Commercial and Residential Real Estate Networking
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Global Real Estate “Information” Listing Services and Tools
Real Estate Networking For Everyone In The World Here Now
Sales from 0 – $50M+
Multiple sales by brokers with one completing 30 sales.
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Provided by the ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople since 1994.
- Everyone in the world can search for free Database 1 with contact information.
- Limited searches for everyone but with contact information. Main display results are all less than 90 days old, fresh, ready, willing, and able to do transactions today. Everyone has access to these updated listings in Database 1. You have to be a member to access the contact information in Database 2 FSBO Area.
- Unlimited searches with contact information for all ICIWorld Executive Members.
- Approximately 40,000 contacts all dated. $13M medical building sold in 2023 to a contact that was placed in 2015. The Doctor’s Want was still active and still is in the FSBO Area.
75% of the real estate Have and Want opportunities are not on MLS
Database 1 is placed by licensed real estate brokers and salesperson Executive Members of ICIWorld as real estate Have and Want opportunities. Brokers also market their listings worldwide reaching people in 138 countries.
The public posts Haves and Wants free in Database 2 FREE FSBO Area but only Executive Member brokers have access to contact names and numbers. You must contact a member for more information in the Database 2 FSBO Area.
ICIWorld real estate networking and information services provide more choices for the public and protection for the public because real estate brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection.
The public can post free in Database 2 FSBO Area.
No charge for real estate brokers and salespeople to search until you wish to place your message Have and Want opportunities and market your listings worldwide to an audience on the Internet of 7+ Billion people and take advantage of the information tools for a “brokers information toolbox.”
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Free to pickup the phone and call us. 1-877-272-1721 free for North American callers
About Us
Our vision is to provide the highest quality and the most-up-to-date real estate networking services in the market. We believe that technology enhances people’s lives so we ensure that we make it readily available to everyone – anytime, anywhere. With a selection of information and technology tools, we will be your one-stop-shop for some of your vital and revenue-producing technology needs. Make an appointment today for a presentation.
Dating back to the year 1994, we operated as the first real estate information service on the Internet, making an Internet digitized database of real estate Have and Want information newly released database services readily available to consumers worldwide.
We were operating as a team of two with the goal of creating a platform where everyone can stay up to date with the latest technology and buy and sell requests and information. Over the years, we have made a mark on the industry as the leading real estate information provider.
We feature a collection of the latest ways to network real estate Have and Want information and technologies, with reasonable low cost ways to network and take advantage of the technology tools. Watch the Featured Video Webinars On Demand and stay up to date on how to network real estate Have and Want information in compliance with your real estate licensing body. New releases on technology tools and latest tech news. You can also discover our products in the App or Playstore by installing the ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking App Free. Free to make connections and do business. Make sure to check it daily or you can be missing out and not realize it. Get notified for product releases, product reminders or sale reminders.
The best way to discover new products is through the website It powers thousands of pages on the Internet with member broker and salesperson information. With the input of brokers and salespeople in the real estate industry, we ensure that we provide only the best and many times the only selection of buying and selling information in the marketplace. We present the products the right way, to be as transparent and as informative about the Have and Want opportunities while maintaining confidentiality at the same time by not providing the address or identifying a property when it is exclusive. This brings more and more opportunities of an exclusive nature that otherwise no one would ever know about. The idea is to stop missing opportunities that cannot for one reason or another do not get on MLS. Note. Members also advertise their real estate board listings.
Why Choose Us
We are your one-stop shop for all your real estate Have and Want information networking technology needs, and your up-to-date latest real estate opportunities. With low prices not changed since 1994 and daily support available, you can be assured that you will be making the best purchase decision to help you with the Internet for real estate networking and technology.
On The Internet Since 1994
416-840-6227 416-777-2633
Mon-Fri: 7am – 5pm
Sat: 11 am – 1 pm
Sun. 6 am – 9 am
Everyone In The World Can Search Free And Do Business
More Free Services
Make an appointment with us whle having a coffee. Free demonstrations how brokers are making money serving the public using information not just listings.
Free webinar-on-demand seminars by an industry leader.
We are a group of real estate professionals.
Add a real estate broker network of Haves and Wants to your website. For real estate brokers and salespeople, commercial and residential content for your real estate Website.
You Can Show People How Well Connected You Are To Buyers and Sellers With IDX Links, Lists Of Haves and Wants On Your Website. .
“Haves” are the industrial, commercial, investment, land, business and residential properties for sale and for lease. 75% are not on MLS. This is an opportunity for real estate brokers and salespeople to make money by providing more choices for the public.
Wants are the acquisition criteria of buyers, and tenants looking for space.
Wants are what people are looking to buy and lease. Owners can call you. Other brokers that have properties that match what you want can call you. This is an extra opportunity for real estate brokers to serve the public to find a property and make money.