry since 1994, you would think someone would have contacted us to get the opinion of all our members and myself. No one should be afraid. We are all working in the best interests of our members, licensed real estate brokers and salespeople and the public that we all serve.
- The property owner is our client. If our client has the financial ability to own a property, he/she must have the skills it takes to earn enough money to support home ownership. To assume that the homeowner is not smart enough to make an informed decision and has to rely totally on the advice of a real estate salesperson is really arrogant. We are here to guide, not to lead. There are many reasons for the seller to choose an exclusive listing over MLS, but the main one is that it is the vendor’s decision, not the salesperson’s or CREA’s.
- All MLS listings, by their nature, are “exclusive” listings, but not all “exclusive” listings need to become MLS listings. That is a business decision between the Client and the Brokerage.
- right and choice will be taken away from the seller to do what they want.
I will become a contract to act for an individual, not a property. - I Think ALL Exclusive Listings Should be on the MLS…as an agent for 30 years now and I am in contact with Multiple sellers of Large Commercial buildings and Multifamily… that the broker has a listing and is exclusive….they been trying to sell for years with no solid buyers…. I get the listing and on average sell it within months non MLS exclusives do not do the seller justice in many cases. Please note: from this email…duplex’s Tri’s and Quads are not commercial properties even though they are income…. 5 or more are considered commercial because that is a commercial loan situation….. keep up the great work.
- The exclusive listing must not be on MLS.
- Often, Exclusive listings require another sales agent wanting the information to sign what ICI agents use as a “Confidentiality Agreement,” to be signed by both the potential buyer and the Realtors involved. For this very reason, putting all the advertising on MLS defeats the seller’s privacy and confidentiality.
- i was told that when a vote will be taken , only members at the meeting votes will be able to vote , do you know how the other boards feel about this.
orThere is a comments section at the bottom of this whole page.- Jan. 13, 2023 This is another example of property rights being taken away by gov’t & other organizations! The owner has the right to decide when to use, rent, sell, etc the property. Why should anyone be forced to list on MLS? When did Canada become a dictatorship…what happened to “rights & freedom”? We should not allow a few law/policy makers to dictate to the population of the country!
My response from ICIWorld as the Founder in 1994 and Manager of ICIWorld.
To keep in touch, you can subscribe to our weekly newsletter.Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 48 years. BIO
I support Barry Lebow’s presentation 100% (2nd Article) and would vote against the CREA rule requiring all Realtors with a signed exclusive listing to be placed on MLS.
It will limit the public’s choice to market their real estate. It can limit a broker’s opportunity to make money.
It will force the public onto the Internet to take their chances themselves; without a professional agent to help them, marketing on the Internet can be very dangerous. ICIWorld brokers and salespeople do it for them if given a chance and protect them because real estate brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection.
ICIWorld brokers and salespeople have been sharing exclusive type information with each other since 1994. However, brokers and salespeople should be trained in properly handling, disseminating, and displaying information, something we have been helping brokers do since 1994.
It should be left up to the real estate professional and their client if they want their residential listing on a real estate board listing service or handled in some confidential or exclusive manner. That is what they are hired to do. Make choices.
MLS is an offering that most will take advantage of. But it should not be forced.
And what about the owner? The rights of real estate owners should trump the buyer’s demand to force owners to put it on MLS.
Some people do not want the inside of their homes posted on the Internet. It concerns some owners, even from a security point of view or from family, neighbours, and real estate agents who are related or friends. Some people want to avoid signs or open houses.
Young people in the business think the highest and best price are the only things that matter.
And if they wish to market their home confidentially, brokers can do it on ICIWorld! We share information with other brokers, salespeople, and the public to get the best prices and terms. And we do it confidentially. Then when the real estate broker qualifies the caller, they may release the details and interior photos. Still, only when you know who it is and the caller is appropriately qualified.
Contrary to the statement brokers do not share their exclusive listings, real estate brokers and salespeople on ICIWorld share opportunities on each other’s websites.
The core of our service is the Haves and Wants database and the Internet’s functioning to deliver information worldwide in a few seconds upon searching. Necessary for clients and customers searching on a broker’s website.
Broker members of ICIWorld share their exclusive real estate information through IDX links for each broker’s website.
