ICIWorld Executive Membership
Valuable Services For Every Real Estate Broker and Salesperson On The Planet
Here are some of the valuable services provided to help you make connections to do business.
- Unlimited Have and Want ads for global marketing and networking opportunities in 150 countries. Everyone can have fifteen and more Have and Want listings working daily on the Internet to trigger business. How? By networking information in a confidential manner. Including is the teaching on how to network information in a professional manner.
- Potential for substantial profits through cultivating a minimum of fifteen Haves and Wants within 90 days. Possible because you can network information to trigger leads just like an MLS listing can trigger lead.
- IDX Links for websites to trigger leads and capitalize on referrals and direct business prospects. The moment they are installed the next person who sees a listing and is interested in had to contact you. It is inevitable to do business.
- How to network information that doesn’t appear on MLS with one-on-one coaching and recorded seminars.
- Proprietary marketing exposure contributing to over $1 billion in real estate sales. Unless you have a signed listing, you cannot put it on MLS. But you can network the information on ICIWorld, an Information Listing Service. It is really like an organized by real estate broker and salespeople provided, classified real estate ad service where you can place as much or as little information as you wish. Non listed opportunities are networked in a confidential manner.
- Building a CRM database of 40,000 potential business contacts from Database 1 and Database 2. It would take years for you to build a powerful database. You get it the moment you join.
- Unlocking global Have and Want opportunities, even without formal listing agreements. Some say 90% of shopping centers, apartment buildings, land, hotels, business opportunities, are not on MLS. You can network them on an information listing service confidentially, trigger leads, put agreements in place to show property and do business. See over $1 Billion In Sales.
- Specialized training in networking information globally, with options for seminars, webinars, and one-on-one coaching. Leaders, managers, owners, should see the comments of attendees so you know it can be one of the most important seminars of the year for you and your company.
- Personalized assistance through Zoom appointments for questions and demos. Every member expresses great appreciation for this assistance. By you making appointments, it keeps the cost down so we do not need five people answering the phones and an extra $200,000 in overhead to pass on to you.
- Commitment to helping members complete transactions or trigger leads every 90 days. There are seven billion people using the Internet where we are since 1994. The proven sales prove you can do business. If not, it is you who are missing something not us. We simply appreciate the opportunity to ensure you are successful. See Our Pledge.
- Nearly three decades of experience as a marketing and information assistant for Realtors. See Bio. We have attended and conducted hundreds of marketing sessions in one case over $200M in real estate is presented. That is now a small figure.
- One-on-one assistance via Zoom for all brokers and salespeople worldwide. We also have printouts and videos.
- Opportunities for connections and transactions ranging from $0 to $50M+.
- Tools for part-time and retiring brokers, including dedicated websites and referrals to full-time professionals.
Explore additional resources at www.retiredbrokers.com and www.referralbrokers.com for potential financial success in real estate.
Consider us as a personal marketing and information assistant to you personally.
Your success is our success.
Make an appointment for questions and assistance.
Usually only one or two appointments is all that is needed for a one time orientation and setup to get you up and running ready to make money.
Time? Then there are only two things you do. Search from time to time. Add, modify, delete or mark sold, your listings, Haves and Wants from time to time.