More valuable than money.
Connections compiled from a whole industry so you can make a connection sometimes with seconds.

Once you have had our 60-minute orientation, there are mainly only two things you do with ICIWorld.
1. Search: Use your mobile device to search anytime, whether you’re having lunch, watching TV, in an elevator, or having coffee.
2. Manage Listings: Add, modify, delete, or mark your listings as sold occasionally. If you need help, schedule an appointment with us. By spending a few minutes placing a “Have” or “Want,” you can reach a global audience almost instantly. This ensures your information is available 24/7, helping buyers and sellers find you.
Key Benefits:
- World Wide Distribution: Your information is linked to over 300,000 pages and displayed on 2,000+ real estate websites, leading to referrals and business.
- Regular Updates: Our system delivers information via email to 20,000+ subscribers and sends weekly reminders to update listings.
- Networking: We promote your listings at major real estate events.
- Automatic Updates: ICIWorld IDX Add-On Links update automatically, so you don’t have to do anything. Just show the listing and close the deal.
Success Stories:
- A broker listed an industrial building in Toronto (not on MLS), showed it on a Saturday, and sold it the same day.
- Another broker asked a dentist if he wanted to sell his practice, connected with a buyer on ICIWorld, and closed the deal quickly.
- Testimonials. Over 75 pages of brokers doing not just one transaction but 2-5-10-20-30 transactions.
Simple Steps to Success:
- Connect: Make phone calls to set up showings and close deals.
- Utilize Listings: Use the ICIWorld platform to view and manage buyer and seller listings within minutes.
Ready to Get Started?
Visit ICIWorld Testimonials to see how others have succeeded.
For exclusive listings, contact brokers on ICIWorld. If you have buyers, show them available properties or businesses on your website. They will call you, allowing you to set up showings and close sales quickly.
Make connections, show properties, and do business effortlessly with ICIWorld. It’s that fast.
All the following is conducted on your behalf as a member.
Wide Distribution
- 300,000+ pages link to information on ICIWorld.
- 2,000+ other brokers’ real estate websites display your information to trigger incoming referrals and business.
Regular Information Delivery
- 20,000 emails regularly deliver the latest digest of new daily listings, Haves, and Wants to the public.
- 12,00 EMail weekly reminder newsletters are sent to the public and the industry to remind them to check the newest listings, Haves, and Wants.
- Members are reminded to update their information every 30-60 days and not to let listings go over 90 days old to avoid missing out.
Promotional Efforts
- Links to your information are promoted on industry-wide publications worth thousands of dollars per month.
- Attendance at major real estate events to promote networking highlighted your Haves and Wants to generate business for you and your customers.
24/7 Database Services
- Internet databases run 24/7, with dedicated servers working seamlessly in the background.
- Databases collect and display information from buyers and sellers in Database 2 FSBO Area.
Social Media Presence
- Social media sites constantly display links to ICIWorld and your information.
Potential for High Earnings:
- One lead can make you $10,000 to $40,000, $100,000, or more.
Easy Membership:
- Every broker and salesperson on earth can join and profit.
- If you do nothing else, place the IDX Links on your website and just do referrals.
- See the testimonials and get excited about the potential success.
ICIWorld provides distrubtion. 300,000+ pages link to information on ICIWorld. 2,000+ other brokers real estate websites display your information to trigger incoming referrals and business. 20,000 EMails deliver information regularly to the public of the latest digest of new dally listings, Haves and Wants, weekly reminder newsletters get sent out to the industry to remind them to check the newest listings, Haves and Want and for members to update their information every 3-=60 days and never let them go over 90 days old or your are missing out, links to website to your information promoted on industry wide publications thousands of dollars per month, attendance at major real estate events to promote networking highligted with your Haves and Wants to generate business for you and your customers, database services on the Internet run 24/7 maintenance of which is quite expensive with dedicated servers that all work seemlessly in the background for you, databases that collect and display information from buyers and sellers in Database 2 FSBO Area, social media sites which take time to constantly display links to iciworld and your information, one lead that can make you $10,000 to $40,000, $100,000 and more. See the testimonials and get excited. Every broker and salesperson on earth can join and profit. If you did nothing else, place the IDX Links on your website and just do referrals.
The ICIWorld IDX Add-On Exclusive Links work automically daily in real time, updating themselves from content from other brokers and salespeople and the public. And it all works automatically updating daily and you do not have to do a thing. And when someone calls you on a listing, Have or Want, go show it, and do a transaction.
Make connectons to show property a phone call away.
It can be that fast!
All brokers qualify their buyers AND list their Wants on ICIWorld.
No one is going to drive a buyer around for 1-3-6 months and longer to find out they are not qualified. We all have families to support, expenses to be paid.
If YOU ask an owner of any kind of business today if they would consider selling and if they say yes, see the list of what buyers are looking for on ICIWorld.
Make a phone call to set a showing.
Do business.
It can be that fast.
- One broker placed an industrial building on ICIWorld in Toronto. It was not on MLS. He received a call and showed it on a Saturday. They wrote an offer, negotiated, and sold it the same day.
- Another took our one-hour orientation, learned to ask the question of a dentist owner, and he said yes to selling. He called the broker on ICIWorld who had a buyer for a dental office. It was that fast. It happens every day.