I submit that the makers of this proposed rule that brokers want to do double-enders as the reason to propose the rule have not considered legitimate and professional reasons for having the ability to list a property exclusively. The confidentiality provided to owners of real estate is desired in many cases, as contradiction and omission of the reasons for the proposed rule change.ICIWorld brokers members confidentially share their real estate opportunities providing more choices for the public and more opportunities for brokers and salespeople to connect with others and make money. They put a listing in place to show the property. In the past, there has yet to be a way to share an opportunity of potential property for sale confidentially globally on the Internet. Now there is through ICIWorld. We call it a real estate Information Listing Service.
ICIWorld can be that service for all boards worldwide, with input and design to suit.
ICIWorld is a global real estate networking information listing service that has been helping the public since 1994 to do business. And protecting the public because brokers are trained in consumer protection. Suppose you can get a signed listing to put on MLS; excellent. But if you cannot, put it on ICIWorld, in a unique way that we teach. Learn (recorded presentation to real estate boards, offices, and associations).
ICIWorld has 40,000+ listings, Haves and Wants, 75% are exclusive, but not the exclusive referred to by CREA and the proposers of the restriction rule.
Most Exclusive opportunities on ICIWorld are industrial, commercial, investment, land, office, medical buildings, and over one hundred kinds of business opportunities, Haves and Wants.
Now the term Exclusive is used in more than one way, not just the way residential proponents of this new rule profess. And they say one reason is that other brokers do not share their information. But ICIWorld does provide a shared database of exclusive real estate information confidentially, proven to work and compatible with our real estate profession since 1994. Why does it have to be just one real estate board listing service? Can’t we have an ILS? See for brokers and salespeople as well to serve the public. They do work hand in hand and in a compatible fashion.
ICIWorld (ICI stands for industrial, commercial and investment) has been a networking information listing service since 1994. We network information that, in many cases. Have and Want information that is not a signed listing. We call these exclusive opportunities. Haves are opportunities for sale and for lease. Wants are the acquisition criteria of buyers. Exclusive means they may be signed listings, or they may be an owner who says bring me in a buyer, and I will pay you a commission, but I do not want to give you a listing at this time.
Not to be confused with a SIGNED residential exclusive listing.
In commercial real estate, many owners say, “I want to sell my business for x amount of dollars. Bring me a buyer, and I will pay you a commission. But I do NOT want to give you a listing at this time. ” We ask the owner three verbal questions. Will they pay a commission if we bring a buyer? Will they sign a 48-hour exclusive listing once we have a buyer to show the property? May we have your verbal permission to market it, but we will do it without the address? With three yeses, we network the information without the address. i.e., Mississauga Restaurant $500K, making money. That’s it. When someone calls and asks for the address, we say, “in this particular case, we have to put an agreement in place first, but if you like, we can try to arrange for you to see it on Saturday. Come to my office at noon.” Then on Friday, the day before the appointment, we get a 48-hour exclusive listing from the owner to show the property.
See seventy pages of testimonials of brokers making connections and successfully serving the public doing transactions.
We always recommend members follow the RECO guidelines. You must have the owner’s consent in writing if you will give an address or identify a property for sale to someone.
In commercial real estate, brokers work exclusive type opportunities to do business if and when they cannot get a signed listing.
We have conducted seminars and webinars for real estate offices, associations and boards on how to work exclusive information in compliance with your real estate license.
See Webinars-On-Demand at
Brokers network that information without the address, without identifying the property, just enough to raise interest from a potential buyer to call you. In other words, without the address, we network the Have or Want information, the opportunity worldwide. Lawyers have confidential information. Doctors have confidential information. This is confidential information in our real estate profession.
Search daily at Make connections and do business.
Because of confidential reasons, there are too many here to go through. A business owner does not want his business identified all over the Internet for sale because it could be bad for business. People might think there is something wrong. Strangers and competitors enter the restaurant and look behind the counter peeking into offices. The employees could start leaving because they think the new owners might fire them.
This is the information age! I am happy to announce the same way real estate boards provide existing listing services can provide this information listing service,
ICIWorld is built to provide information listing services and IDX links for networking information.
Call it networking or Haves and Wants, or in commercial real estate, they like Exclusives.
ICIWorld has been providing the networking of information on the Internet since 1994. There are over 40,000 listings, Haves and Wants, and exclusive opportunities; 75% are not on MLS or any real estate board listing service. And we share them!
We share them with an IDX link, just like your real estate board provides an IDX link.
Why there may be only eight listings on ICIWorld potentially affected?
Depending on the definition of residential versus industrial, commercial and investment.
