Summary of Services with an ICIWorld Executive Membership Operating Since 1994
It is world and local connections with others to help you do business.
Here’s a summary of all the services you receive when becoming an Exclusive Member of ICIWorld. It costs as low as .67 cents per day, $240 per year, and $319 to start.
Place Unlimited Have and Want Ads
Specializing in exclusive information and million-dollar properties now among the most prominent collection database of buyers and sellers of million-dollar and up properties. No limit, minimum or maximum, for all real estate, commercial AND residential. Special category for World Confidential.
Gain worldwide and local exposure for your real estate. Have and Want ads all year long.
- 50,000+/- people readership regularly
- Accessible worldwide in one of the fastest databases for real estate.
- Your information becomes available on any one of over fifteen billion mobile devices worldwideas of 2021 in the form of Apps andto over 7 billion people on the Internet with computersas of 2024.
- This includes advertising your listings on your real estate board and open and exclusive opportunities not on real estate boards.
- You should also include what your buyers and tenants are looking for. Property owners can respond directly to you.
- All new listings and listings modified after 30 days, get distributed to the public and the world real estate industry by EMail! At the moment, our last count was 20,000 daily by EMail and a readership of 30,000+monthly.
- You will also have the choice to allow or not allow your listings and Have and Want ads to be on thousands of other brokers ‘ websites instantly. What is better, to have your listing on one website or on one thousand websites?
- You will learn how to market your exclusive opportunities in a fashion that maintains the confidentiality of your property while promoting the opportunity. This hasopened up the market for real estate salespeopleto do business.
- Members can advertise other brokers’ and salespeople’s listings (not in the same office) with permission, all FSBOs, and much more. There is a special way to do it.
- With a simple membership, you can reach a local and global audience of people with a like-minded interest in real estate (See statistics).
See among the most deals being done and connections being made to do business. See testimonials. Many of them will tell you how easy it was to connect. We can show you how easy things are within minutes once you are a member, with one-on-one assistance conducted over the phone while you and we are on the Internet together. See Daily Webinar Workshops. It is like a doctor by appointment with 30-minute appointments scheduled from 7 am daily to ensure you know how to make it all . . . work for you.
See Our Pledge that everyone does business or you call us.
Access to Real Estate Have and Want Information
75% of the 30,000 listings, Haves and Wants on ICIWorld are exclusive and not on any other service.
- These exclusive listings and listings on a real estate board help you identify people with whom you can and should be doing business.
- Build your database of contacts with notes about your business relationship with them. This is useful for dealing with them on a regular basis so that when you see them place a Have or Want, you can decide whether to deal with them or not.
This is a world market of people who like real estate.
It would help if you learned there are also two databases.
- Database 1—When you are a member, you place your information in Database 1 for the ultimate worldwide exposure with your contact information available. This includes name, company, address, city, phone numbers, email address, and website. This drives traffic to your website!
- Database 2 – This is for the public to place their Have and Want information, which is free. However, only the subject line is available for the world to read. Only Executive Members have access to the contact information.
Real Estate Listings for your Website, Simple Special Links in a Way That You Get the Calls
People are looking for online listings, and now you will have thousands of real estate listings on your site—structured so that YOU get the calls. These are revenue-producing links for YOUR website. Unless you have no traffic, you will inevitably generate leads!
And . . . we have a solution for helping you generate traffic. We have attended World Search Engine Conventions and Conferences, teach SEO, and have forty essential ways to promote your website. This is important because the highest return on investment (ROI) of any industry on the Internet is for real estate because one lead can make a lot of money and provide an excellent service to the public.
There are 50-100 new ads automatically added daily, you don’t have to do a thing! It brings people back to your website to check for new listings regularly.
NOTE: If there is one thing better than listing and selling real estate, it is referrals. Why? Because they average $3,000 to $10,000 and more. The only reason salespeople do not do referrals is because they do not get the leads. Now you will.
See links for all your websites.
Turn-Key Website
Why have more than one website? Read on!
- They are like billboards; you can have more than one.
- ICIWorld supports all your websites.
- They can be linked together.
- You need only one domain name on a business card because when your customers visit one, they can see the link to the other one.
- They have exclusive listings not available on any other web site.
- They can send out both MLS AND Exclusive listings to your prospects and clients of listings that match the description of what they are looking for. THIS IS LIKE A 24-HOUR PERSON KEEPING TRACK OF ANY NEW LISTING AND SENDING IT IMMEDIATELY TO YOUR PROPECTS. When they receive a listing they like they have to call you for more information and show the property.
- See Web Sites and samples.
