Past CCIM Events and Breakfast Meetings
The CCIM Institute is a division of the National Association of Real Estate.
Visit www.ccim.com to learn more.
It is commercial real estate education, technology, networking, monthly meetings, speakers, and more.
We invite all interested in commercial real estate to join a local CCIM chapter in the USA, Canada or your area of the world.
Join the Central Canada CCIM Chapter.
CLICK HERE for the local chapter website.
Here is a link to give you flavour of the types of meetings, speakers, etc. PAST MEETINGS when I was membership chairman and president.
On this page, you will see a list of past meetings, speakers and events that I have had the privilege of helping organize and conduct.
Feel free to call anytime when you have questions. However it is much easier if you can make an appointment. Would be happy to discuss how the education program and services of CCIM can help every single real estate broker and salesperson in the world. It can help you analyze the before and after tax considerations to invest in any income producing real estate. Study the education courses on the main website or the chapter website in your area. Talk to the members of the chapter from the President to every director and member and you may find yourself getting excited to add a new dimension to your career in real estate.
Our ICIWorld network and today’s ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople was born out of conducting commercial real estate Have and Want marketing sessions in the CCIM Breakfast Meetings we conducted at the Toronto Real Estate Board.
If the local chapter can be so successful in doing business, why not figure out a way to make marketing sessions available worldwide?
The real estate concepts learned from CCIM, the teachings from CCIM instructors, the wonderful positive attitude of everyone has contributed to now over $1 Billion in sales from the networking, make connections through the ICIWorld service.
We invite you to explore both the CCIM program for learning and the ICIWorld global real estate networking service.
When you have questions feel free to make an appointment.
Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, REALTOR, Broker 49 Years
Past President and Past Membership Chairman
Central Canada CCIM Chapter
Past Chairman of the 1999 CCIM International Commercial Real Estate Conference
c/o ICIWorld.com Founded 1994
Msg# | Listing |
365203 | ICIWorld Seminar Webinar Oakville, Milton & District Real Estate Board Wed. May 23 1:30pm-3:30pm Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS How to work exclusive real estate, more. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
357088 | CCIM Global Conference Toronto Oct 15-16 Sun Mon Keynote Steve Forbes. Technology brokerage demographic sessions, more. All interested in commercial are invited Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
344355 | CCIM meeting Oct 12 CoStar offices downtown Toronto. It is networking, updates impacting our industry, trends, innovations, prepare for 2017 and more. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
314703 | CCIM Breakfast Meeting Dec. 11 Toronto Loan to Value: How much can you borrow in 2015? Jeremy Wedgbury, VP Commercial Mortgages, First National Financial LP. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
311767 | 12/11 Central Canada CCIM presents Loan to Value: How much can you borrow in 2015. You do not have to be a CCIM to attend. Bring Haves and Wants for networking. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
293155 | CCIM TREB Commercial Division Dec. 5. Frank Mayer, Chairman Vision Capital Corporation. Networking tables for brochures, properties, bring business cards. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
265548 | TIME SENSITIVE Central Canada CCIM Chapter Networking Breakfast Wed. July 25 Cambridge Jason Castellan, Skyline Commercial REIT acquisition criteria and more. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
251439 | CCIM 7-hour training class is packed with the technology you need to market yourself, properties and services in commercial Real Estate 12/01/2011 8:30AM-4:30PM Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
249337 | CCIM Meeting Toronto Real Estate Board Fri. Oct. 28 8am-11am Understandiing the Powers of the Internet for Commercial Real Estate Gary Nusca, CCIM, AMP 2 RECO Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
249001 | Oct. 19 Sault Ste Marie Real Estate Board Oct. 21 Bancroft Real Estate Board October Oct 28 TREB Understanding the Powers of the Internet, Gary Nusca, CCIM, AMP Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
241305 | Correction Fri 6/9/11 CCIM meeting TREB open to the public. All about Apartment Bldgs. Derek Lobo, CEO, Darryl McCullough, CCIM 2 RECO Credits $5-$30. Toronto Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
238341 | CCIM Panel TREB Thurs. April 28 Spend time with a lawyer, RBC, buying in Florida, legal, tax, banking issues, process, RECO CREDITS Open to the public. $30. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
231376 | Response to message 231375 Response from Gary Nusca, CCIM, ICIWorld.net, Inc. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
227892 | CCIMREDEX and STDBOnline Seminar with Todd Kuhlmann! Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