1. The new proposal affects residential, not commercial or business opportunities.
2. As for residential, only eight residential listings on ICIWorld out of 40,000 have a signed listing that is not on a real estate board listing service. CONTRARY TO WHAT THEY SAY, THE BROKERS ON OUR SERVICE SHARE THE OPPORTUNITIES WITH OTHER BROKERS!
We support real estate board multiple listing services and agree that any signed real estate board listing must go on the real estate board within 48 to 72 hours.
Realtors should continue to be allowed to work exclusive listings and opportunities on behalf of their clients. There are many important reasons why.
It should be the prerogative of the Realtor, not legislated.
It provides more choices for the public.
It provides more choices for buyers.
And best of all, it protects the public because brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection. The public has another choice; otherwise, they are left to the vices of the Internet, social media, fraud, etc.
And more opportunities for brokers and salespeople to make money.
All real estate boards and associations can offer a networking service like this for all their members.
Contact us, and we can show you how it can work and be modified to suit your situation.
Does it all work?
See over seventy pages of transactions started from networking information through ICIWorld, making contacts with others locally and worldwide, setting up showings with a listing agreement in place first and doing business.
Now developing networking and information listing services for real estate boards, associations, and offices.
See:, founded in 1994, powers all.
Learn more at:
Other networking services are in the works.
Unique domain names for real estate organizations, companies, and professional groups.
Three to seven seconds to see the latest real estate Haves and Wants everywhere in the world. It is all about global real estate networking. Database 1 for member brokers and salespeople globally. Database 2 FSBO Area for the public with only broker members accessing the contact information.
Make an appointment for dedicated support.
Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 48 years. Manager and Founder ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople
Canada 416-214-4875 USA 954-317-2327
Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 48 years. (Bio) Manager and Founder of The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople, a global real estate networking information listing service. Founded in 1994 on the Internet in response to serving the needs of licensed real estate brokers and salespeople to take advantage of the Internet to network information in a confidential manner to interest buyers, then put agreements in place to show the property and do transactions. Please take a look over seventy pages of testimonials. Make connections to networking information, not just listings on a real estate board. All real estate boards should adopt the service in one way, shape, or form to provide more choices for the public and more opportunities for brokers and salespeople to make money. All the while protecting the public because brokers are trained in consumer protection.
ICIWorld could become the de facto global real estate information listing service (ILS see for all real estate brokers and salespeople worldwide to network exclusive opportunities globally, including the ICIWorld IDX link for real estate broker and salesperson’s websites.ICIWorld is information technology for the real estate industry we have been refining and continue to develop. Our goal is the same as real estate boards and associations to help brokers provide valuable services for the public, provide more choices, and protect the public while making money.In comments, use the term “against the motion. Exclusive must NOT be forced onto MLS,” to be precise.
See testimonials.
I propose that all real estate boards and associations worldwide supply an information listing service for their members just like you have an MLS service. ICIWorld members have been sharing real estate Have and Want information since 1994 in a confidential manner.
Dec. 4, 2002. More to come
Demonstrating how brokers can provide services to the public with exclusive real estate and make money.
Demonstrating how brokers share their exclusive real estate opportunities and listings on each other websites.
Some arguments for the motion to force exclusive onto MLS because of not sharing and because they are made available to the public are wrong.
Please look at the testimonials of brokers successfully sharing and working exclusive type real estate information in a confidential manner, competently and professionally on behalf of their prospects and clients.
January 8, 2023. If the industry removes the opportunity to network exclusive opportunities in real estate, it removes the ability for artificial intelligence to help the industry in this aspect. Networking information increases transactions contributing to the GDP of a country and increases the well-being and prosperity of people. Remove the opportunity to network exclusive real estate opportunities, and you limit the benefits to people of trades in real estate. MLS is one of the best ways to sell real estate, but it is not the only way. We support MLS and always want it to continue. But not at the expense of eliminating other ways to sell real estate. See My First Experience of AI.
11/24/2022 @ 9:30 AM
The exclusive listing must not be on MLS.
11/25/2022 @ 1:45 PM
Often Exclusive listings require another sales agent wanting the information to sign what
ICI agents use as a “Confidentiality Agreement,” to be signed by both the potential buyer
and the Realtors involved.
For this very reason, putting all the advertising on MLS defeats the seller’s privacy and
12/01/2022 @ 9:46 PM
The right and choice will be taken away from the seller to do what they want.
I will become a contract to act for an individual not a property.
12/09/2022 @ 10:34 AM
All MLS listings by their nature are “exclusive” listings but not all “exclusive” listing need become MLS listings. That is a business decision between the Client and the Brokerage..
