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ICIWorld Widgets are links to listings for your website in a way that YOU get the calls from the public. It is inevitable that leads are triggered for you to do business! See sample websites with Widget Links below. Over 1,000 brokers and salespeople now have them.
Another benefit is that when you add listings, Haves and Wants to ICIWorld, they are instantly displayed on 1,000+ other brokers websites. What is better marketing exposure, to have your listing on one website or 1,000+ websites . . . instantly. Contact us for a demo.
Step 1: Subscribe to ICIWorld
Step 2: Order the Widgets
- Instructions to install widgets are sent to you by EMail.
- Forward the email of instructions to your website designer.
- After they are installed, call us to make a followup appointment so we can make sure they are installed properly.
- Once installed the very next person who visits your website and sees a listing that they like, has to call YOU.Do one referral and it just paid for ten years of service!These are unique listings, 75% of them exclusive not on any other service. And . . . there are no addresses or contact information.People can only call you to ask for more information.There are widget links for residential properties, industrial, commercial and investment real estate, every type possible including Power of Sale, FSBO’s, Business Opportunities, Worldwide listings, Haves and Wants, and specialty links available as well.All built by brokers for the organized real estate industry. Information supplied by other brokers who have agreed to allow their listings to be on your website. Each listing has a choice to allow or not allow. It has taken three years to get all these agreements in place.If you do not have these links, well . . . you have no chance of triggering leads from any of these listings.You will do referrals on properties out of your market area and expertise. Make appointments for all the others to show property. 25% referral commissions are now averaging $3,000 to $10,000 for a five minute referral.
Every 90 days do business or call us. See Our Pledge.
- When entering your listings, you can choose to allow your listings, Haves and Wants be displayed on 1,000+ other brokers websites instantly. If another broker brings you in an offer, would you work with them?
Sample Websites with Widgets
Sample Widgets on ICIWorld designed mobile websites here.
Sample Widgets on websites created by other good website companies here.
Widgets are tailored for your state or province. Sample New York website.
On the above sample websites, look for Widget links under headings such as Listings, Residential, Commercial. They may say Ontario Commercial, Haves and Wants, Exclusive, World Exclusive or Commercial, Business Haves and Wants, Exclusive, Residential Haves and Wants, etc. If you are not sure which ones are from ICIWorld call for a demo anytime.
- The listings are from other brokers who have agreed to allow each listing to be displayed on your website. What is better marketing exposure to get the highest and best price for your clients, to have your listings displayed on one website or on one thousand+ websites?
- All the listings generate calls from the public because they have to call you for more information!
- It is having classified ads from the real estate industry on your website! The big deal? You get the calls!
- The listings update themselves automatically . . . daily . . . up to the minute! This brings people back to your website to check for new listings.
- Do referrals. Do direct business. It’s inevitable!
- Everyone in the real estate industry should have them because it is from the real estate industry.
- And when you advertise, instead of having to pay to have your listings on 1,000’s of other broker’s websites, it is all included in a VIP Executive Membership! This is tremendous penetration of the marketplace.
75% OF THESE LISTINGS ARE UNIQUE NOT AVAILABLE ON ANY OTHER SERVICE OR WEBSITES! This means you can make money by generating leads for exclusive opportunities as well as real estate board listings.
And on YOUR website, it is like having real estate classified ads displayed on YOUR website in a way that . . . YOU get all the leads.
Specially designed and customized for real estate brokers and salespeople everywhere on the planet earth! Call for a demo.
Includes residential links, commercial links, world links, business links, FSBO links, Power of Sale links, and much more. Includes what buyers are looking for, exclusive listings not available on any other service both commercial AND residential.
If you wanted to, you could just do referrals on the inquiries. Referrals are averaging $3,000 to $10,000 for five minutes of time.
If you have these properties on your website you can trigger calls. Without them . . . well . . . you have no chance.
Your website is like a store. Listings can easily be added! We simply send the instructions to your website designer. When people call you with a message number, we show you how to look it up and contact the other broker and make arrangements for doing a referral.