227889 | CCIM CI Intro Course in Downtown Toronto! November 22 & 23, 2010 $395 to register with bonus CCIMREDEX and STDBOnline Seminar included! 12 RECO Credits Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
226455 | Minimizing Risks while Buying and Leasing Commercial and Industrial Buildings – CCIM October 5, 2010 Seminar in association with SIOR Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
221374 | CCIM June Breakfast Meeting: How a Broker can Best Prepare Our Real Estate Markets Going Forward Benchmark GTA Transactions Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
219109 | CCIM May Breakfast Meeting – Financial and Economic Outlook with Craig Alexander! Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
218473 | *FREE SESSION* CCIM Central Canada Chapter Presents: STDBonline with Jay Lucas Who Are You in 2010? A Successful Professional or a Struggling Practitioner Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
217279 | CCIM April Breakfast Meeting: “THE FINANCIAL APPETITE – TODAYS TRENDS AND REQUIREMENTS TO FINANCE REAL ESTATE, BUSINESS AND FRANCHISES” Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
209348 | CCIM 2009 Annual General Meeting & Virtual Bus Tour Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
207632 | CCIM Breakfast Seminar – Wednesday, October 28, 2009 XCG Environmental Consultants & Brownfield Properties Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
205791 | CCIM Breakfast Seminar – Wednesday, September 30, 2009 The Seniors Market in Canada Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
202721 | CCIM Breakfast Seminar – Wednesday, July 22, 2009 Retail Seminar Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
201341 | All in Ontario are invited. Toronto TREB/CCIM $49 members Green Day Wed June 24 5 RECO Credits, meal! You do not have to be a CCIM or sales person to attend. Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
198931 | CCIM Central Canada Chapter Invites You to Speed Networking Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
198671 | CCIM Breakfast Seminar – Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Multi-Residential Investment Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
197628 | CCIM Breakfast Seminar – Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Creative Transaction Solutions Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
195146 | CCIM Breakfast Seminar – Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Ryerson Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
193432 | CCIM Breakfast Seminar – February 25, 2009 An Economic and Financial Outlook for 2009 Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
190628 | CCIM Breakfast Seminar – January 28th, 2009 Commercial Real Estate Investing in Canada Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
186216 | CCIM Seminar (Ottawa) – Nov 4, 2008 – 6 RECOs: Discounted Cash Flows & Financial Analysis (Open to Public) Register Today! Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
185282 | CCIM Meeting(Toronto)- Oct.29/08-Property Tax- what you see is NOT what you get!-2 RECO Credits(Open to Public) *Exclusive Have/Want session!!! Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
183540 | Toronto, September 24th, 2008, CCIM Breakfast Meeting: ?LAND, with a view or a vision?? @ TREB Open to all interested parties. 2 RECOs Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
182144 | CCIM Special Event – Wed, Sept 10, 2008 – Building a Consulting Practice Presented by: Philip Nesrallah – 2 RECO Credits(Open to Public) Jenny Faucher, Manager, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)244-0435 |
181296 | CCIM Chapter project in recognition of excellence in the Canadian Commercial Real Estate Industry. Your input appreciated. Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
146487 | Wed Nov. 29 CCIM meeting and seminar “How To Use the Powers of the Internet for real estate” Toronto. Open to the public $49 and visit 1,000 exhibit booths! Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
142537 | Ottawa Real Estate Board Friday Sept 22 (corrected date) A few spots left. Understanding and Using the Powers of the Internet. Presented by Gary Nusca, CCIM Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
131363 | CCIM Seminar Mar. 29 TREB Advanced Real Estate Investment and Development Analysis – open to the public. 3 RECO Credits. Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
130896 | Mar. 16 Durham Region Real Estate Board Commercial Breakfast Meeting and Seminar Gary Nusca, CCIM How to use the Powers of the Internet. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
125101 | CCIM AGM Investment Analysis Workshop Dec. 2. Apt Bldg Case Study, 3 RECO, Laptops, CD Rom software supplied. You do not have to be a CCIM to attend. Limit 60 Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
124047 | CCIM Meeting 10/26 TREB “UPDATE ON THE NEW MUNICIPAL ASSESSMENTS¡± Bill Bradley MPAC Gerry Divaris, President of Divaris Alexander Corporation (RECO Points) Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
122505 | Sept. 28 Mississauga CCIM Educational Breakfast Meeting (RECO=3) in conjunction with the SIOR Central Canada Chapter?s 40th Annual Fall Seminar.(RECO=3) TOTAL 6 Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
