For commercial and residential real estate professionals worldwide.

Is it possible to solve several daily problems with one solution?

ICIWorld IDX Links For Your Website


For all real estate brokers and salespeople globally who conduct trades in real estate for industrial, commercial and investment real estate, business opportunities, residential and more. 

Realtors have several daily problems, and what are they?
Can one solution help solve several problems at once?
A unique Global IDX Link, not available anywhere else in the world, can solve many issues with one instruction from us to your website designer.

ICIWorld IDX Global Real Estate Networking links for your real estate website from ICIWorld. 

What can it help you do? (S e 1-21)
  • How to do business every day?
  • Improve and increase your network.
  • The Wants demonstrate how well connected you are to the buyers in the marketplace.
  • Generate leads from your website.
  • Do more referrals.
  • Conduct showings on the inquiries.
  • Opportunity to do more potential sales.
  • Want to close more deals?
  • Show clients your real estate activity.
  • Give website visitors reasons to come back to your website.
  • Getting listings.
  • Access to information not available elsewhere.
  • Competitive Advantage?
  • How can you find out about all the exclusive opportunities?
  • How can I see FSBOs and make connections with them?
Answer For All Of The Above: ICIWorld IDX Links For Your Website

  1. How do I generate leads from my website? Leads. Many brokers lament that they get little or no leads from their websites. Every broker wants more leads from their website.

     Add The unique IDX links and exclusive real estate Have and Want opportunities shared by other member brokers and salespeople of The ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople to your website since 1994. The listings, Have and Want networking opportunities, are structured in a way that people have to call you. They cannot click on the listing numbers or see the other broker unless your membership expires. Displaying listings on your website can trigger leads. By having exclusive and confidential opportunities, Haves and Wants triggers leads. Th usands of opportunities that other brokers and salespeople have agreed to allow them to be on YOUR website. 

  2. Why should anyone call me from my website? Visitors to your website are looking for listings, so why do you not get calls?

    The IDX link from ICIWorld displays real estate opportunities in a link. Prospects must call YOU for more information when they see an exciting listing. They cannot see the address or the other broker who has the opportunity.
    – You help prospects and clients directly and make money.
    – You do referrals and make money.
    The only reason brokers do not do more referrals is that they do not get the leads. Now. You can because people have to call you for more information on any Have or Want. Make a meaningful way to generate leads from time to time by adding the ICIWorld IDX link to your website. Your website is like a store on the Internet; like a store, you can add new products and services to your website to serve your customers.

  3. How can I get listings? Ge ting a listing is competitive.

    : The ICIWorld IDX link displays lists of Wants. People can see a list of Wants (buyers) on your website! They can see how well-connected you are to the buyers in the marketplace! They can see lists of buyers for different properties and businesses that demonstrate how well you have contacts with a broker network of qualified buyers. They cannot contact the broker who has the Want; they have to go through you. 

  4. How can I make money today, every day? Most real estate brokers and salespeople have real estate board listings on their websites. But not everyone has exclusive IDX; new listings are coming in daily.

    New listings daily bring people back to your website to check the latest listings. Looking for an apartment building? Check daily for new ones. Exclusive provides more choices for the public and is a significant competitive advantage over other brokers that do not have it. And when they wish to follow up to see a property, they must call you!

  5. How can I build my network fast and steadily? Most brokers do not have access to and contacts to exclusive information on an industry-wide basis because the opportunities are not on a real estate board.

    ANSWER: The
    ICIWorld IDX link has taken almost thirty years to build, and it now has 40,000 contacts to do business with, so you can connect with someone in seconds or a few minutes for your next transaction. Every person you meet may have the potential to do business. You can add them to your CRM (Contact Relationship Management System). The people you meet through making contacts on ICIWorld can help build your network. 

  6. How can I gain access to information not available elsewhere? Some say up to 90% of shopping centers’ apartment buildings are not on real estate board listings. How can I get them?

     ICIWorld IDX Links. Confidential information Haves and Wants from other real estate brokers and salespeople who have agreed to share them on YOUR website. Now, you have access to them through the
    IDX Link. Although everyone can see the listings, they cannot click on them. They have to ask YOU for more information.

  1. How can I do business today, now, every day? Brokers are looking to do business every day and are having trouble. Here is an excellent benefit of the IDX link.

    If you know there is a buyer for a certain kind of business who is ready, willing and able to see a business for sale right away; you can focus on asking an owner of that type of business in your area. Ask an owner “would they would consider selling if they could get the price they wants.” In the ICIWorld IDX Link If you see there is a Want, a buyer, for a restaurant, the next time you, as a real estate salesperson, go to a restaurant, you should ask the owner if they would consider selling. If they say yes, you have a built-in buyer ready, willing and able to see it. It can be that fast to make a sale. Can you do this today? For virtually every kind of business. How much does it cost to ask the question? Zero. An you have a chance to make a considerable amount of money in a short time because the buyers on ICIWorld are eager to explore opportunities daily!
  2. I need a competitive advantage. You can sometimes lose out when competing against other brokers to get a listing. But not now. Why? Because you can show a list of buyers for most kinds of properties, something that other brokers can’t do. With the IDX link from ICIWorld,
  3. How can I improve my network of contacts? They say to build your net worth by building your network. The IDX link for your website displays one network of contacts you have.
  4. I need another competitive advantage. Some say location, location, and location are essential, and that is true. Also, timing, timing, timing is critical. The IDX link from ICIWorld displays the latest list of buyers and sellers up to the second in real-time industry-wide, worldwide.
  5. I need to prospect with people and improve my network. And if you are late making a connection, you have a list of people with whom to network. Who deals in that type of property and location? Who has demonstrated interest in what you may Have or Want? Who may have experience and contacts that are a perfect fit for your buyer or seller? The IDX links display these networking opportunities. The contacts can be valuable for networking purposes.


