Time To Renew Your ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking Executive Membership
Never stop networking..
All Executive Membership should become free for every member.
See four ways memberships become free. NEW FOR 2025.
We do recommend you go to iciworld.com and click on Log in Learn
NEW FOR 2025. Executive memberships will be $480 per year as of January 1, 2025.
New technology, commercial Facebook and social media groups, information services, global email list servers, and two significant servers on the Internet, one just recently upgraded at significant cost and programming engineering, have been added. Ongoing weekly maintenance continues. New services are being added. AI is now in the training stage. Just one lead from one service can trigger the right person to contact you so you can serve your customers. And most likely, we have information services you have yet to use. May we show you?
One example. There are buyers on ICIWorld for all kinds of businesses. One example is a Want for a carwash. How can you make money today or tomorrow? The next time you get your car washed, could you ask to speak to the car wash’s owner?
- Some members still need the Exclusive Menu Button working on their website. This is inevitable to trigger leads if you have it. If not, you may qualify for a restart privilege. Please look at how Exclusives from a whole industry can appear on YOUR website.
- You have listings, Haves and Wants older than 90 days old. THEY DO NOT GET DISPLAYED ON THOUSANDS OF MOBILE PHONES AND COMPUTERS. Listings older than 90 days old do NOT appear on the primary world searches by people from 138 countries and locally. Only listings less than 90 days old are displayed on the Apps for iPhones, Androids and mobile websites. It is two clicks to update a listing, Have or Want. Do this once every 31-60 days, and never let them go longer than 90 days old. This way, your information will be working correctly 24/7 for maximum exposure.
- We notice some members have 1 or 2 listings or no listings. This can mean that one has abandoned the service, was too busy, forgot about it, or for another reason. All members should have a minimum of fifteen Haves and Wants to work at all times, 24/7. Otherwise, you miss maximizing your Internet marketing exposure and opportunities to do business and make money. If not, you may not know the three special questions we teach in presentations to real estate boards, associations and companies and recorded. Learn the three questions in a Featured Video Webinars-On-Demand. It is helped members make tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars and now one over a million dollars. Transactions now exceed $50M by members. All working information, not just listings on a real estate board. Take fifteen minutes to see the transactions.
- Did you ever use the list of Wants to help you to try to get a listing?
- Do you have the ICIWorld App installed and know how to find buyers and sellers for almost anything and everything within 7 seconds to a minute? Search a minimum of once per week, if not daily, to see the new listings, Haves and Wants, make connections, network and do business.
Manager and Founder
ICIWorld.com Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople
USA 954-317-2327
The most important thing to know about ICIWorld is Our Pledge. Why? If you are not doing business, it is something you are missing, not us, and we have a special checklist to fix it.
Every member either does a transaction every 90 days or, at the very least, triggers leads that he/she feels will lead to doing business with us someday. Otherwise, give us a chance to help.