- The website’s importance is the links to listings structured and set up by ICIWorld, in addition to other things you are doing. I compare these links to the sparkplugs of a car. You can have two beautiful Mercedes sitting side by side, one with sparkplugs and the other without. They both look nice, but only one will go. The same applies to websites; the sparkplugs are the specially designed real estate links to listings and Have and Want ads.
- The ICIWorld links can be placed on all your real estate websites.
- The exclusive ads on the website are only available if you have the website.
- The ability to send out listings automatically can only be done with the web sites we supply.
- They will make you money if you apply some basic principles.
ICIWorld’s Website displays thousands of residential and commercial listings so that YOU get the leads, making it one of the most influential sites on earth.
Everyone should embrace the concept that websites are like billboards. You can have more than one, and if they are all generating leads, then why not? Especially if one of the sites updates itself with listings!
Search Engine Optimization
What good is a website if there is no traffic to it? You might as well not have a website at all.
Real estate on the Internet provides the highest return on investment (ROI) because one lead can make a lot of money.
A website is like an office building on the Internet. You promote your business. When you are a member of ICIWorld with the links, you send people to your own website.
How to Promote Your Web Site is so important that we offer a monthly worldwide Webinar for all members. We do not offer this for non-members as it is a major competitive advantage for members. We have attended world search engine conventions at considerable cost so that we can learn it on behalf of all members and provide it to you free of charge as part of an Executive Membership.
You can use the information that you learn for all your other web sites as well.
We have spent time at the World Search Engine Convention in website workshops with Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, and other optimizers and learned how to do it. We share this with you monthly AND in recorded videos of workshops.
Full Access to Database 1
Only about 4,000 Have and Wants can be seen by the public, but you get to see it all as a member! If you are not a member, you miss opportunities to meet people with whom you can do business.
Full Access to Database 2 FSBO’s
The public places over 9,000 real estate Haves and Wants on ICIWorld. Only members have full access; if you are not a member, you miss opportunities directly from the public.
Database 2 FSBO Area—Receive Haves and Wants by email (for members only). Again, if you are not a member, you miss opportunities directly from the public on a daily basis!
A Database of your own Listings on your Website
We build you a link to your listings on your website. When you add a commercial listing to ICIWorld, it’s instantly on your website. You can also add residential homes directly to your website!
Add, Modify, Delete, Mark Sold, Unlimited Haves and Wants
With your membership,, you can modify your listings all year long. This removes the cost of advertising your opportunities to the public all year long on one of the largest real estate websites in the world.
Distribution of all New Listings to the Public via email
We deliver 10,000 to 20,000 emails to the public daily. Some of the best responses come within 24 to 48 hours after placing a listing! It would take you thousands of man-hours to build databases and keep them up to date to reach all the people who subscribe to receive daily listings by EMail . . . all automatically . . . for all your listings all year long.
Resource Center. We let every member discover it upon joining. Access to personal and business information compiled over 15 years of ideas, concepts, tips, and tools that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Everyone who sees it says it alone is worth the price of joining;
Training and Support via Daily Webinar Workshops
in your office over the phone, everywhere in the world, of it is online. Use a USB headset to listen and talk while online. Also, other training by Windows video streaming media and telephone support. This training includes personal support on how to work with the website and how to make the website work for you: One concept, one idea, one tool, one contact, and you make a lot of money. This area has hundreds. All video training programs are included.
Powerful Listing Tools
statistics, lists of buyers. If you can print out a list of 200 buyers of apartment buildings and your competitor can not, who will get the listing? Some say it is the most powerful listing tool on the market today.
Retired Brokers Program
Have fun the rest of your life doing just referrals. The only reason why brokers do not do referrals is because you do not get the leads. Now you will. Would you mind doing the odd five-minute referral that makes you money? See our program.
Search Matrix for Company or Group
ICIWorld specializes in databases. Have it appear with the information you want for the people you want. It can help your group network like never before. It can help your organization grow. These sophisticated databases formerly reserved for Fortune 1,000 companies are tailored to suit your company and organization. See Search Members and Details for a Search Matrix for your organization.
ICIWorld Global Directory Listing
See Search Members. People even search for a member in our testimonials. You will be surprised how people can find you to do business. Searches are done by city, geographic areas and market areas, specialties, languages spoken and more. Members are global real estate people able to market real estate worldwide through this worldwide service. If you are marketing property in other countries, members usually have business relationships with others in those other countries, and they receive referrals for generating the business.
Access to all Listings, including 9,000 Ads placed by the Public.
Without a membership, you can easily miss making connections to do business.
Get it all working for you today.
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Sponsorship Program
Summary of Services