The only reason brokers and salespeople do not do referrals is because they do not get the leads. Now you will! It is absolutely inevitable unless you have absolutely no traffic to your website. Solution? How To Promote Your Website.
For pennies a day . . . make thousands per year!
Remember one lead makes you thousands of dollars whether you do a referral or you show it and sell it yourself. All the while you are providing a great service to the public because they would not have found out about these opportunities in the first place.
And one lead can provide tens of thousands of dollars enough to pay for 30 years of this service!
You should be triggering leads every 90 days or call us. See Our Pledge. This is a way to measure if the Internet, ICIWorld services are working for you and what to do if it is not. There are things you are responsible for and we will show you. If your car has a flat tire your get it fixed, you do not abandon the car. If you are not generating leads from your website or services from ICIWorld you need to get it fixed. So call us. We will get right into fixing material defects, the difference between making money and not making money using the Internet.
We also recommend that instead of having one button on your website that says either Search or Listings, that you could have two buttons: one for Residential, one for Commercial each with drop down boxes. Commercial brokers do referrals on the residential leads. Residential brokers do referrals on the commercial leads.
Remember one referral averages five minutes to do and is averaging $3,000 to $10,000 and more! One Re/Max broker has used ICIWorld to do 15 referrals, 75 minutes of his time and he made $45,000! If you do not have these links, widgets, from ICIWorld you have no chance to trigger leads on any of these listings.
This is the power of an industry of licensed real estate people sharing information to help you in your individual affairs. If you help me to sell my inventory I will help you to sell your inventory, the concept at the very start of MLS itself except we are now you can do this with information as well as listings. And much like real estate boards are broker centric, ICIWorld is also broker centric. See Who Can Join.
When you advertise on ICIWorld you can agree or not agree to allow your listing to be on other brokers websites. 99%+ agree. What is better marketing exposure, to have your listing on one website or on 1,000 websites. However you do not have to agree. It is your choice.
For all real estate brokers and salespeople in the world.
- They trigger calls, leads from your website no matter where in the world you are located.
- Customized for your state, province, country. USA, Canada, and the World.
- It is the listings in these widgets that trigger interest. Do referrals. Do business
- It demonstrates to your customers how well connected you are in the marketplace.
- People have to call you for more information on any message number.
- This is lead generation.
- There are 50-150 new listings daily, automatically added. This brings people back to your website to check for new listings.
- All in a way that YOU get the leads.
- they go on any and all real estate broker and salesperson’s websites
- No website? No Problem! Ask for one from us. 90 minutes setup and it is free for one month. See Mobile Websites from ICIWorld, the new Internet Revolution taking place now.
Where do the Widgets and Listings, Haves and Wants come from?
- Other brokers have agreed to allow these listings to be on your website.
- Every single listing on ICIWorld has a question, will you allow your listings to be on other brokers websites? If yes then they can appear.
Why would a broker want to share their listings to be on your website?
What is better marketing exposure for your client, to have your listings on one website or on one thousand other brokers websites instantly?
Only ICIWorld Members have the widgets structured so that only they get the calls.
- If you do not have these widgets, you have no chance of triggering a call on any of these listings.
- The moment you install these widgets on your website, the very next person who visits your website and sees a listing and wants more information, they have to call you.
- This is Lead Generation for you.
- install widgets of the listings on ICIWorld onto your website with a link that generate leads. THINK ABOUT THIS: having the listings on YOUR website in a way that YOU get all the calls. This is unique from ICIWorld! There are no other services that we know of doing this in quite the same way. Other website people may say it but they are wrong. Unless you have it from ICIWorld as an active member you are not taking advantage of the power of an industry to help you take advantage of the Internet. It is this listing inventory that is triggering the calls. You really must see it in action. Reading this does not do it justice.
We have been developing and learning Internet tools since 1994 that can help the real estate industry serve their clients and prospects successfully and this is one major benefit that can help every single salesperson on the planet earth.
Simply Join and . . . Ask For Widgets and really get the Internet working for you.