118107 | CCIM MEETING:JUNE 29TH (3 RECO credits) Wyndham Bristol Hotel. West Economic Forum. Information for Niagara, Milton, Oakville, Brampton, Burlington, Toronto Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
116529 | CCIM Meeting May 25 FINANCING A DEAL HOW TO PUT IT ALL TOGETHER Panel of speakers provide expert advice on how to put together the financing of a deal. RECO ECU Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
113977 | Toronto CCIM Retail Forum April 27 More details to come. Panel Bank of Montreal, Mr. Greek, Pharma Plus, Mac’s Convenience, others. Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
104929 | CCIM Meeting Wed. Sept. 29 8am-9:30am at TREB (NOT Bristol Wyndham Hotel. Please note change.) THE RAPID TRANSIT CORRIDOR Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
101032 | CCIM Meeting June 30 8am REAL ESTATE SUCCESSION PLANNING. Legal and accounting professionals. How best to plan the distribution of real property to successors. Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
98996 | CCIM 1 hr. overview 2hr in-depth Educational Session Wed. May 26 “Design Build Process” 4 speakers Giffels, Royal LePage Commercial, Sunlife, more (RECO points) Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
98861 | CCIM Meeting Wed. May 26 “Design Build Process” John Haire, President Royal LePage Commercial. Michael Le Gresley, P. Eng. CEO Giffels Design-Build (RECO=1) Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
97637 | Toronto CCIM Meeting Wed. April 28 8am Panel of retail speakers, reps from Mac’s and Subway. Site selection requirements, including location needs, etc. RECO=1 Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
96503 | Wed. March 31 CCIM Meeting RECO Credits Ask a Lawyer Bill Johnston, M.A., LL.B., Coldwell Banker Pinnacle & Toronto’s New Official Plan – A Land Use Strategy Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
95492 | Gary Nusca, CCIM will be speaking at International Real Estate Investment Show Fort Lauderdale Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
94820 | Toronto CCIM Meeting Feb. 25 8am Bill Bradley, AACI, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Current Value Assessment, Valuation Methodologies, updates, more Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
93281 | CCIM Breakfast Meeting Wed. Jan. 28 Discounted Cash Flows Paul Hentschel, Carlson Advisory Services. RECO=1 (Also note CI01 scheduled May 13/04. Limited to 21) Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
93116 | Financial Forum Educating Today’s Investor. January 22-25 Speaker Gary Nusca, CCIM “Investing in Real Estate” Over 7,000 attend this function. Free ticket. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
91187 | Dec 2 National Commercial Realtor Day & CCIM Chapter Education Event in conjunction with the Toronto Real Estate Forum, Dec. 2-4 All are invited. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
89774 | Last Call. Toronto CCIM Meeting Oct. 29, 8am “Stepping Outside the Box” by Gary Nusca, CCIM. Money making concepts. Internet solutions to stop spam and more. Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
88541 | Toronto CCIM Breakfast Meeting Wed. Sept. 24 8am Design/Build – Joe Nestic, Vice President of Menkes Developments Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
82554 | CCIM Wed. April 30 7:45am CMHC Criteria & How They Can Assist To Finance Deals. All are invited. Paula Gasparro, Roger Holder AACI, John Haikola Underwriter Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
80915 | Toronto CCIM Breakfast Meeting March 26 Bill Bradley Manager of Business Relations, MPAC What information exists, what we can have, what we can’t have, and why! Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
79895 | Last Call CCIM Breakfast Meeting “What We Need When Site Selecting” Panel of Guests Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
74048 | HOW TO SELECT A COMMERCIAL TENANT. CCIM Breakfast Meeting Wed, Oct, 30, 2002 8:00am More details. All are invited, you do not have to be a CCIM to attend. Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
71933 | CCIM Breakfast Meeting Wed. Sept 25 8am Carmin DiFiore, Commerical Manager, Real Estate Finance Group CIBC and David Scott, Business Development Manager, CIBC Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
67636 | Toronto CCIM Breakfast Meeting Wed. June 26 8:00am Sandy Shindleman, CCIM All who are interested in commercial real estate are welcome. Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
66116 | TORONTO CCIM Breakfast Meeting Wed. May 29 7:45am-9:15am CCIM Panel, How the Deal Was Done Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
64687 | Toronto Last Call CCIM Breakfast Meeting Neil Osborne, P.Eng. Investit Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
63469 | Toronto CCIM Breakfast Meeting March 27 Peter Brady, Chairman NCC Capital Gains Deferral, CLS.CA, and more. Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
60486 | CCIM Breakfast Meeting Wed, January 30 Ken Jones, Director for the Center of Commercial Activity Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
59296 | Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board CCIM REIC Meeting Jan 4 Speaker: Gary Nusca, CCIM “Stepping Outside of the Box” Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
