50+ new and renewing members joined ICIWorld at TREB Realtor Quest this past week. Appointments have been set for every single one. If we have missed any one, please all 416-840-6227 or 416-214-4875.

Members were coming by and encouraging prospective members to join. We had 1-2-3 to five rows deep at various times. We handed out thousands of special cards that show how to get the mobile app and the mobile website onto mobile devices. That way you can be standing at line at Tim Hortons and be checking new exclusive listings for the day.

Real estate salespeople are the best positioned people in the marketplace to identify, collect, and display real estate information that can not be place on a real estate board and to do this as an industry.

What I am also excited about is former members. With a short presentation I was able to show them how they had dropped the ball so to speak.  It was as if they had a flat tire on their car and then . . . they abandoned the car!  They all agreed.  We totally understand we get rapped up in this business and some things do not get attended to. Some just never got started.  So we provided a special for them and continue to do so to this day for any member who has not used the service.

If you have a flat tire you get it fixed.  We are the flat tire fixers of information on the Internet but only if you give us a chance.

How can you measure whether you are using ICIWorld properly, successfully?


We have developed an important Pledge for every single member and manager, broker of record in the business to know.  If a member of ICIWorld is not doing business, not doing a deal every 90 days or at the very least not developing a good business relationship with someone as a result of ICIWorld services, they need to call us. Fix the flat tire!

What we do is immediately:

  • look at their website, does it have the Widgets which generate leads. When we checked our past members they did not!
  • Some did not have a $16 website!!! Not even a $1 website. These are available to you.
  • check to see if you have a mobile website, if not get one, they are $16 totally designed by us with you together!
  • do you program your website to send out new listings to your customers? All your customers!! One email of a new home or commercial property to a customer who says “I just got an email from you with a home that I would like to see tonight at 7pm, can you set that up for us?”  That could easily be a $15,000 income phone call all generated by the website that we set up for you! Do you program every visitor on your open house on your website?
  • commercial brokers, do you send all your buyers and sellers to see the widgets on your website.  You do not say widgets to them, you say visit my website and click on Commercial, there are hundreds of ie: apartment buildings, shopping centres, businesses, land, 75% exclusive not on real estate boards
  • residential salespeople do you send all your buyers and sellers to see the residential widgets on your website. You do not say widgets to them, you say visit my website and click on Residential Haves and Wants. There are all the cities in your state or province with links to the listings all sorted by price.  Haves and Wants! This shows the market alive and well in your area, from your website!
  • This is the Internet where you can have world wide marketing, the ultimate in marketing, better than a $30,000 website, for pennies, pennies day. (Ask for a personal one on one presentation and then . . . you be the judge!)
  • I checked one members listings and they were never updated. This means they did not get circulated to 20,000 people by EMail, they did not show up on ICIWorld Apps available on everyones mobile devices.
  • I checked the number of listings and 2? Why just 2? You have the ability to work information not just listings on a real estate board. Every single member should have at least fifteen opportunities! If you do not know how to fix this, call the doctor of the Internet and let us show you how.
  • Then another former member has not spent 1 nickel, one minute promoting their website.  They all admit this and we personally enjoy now teaching how this can all work. We have a step by step program to show all this. One lead generated off a website leads to a showing to a deal and picking up a cheque at a lawyers office. So it is important.
  • There is a responsibility for salespeople to look after their information and the tools. Your car requires and oil change periodically. So does your website! Links may not be working, Listings may not be showing. There are glitches happening all the time.

To make it easy, there are only three things you do once you learn how to maintain a proper quality standard of using the Internet and ICIWorld

  1. Search and find a list within 60 seconds of buyers or sellers for anything from time to time.
  2. 2. Add a listing and with one click reach 40,000+/- people.
  3. 3. promote your website. Get yourself up to speed.

Then measure your results after 90 days.

Make an appointment to fix your Internet and information flat tires.


May 6, 7, Wed. Thurs, 2015

ICIWorld has booth #238. We help members network real estate information with each other and the public world wide and around the corner. You help me sell my properties and I will help you sell your properties. And with exclusive information you are no longer restricted to a real estate board to make money. Now you can do both!

This is one of the largest trade shows in the world at the Congress Centre in Toronto, Realtor Quest for the Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB).

See www.realtor-quest.com

It is free for TREB members.

It is $25 per day for non TREB members but members of CREA (Canadian Real Estate Association).

No where can you see as many products and services in a one day period at this show as you can searching for a year.

We recommend all members of ICIWorld and all licensed real estate brokers and salespeople in Ontario attend this event. Make sure you come on by our booth and say hello!

ICIWorld is announcing on behalf of its members:

  1. ICIWorld Residential EMail List Servers – For Ontario Cities – add a residential Have or Want, MLS or Exclusive and it gets delivered by EMail. Subscribe free to receive the new exclusive listings as well as what buyers are looking for. (Wants) You will see properties “coming for sale” You can search all of them at www.iciworld.com click on Search Haves and Wants, click on Ontario Residential. All price ranges.
  2. ICIWorld Widgets for a real estate salespersons’ website – Residential and commercial widgets. Compatible with all website providers in the world. These are links to listings and you put the links on YOUR website.  IT IS ABSOLUTELY INEVITABLE THAT YOU TRIGGER LEADS.  Why? See at the show.
  3. The added benefit of the ICIWorld Widget is that when you add listings, Haves and Wants to ICIWorld, these listings appear automatically on over one thousand other brokers websites!  If you are in a small town in Ontario, your listings appear in the GTA. If you are in Florida your Florida listings appear on 1,000 Canadian brokers websites.  If you are in Ontario, all listings appear instantly on websites of ICIWorld members throughout the province. What is greater marketing exposure, to have your listing on one site or on 1,000+ other brokers websites instantly?  See how it is all done at the show.
  4. ICIWorld Mobilized Websites with the ICIWorld Widgets. – This is the new Internet Revolution.  ICIWorld has one of the busiest booths at this show. We make a statement that you could have a $30,000 web site and it is not as powerful as the one we supply from ICIWorld for $16.50!!! Let us show you at the show AND THEN YOU BE THE JUDGE.

Once a salesperson is a member, there only three basic things you will be doing is:

  1. Search iciworld.com click on Search Haves and Wants from time to time. Find a list of real estate buyers or sellers within 60 seconds or you are doing something wrong.  And everyone in the world can do it from an App for a mobile phone or by adding iciworld.mobi to any and all mobile phones add it to your home page.
  2. Place a Have or Want and reach 40,000+/- people with one click! AND . . . 20,000+/- subscribers by EMail. All automatically for all your listings, AND exclusive Haves and Wants, all year long for one low investment that could be a cost for one ad in any other venue.
  3. Promote your website. Learn how to do it. Since this is so important because one lead can make one a lot of money, we provide a live webinar for the industry once per month.  With the ICIWorld Widgets on your website people have to call you. So then it becomes profitable to promote your website because one lead can make you a of money. Every lead you can choose to do a referral and make money or show and sell a property yourself.

This is all about networking.  It is all about the power of an industry to help people connect to do business no matter where they are located. You can learn about how to network exclusive information by seeing the recordings in Seminars at iciworld.com

The Internet is the most amazing medium known to man and ICIWorld is one service we submit to you is connections for absolutely everyone interested in real estate no matter what type of property you are looking to buy and sell and no matter where you are located on the planet earth.

See you at the show.

Gary Nusca, CCIM
ICIWorld.net, Inc.