- ICIWorld allows you to see the lists of buyers and sellers within minutes. You can also make a phone call and set a showing.
- If you have a property for sale, contact the brokers with qualified buyers. They are a phone call away to help you sell a property.
- Do you have a buyer for an apartment building? Contact the brokers on ICIWorld for exclusive listings that are not on MLS.
- If you have a buyer, show them a list of properties or businesses on your website. They call you with a message number. Get information and set a showing. Sell it.
There are only two things you do with ICIWorld
once you have gone through a one-time 60-minute setup.
- Search from time to time either on your mobile phone or computer for as little as a few seconds, minutes from time to time, we suggest a minimum of once per week. Make a connection. What you do with that contact is up to you. But as far as your use of ICIWorld is concerned it is completed in as little as a few seconds to 2 minutes and 30 seconds which seems to be the average. We think this is also helpful for us as a provider when there are thousands using the service that could slow things down. Then you carry on and network with others, etc. set up a showing, and conduct a transaction.
You can even make it faster by subscribing to receive the commercial listings for your area by EMail Digest once per day and scan the Haves and Wants in a seconds. One contact can make tens of thousands of dollars. It can be that fast!. It has taken thirty years to set this all up. See ICIWorld’s Global EMail List Servers. Over 300 global lists to choose from. Only select the Digest which could include all the categories for your area or you could get duplicates. It is possible to specialize, ie: only hotels, only shopping centers, only land, etc. For residential, do not select every city, choose the greater area which includes all the cities and that way you only get one email with the new listings in it.
If timing, timing, timing is important to you on finding out about a new opportunity to act on it quickly then the EMail Digest can be a great and valuable benefit to you. Brokers tell me before they got on the service they lost deals because they were five days late finding out about something. - Add listings, Haves and Wants from time to time. Treat your information as gold, a hot potato. Get it working. If you wait 2 hours, is it possible that the perfect buyer or seller for your property just finished a search and misses your opportunity? Handle the inquiry, network, show the property and do a sale. Network other opportunities not on ICIWorld that lead to doing deals. Develop new contacts you can add to your CRM for future business.
If you cannot add your Want on ICIWorld within 2 minutes make an appointment with us. We are your assistants to network your information to the world. But if the information is not placed, you remain a secret agent.
All the rest is a one-time orientation and setup usually 60 minutes.
- Search listings, Haves and Wants from time to time on your mobile devices and computer.
It should only take you 3-5 seconds to search on your mobile device or computer to see the latest listings, Haves and Wants in your area. Make connections, network, show the property, and make money.
If not make an appointment with us and we will get you set up.
Install the ICIWorld App for iPhones and Androids
make a shortcut to https://www.iciworld.com
Make connections and develop business relationships with others to network, show property, and do deals.
ICIWorld has among the largest displays of exclusive real estate information in the world placed by real estate professionals in Database 1 and by the public in Database 2 FSBOs worldwide.
- Add listings, Haves and Wants from time to time.
Trigger leads, show property, make money.
You must never let them go longer than 90 days old or they do not show up on the thousands of people using the mobile apps.
We recommend updating them every 30-60 days. That way they go back to the top of the database AND they get sent out by email to the industry by EMail, 20,000+/- per day.
If you modify them before 30 days they do not get sent out to the industry by EMail.
We also recommend you have a minimum of fifteen real estate listings, Haves and Wants on ICIWorld at any one time up to date. Otherwise, you are missing doing business and do not realize it.
If you do not know how to work exclusive real estate, visit the ICIWorld YouTube Channel and take in a Webinar on-demand.
Once you place a minimum of ten Haves and five Wants, and they are all less than 90 days old, then and only then are you maximizing your opportunities in real estate in this information age.
Your listings, Haves and Wants are displayed and being searched 24/7 by people in 138 countries.
The links from ICIWorld on your website work automatically updating themselves daily.
All the rest is a one-time setup and orientation.
ICIWorld Saves You Time Prospecting and Networking Commercial Real Estate Opportunities Worldwide Connecting For Your Next Transaction. Includes businesses and residential.
Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Realtor, Broker 48 years
Manager. Consider us as a personal assistant.
The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople
It is all about getting your Have and Want information to do the work networking 24/7 globally such as on the ICIWorld App on the Internet that helps you connect with others in a timely manner. And triggering leads and incoming referrals because your information appears on member broker and salespersons websites worldwide each one generating traffic in addition.
The three most important words in real estate generally understand are location, location, and location.
But CCIMs also say timing, timing, and timing.
When you place a Have or Want on ICIWorld it is instantly available worldwide and EMailed out to the industry within 24 hours.
People see your information, can pick up the phone and call you. It is that fast. See the transactions. It is our sincere goal that every single member is added to this list. To us at ICIWorld it is inevitable. There are five billion people using the Internet where we are.
Make a one-hour appointment with us to be conducted over the Internet while you are sitting in front of your computer.
We will send you the instructions for you to forward to your website designer, to place the Widgets of Listings on your website that are absolutely inevitable to trigger leads for you.
One follow-up appointment is recommended for us to ensure they are set up properly to trigger leads and make you money.
When you order a website, it is a one-hour appointment.
Never go longer than 90 days without either doing a deal or making good connections you feel will lead to making money someday.
Since 1994