  1. I would like to show people how busy it is and how busy I am. How to do it? The IDX links from ICIWorld can display your sales. Proving your success and experience to help prospects. And it show activity daily on your website.
  2. My prospects and clients can miss my social media. Getting exposure for your Haves and Wants. People can easily miss that one social media such as a Facebook post. Having one particular place for the world, a database that everyone in the world can check within seconds to 2 minutes, could ensure you do not miss an opportunity to connect with someone to do business today.
  3. I would like access to information that is not available elsewhere. Now, as brokers control this database and this system, it ensures that brokers are involved in the trade. More information will be shared as a result by brokers and salespeople. This benefits the public with more choices. And it increases the money to be earned by brokers to provide this valuable service.
  4. Show clients your real estate professionalism. Brokers are trained in consumer protection, another benefit to the public. Belonging to a real estate broker and salesperson association demonstrates your pursuit of networking and education to help the public.
  5. I have some connections but not many.  Your company has a wealth of contacts for doing business. The IDX links demonstrate contacts of buyers and sellers. This is a competitive advantage for you. And that it is you who they should contact to follow up.
  1. I am part-time. How can I make money to suit my lifestyle and work? ANSWER: IDX links permit not only full-time agents to trigger leads but also part-time agents to trigger leads. The part-time agent does referrals to the full-time agents, a win-win situation to benefit the public. Would you mind doing the odd five-minute referral that makes you $10,000? IDX links from ICIWorld.

  2. I am retiring. Wish I could use my knowledge to suit my new lifestyle. Retired brokers, would you mind doing the odd five-minute referral that makes you $10,000 from time to time? ANSWER: The IDX links from ICIWorld allow you to do this. They trigger leads, and you do referrals.

  3. I am a residential agent and do not do commercial. As a residential agent, you can do referrals to commercial brokers. You could miss out on either doing a deal or a referral because your customer does not know you are well-connected in real estate for their needs. IDX links from ICIWorld inform people that you are connected, and as a result, they may ask you for assistance. Do referrals and make money.
  4. I have a website and am spending lots of money, but I am not generating leads. I wonder if the listings display the address and the listing broker. If a prospect sees a listing, they have the choice to drive by the address first, and if they like it, might they contact the broker who has the sign on the property? If they do a deal, does that other broker ever call you back and say thank you?
    ANSWER: The ICIWorld IDX links display Haves and Wants so that the public cannot click on a listing; they have to contact you for more information. It is good to have both, but at least have somewhere the prospect or client has to call you. That way, you can do business and make referrals. That way, you get reimbursed for all the money you spend promoting your website and the listings on your website.

  5. Am I getting people, real people, to my website? Having the IDX link from ICIWorld proves something else, whether you are getting traffic to your website. With real estate board listings, you can not be sure because customers can see the address and could drive by the property first and maybe contact the broker with the sign on the property. However, ICIWorld IDX links display listings, contact information and addresses are not displayed, meaning that the public has to call YOU for more information. It is like having classified ads on YOUR website so that YOU get the leads. Do referrals. Do direct business for the rest of your life.

  6. I do not have time to update listings daily on my website. It would be good to have a real estate network that automatically updates itself in real-time on YOUR website and displays new listings daily on the Internet worldwide is unique.

    ANSWER: The ICIWorld IDX links update automatically worldwide regularly.
    The new listings also bring people back to your website to check for new Haves and Wants and listings. Tell your customers to check your website regularly for new listings if they are looking for apartment buildings to invest in. Get them to add your website as a shortcut on their mobile phone. Then it is just a matter of less than a minute while they could wait in line for a coffee in the morning to check on new listings. When they see one, call you, show it and make $50,000. If they never see that new listing, you make zero and don’t even realize you were missing opportunities to make money.

  7. I want to attract people for my expertise and area. Make your website a center of attention for real estate in your market area and or for your expertise. 

      ICIWorld IDX Links can help you display listings, Haves and Wants for your expertise. Specialize in hotels? Get our hotel’s Haves and Wants link. Links for Waterfront and any keyword, city, business area, or business category you can search on ICIWorld. (Small one-time charge depending on specialty links)

  8. How can I see FSBOs and make connections with them? I want to contact buyers and sellers directly. ANSWER: ICIWorld IDX Links includes FSBOs worldwide.

It has been a thirty-year commitment to building a service that delivers Have and Want information for the real estate profession to make a connection in minutes to do a transaction.

ICIWorld Global Real Estate Networking.
One 60-minute orientation session is all you need for global real estate networking through ICIWorld and making money for the rest of your life.
Tried, proven, tested. 

See seventy pages of testimonials of members doing transactions.

ICIWorld has been an assistant to real estate brokers and salespeople since 1994.

Ask for a Webinar or Seminar for your office or real estate board.
And you will be providing a world real estate networking service from your website. 

You already have MLS. Now you can have ILS. (Reference 

Powered by Founded 1994.

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Helping brokers and salespeople use technology to make connections by networking information.