58088 | Nov 28 CCIM Seminar SOLD OUT This is a must for every single person interested in commercial real estate. 120 registered to date Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
55344 | Oct 24 Central Canada CCIM Breakfast Meeting Frank Camenzuli Caber Capital Beind the scene look into one of the most successful real estate investment companies Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
50635 | Friday May 4 CCIM Breakfast Meeting Toronto John O’Toole, SIOR CB Richard Ellis Where is the Real Estate Market Headed? Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
46930 | Toronto CCIM Breakfast Meeting March 28 Ken Kadonoff – Learn how to increase values through informed lease negotiations . . . and more! Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
45901 | CCIM Breakfast Meeting Wed Feb 21 Paul Marsiglio AACI PLE A must for those who need to know real estate values and where they are going! Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
42993 | CCIM Commercial Real Estate Education Workshop Toronto December 1Six Hours Education Credits! Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
40797 | September 13 Central Canada CCIM Breakfast Meeting Ken Jones Ryerson Tom Wright Reco Registrar Sponsored by Cadillac Fairview Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
40415 | Toronto Sept 13 CCIM Breakfast Meeting Sponsored by Cadiallac Fairview Ken Jones Director Retail Commercial Real Estate Ryerson Tom Wright Registrar RECO Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
40413 | National Commercial Real Estate Marketing Session Oct. 1 Royal York Hotel Toronto Presented by: National Commercial Council & the Central Canada CCIM Chapter Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
37795 | June 7 CCIM Breakfast Meeting David Mason Internorth Its great speakers, networking, education, technology and more!All are invited! Last month over 70 attended Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
36785 | May 3 CCIM Luncheon Mark Kindrachuk VP First Gulf Group Development & Len Cherry P.Eng. LTC Monarch Environmental & Networking Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
36268 | May 3 11:00am-1:30pm Central Canada CCIM Chapter Luncheon Marsland Center Kitchener Mark Kindrachuk Senior VP First Gulf , LTC Monarch President Len Cherry Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
35110 | CCIM Chapter Breakfast Meeting (note change of Location) Mar 15 8:30am-10:30am Harvey Haber, QC Commercial Real Estate Leasing Lawyer, Author, Lecturer, Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
34164 | January 26 Airport Marriott Hotel Central Canada CCIM Chapter Breakfast Meeting The Morassutti Group Economic Forecast Trends Sales Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
27878 | Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel CCIM Chapter Breakfast Meeting Tues. Mar/30 all are invited Michael Cairns, Senior VP CIBC Learn how to do business with CIBC Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
27234 | Mississauga 103 Advanced Techniques in Marketing and Leasing April 26, 27, 29, 30 & May 1/99 Leading to the CCIM designation Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
27233 | Mississauga 104 Decision Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate March 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 Courses leading to the CCIM designation Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
26808 | CCIM Central Canada Chapter Meeting Fri. Jan 29 8am-10:30am Bill Perkins, VP Acquistitions Morguard Investments “What are Insititutional Investors Looking For?” Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
25320 | Central Canada Chapter Newsletter – Announcing 1999 CCIM World Conference Toronto June/99 Westin Harbor Castle Hotel Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, Manager and Founder, ICIWorld.net, Inc., (416)777-2633 |
22823 | June 17 CCIM Breakfast Meeting Lorne St. Louis, Director Disposition & New Business Development for Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited “How to do business ….” Gary Nusca,CCIM, Past President, Central Canada CCIM Chapter, (416)840-6227 |
22680 | April 29/98 CCIM Chapter Breakfast Meeting: Richard Y. Dansereau, CREIT: Creating Acquisition Opportunities in a Competitive Real Estate Market Patricia Hettinga, Chapter Administrator, SIOR Canada Chapter, (416)920-7763 |
22202 | March 11/98 CCIM Chapter Breakfast Meeting, speaker: Colum P. Bastable, President & CEO, Royal LePage Limited, topic: Real Estate Trends and Challenges for 1998 Patricia Hettinga, Chapter Administrator, SIOR Canada Chapter, (416)920-7763 |
22096 | CCIM Designation Course: CI-101 Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate – March 30, 31, April 2,3,4 – Mississauga, Ontario Patricia Hettinga, Chapter Administrator, SIOR Canada Chapter, (416)920-7763 |
22095 | CCIM Designation Course: CI-201 Market Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate – May 11, 12, 14, 15 – Kitchener, Ontario Patricia Hettinga, Chapter Administrator, SIOR Canada Chapter, (416)920-7763 |
21018 | DATE CHANGE: Oct 29/97 CCIM Central Canada Chapter Breakfast Meeting changed to NOVEMBER 5 1997 speaker: Robert Wolf Riocan Patricia Hettinga, Chapter Administrator, SIOR Canada Chapter, (416)920-7763 |
20386 | SEPT 17 CCIM CENTRAL CANADA CHAPTER SUPERSTAR BROKER PANEL Patricia Hettinga, Chapter Administrator, SIOR Canada Chapter, (416)920-7763 |