12/09/2022 @ 11:21 AM
The property owner is our client. If our client has the financial ability to own a property, he/she must have the skills it takes to earn enough money to support home ownership. To assume that the home owner is not smart enough to make an informed decision and has to rely totally on the advice of a real estate salesperson, is really arrogant.
We are here to guide, not to lead. There are many reasons for the seller to choose an exclusive listing over MLS, but the main one is that it is the vendors decision, not the salesperson or CREA.
12/10/2022 @ 12:31 PM
CREA. This is democracy. Sellers have the ultimate decision and they choose Exclusive otherwise, they are always free to go the MLS route. There must be an Options just like it is now for privacy.
12/12/2022 @ 6:29 PM
I Think ALL Exclusive Listings Should be on the MLS…as an agent for 30 years now and I am in contact with Multiple sellers of Large Commercial buildings and Multifamily… that the broker has a listing and is exclusive….they been trying to sell for years with no solid buyers…. I get the listing and on average sell it within months non MLS exclusives do not do the seller justice in many cases…
Please note: from this email…duplex’s Tri’s and Quads are not commercial properties even though they are income…. 5 or more are considered commercial because that is a commercial loan situation…..
keep up the great work
12/17/2022 @ 10:09 AM
I don’t encourage a mandatory rule . The benefits out weight the negatives but I’m not in favor of force !!!!!’
01/05/2023 @ 11:31 AM
Mike, If The Seller has decided to List the property as Exclusive, He/She must have had a reason why they wanted to go that route. I and most other realtors will and do cooperate on Exclusive Listings with other realtors. RECO cannot and should not be the ones deciding how a Seller wants to sell their property. RECO should be representing and working for their realtors and not imposing rules without the approval of the membership. I believe we are living in a democratic country and not in a dictatorship/communist country.
01/10/2023 @ 1:07 PM
Seller’s decision, not CREA’s
01/12/2023 @ 10:26 AM
Not all but a good percentage of sellers who want an exclusive are not serious about selling. Realtors that take exclusives could be potentially looking at double ending them. The only reason I want them on the MLS, is so my client won’t call me and ask why I don’t know about this property. Otherwise, we have more serious issues then Exclusives
01/12/2023 @ 6:13 PM
You have just made a great case why all real estate boards and associations should have the ICIWorld information listing service working for their members. The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople provides a platform to network and display exclusive real estate opportunities so you can see them and be aware. See one of our 100+ websites and domain names all powered by ICIWorld operating since 1994. And further, we provide an IDX link so you can actually have the exclusive listings offered on YOUR website with an IDX link and in a way that YOU get the calls. Now that is sharing, something that is missing by all brokers in the world except members of ICIWorld.
You should see the comments of attendees from the seminars and webinars that we conduct where we ask the question “would you like your real estate board to provide this service for your members?” They all agree! It does provide more opportunities for the public, added income for Realtors. Additionally the public is protected because brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection.
So there is a way for all real estate brokers and salespeople in the world to network and work all the exclusive opportunities, FSBOs, etc. in the marketplace in a way to share them with each other. We teach it in recorded Webinars On Demand.
At the very least there should be one real estate board in the world who should engage us to help it work for all their members. To date we have not received one call but my phone is on and I am still alive to help to make it work. In the meantime brokers are joining individually, making money and serving the public successfully. See testimonials.
01/13/2023 @ 1:21 PM
This is another example of property rights being taken away by gov’t & other organizations!
The owner has the right to decide when to use, rent, sell, etc the property. Why should anyone be forced to list on MLS?
When did Canada become a dictatorship…what happened to “rights & freedom”?
We should not allow a few law/policy makers to dictate to the population of the country!
03/10/2023 @ 11:39 AM
Why exclusive listings be on MLS if it EXCLUSIVE? It’s only be useful for selling agent/client as they will be holding double commissions having the same property exposure as the usual sale. We, members, are paying for MLS use to buy/sell clients property and receive a commissions. Will very unfair for the buyer brokers…..
05/10/2023 @ 6:04 PM
Would you like it if the exclusive listing was shared with you and available from your website as an IDX link. Most the world of real estate brokers do not know this is now being doine successfully on global real estate networking app and websites. Secondly many real estate brokers cannot get a singed listing to put on MLS. It is these types of opportunities we are networking on ICIworld to find a buyer, then put an agreement in place toshow it with another broker. They are not going on MLS because they said no.