Real Estate Widgets Generate Business – Designed for a Real Estate Broker’s Web Site
These are designed for licensed real estate broker’s and salespeople’s websites.
ICIWorld Widgets are special because they are links to listings that trigger leads for a real estate salesperson.
These links provide lead generation from your website to you!
One lead can make you $3,000, $10,000, $50,000 and more. You should be generating leads every 90 days or you have no traffic to your website and/or widgets from ICIWorld.
Click here or on the above image for a short Youtube introduction on how widgets work for you.
For more information, and sample websites with widgets Widgets
Make an appointment for a demonstration, to answer questions and to see choices of widgets.
Widgets are designed for you, with you, no matter where in the world you are located.
They trigger enquiries on the listings. Do referrals. Do direct business.
ICIWorld is a Global Real Estate Brokers Network.