Apps for Any and All Kind of Businesses . . . World Wide
Why Every Business Should Have an App!

Developing an ‘App’ for your business focuses your end user on the information or services that are important. Most ‘Apps’ will be available through Apple and the AppStore and Google through Playstore for Android devices.
Why Mobile? (A powerpoint presentation)
Mobilized Web Sites – This makes your website come up in any mobile phone and displays it in a proper manner easy to be read fashion.
SEO and Pay per click advertising – help generate traffic for your website
Web Sites – if you do not have a website
Social Media Optimization – part of generating leads for your business and building a community of people.
Local Buzz
Website Audit Report
Content Creation
On-Line Reputation Management
Video Creation and Optimization 4 Daily Webinars Starting at 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Select Your Topic and Register.
Mobile Apps For YOUR Business
There are now more mobile devices on the planet earth than there are humans over 7 billion.
It isn’t the new “Internet Revolution”, it is the standard for any business who operates online. Any digital media or online presence needs to be available to view properly on any device, including phones, tablets, consoles and television.
Make YOUR information available to them and convenient for all your prospects and clients.
ICIWorld is now an App Developer for the real estate industry. In fact, we now can provide apps for any kind of business from small businesses to Fortune 1,000 companies. Call to chat anytime.
Every person who has a cell phone, a mobile device can search for products and services and if you are listed, bingo!
They can contact you.
It can also help with customer support and retention.
It is the new revolution in communication.
Particularly important for any kind of business because it helps people to be informed immediately when searching all about your business. This is when the highest action response occurs. Whether it is for a pizza business or any kind of business.
Contact us today for a demo or better yet invite us to do a seminar for your real estate office.