2025 Announcements
Trigger leads just like MLS can trigger leads.
See ILS.realestate powered by ICIWorld.com
Address questions to Gary Nusca, CCIM, CIPS, REALTOR, Broker 50 years.
Manager and Founder ICIWorld.com in 1994.
MLS is a registered trademark of CREA, The Canadian Real Estate Association in Canada. So, in Canada, we call ourselves an ILS, an Information Listing Service. In one sense, it is like real estate classified ads in a newspaper but operated by real estate brokers and salespeople to serve and provide the public with more choices. And more opportunities for estate brokers and salespeople to make money from the extra opportunities you can network to find buyers and sellers. And protection for the public because real estate brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection. In the USA, we can call ourselves an mls service provided by brokers worldwide specializing in exclusive type networking of Have and Want real estate information, opportunities and marketing real estate board listings. Please consider ICIWorld and all our staff and myself, as one of your assistants, specializing in helping you network information to help you make connections to help buyers and sellers.
1. AI Integration on ICIWorld
Check out worldrealestatenetwork.com. Help us start to test and train AI. Click on the AI ICIWorld logo on the right-hand side, ask questions, and share your feedback. We already see we need a revision.(Jan. 5, 2025)
ICIWorld Association of Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople
2. Prosperity Through ICIWorld
Make this your most prosperous year ever. Use ICIWorld to add to your income with unlimited networking opportunities. Book an appointment with us and learn how members have sold over $1 Billion worth of real estate through networking before a signed listing something you cannot do on traditional MLS services. Everyone can search free at www.iciworld.com to see the latest listings, Haves and Wants, make connections and do business. There is not charge for brokers until you wish to place your information and provide the IDX links to display on your website. Yes you will have lists of buyers and sellers on your website all in a way that you receive inquiries. See www.iciworldidx.com For all real estate brokers and salespeople worldwide to display on their websites. It becomes absolutely inevitable to trigger leads unless you have no traffic to your website and we have solutions for that.
3. Update Your Information
Members: Update your real estate. Have and Want information here
Non-members: Update your real estate. Have and Want information here. If a member finds what you want to buy or sell, would you like them to call you? Then, place your information here for free.
Important because hundreds to thousands of people can read your information if it is up-to-date and less than 90 days old for maximum exposure. Don’t be a secret agent. Get your information working 24/7 in a global database. It is like being at a convention for a week and being able to share information with attendees.
4. Server Improvements
A significant investment and upgrade. We now have a new server built for efficiency and will continue improving it over the next year. It has been a few months of steady tech support to make this significant change, and it will continue for another month and beyond. It is a full-time job with maintenance to provide a 24/7 searchable global real estate database for networking that produces buyers and sellers within 3 to 10 seconds industry wide, worldwide. The ICIWorld service also provides IDX Links for REALTOR websites worldwide. And, of course, there are iciworld global real estate networking apps. Global email list servers deliver a digest of daily listings, Haves and Wants to subscribers. You can instantly network information when you know about a Have or Want. Make an appointment, and you will see how quickly it can be.
5. Feedback
Let us know if you encounter any issues or if something isn’t working as expected. This is your service. This service has been built on suggestions and feedback from members and the public. It is designed to help you make connections to make money and serve the public. We appreciate your professional feedback.
6. Growth Path
We value your suggestions for growth. Here’s the path we have chosen and the reasons behind it. For new sub subscribers $30/mo. No contract; stop anytime. Another choice: we are choosing to keep the price down by encouraging all members to bring in at least one new member annually. How do we do it? Doing two things: raising the price to $480 per year. BUT SECONDLY, REDUCING THE RENEWAL PRICE 50% if you bring in one new member during the year. And the new member can join for $240. The goal is to double the membership each year starting in 2025. By doubling each year, we should be able to keep the price down. The price was $319 in 1994 with specials of $240. Today, you can still have the $240 but help the service grow. There are four ways that all memberships can quickly become free for life. DETAILS. Several members have made between $25,000 and $75,000 within 90 days. This offsets the membership price. Our VIP Corporate Discount Card savings can easily offset the membership.
See Join Special.
7. Goal: MLS and ILS
Our goal is for everyone to have access not just to MLS, but also to ILS. ILS is used for all the real estate buying and selling opportunities that are not on MLS either because you cannot get a signed listing at this time but the owner wants to sell, or because it is preferrable because of many confidential and legitimate reasons.
8. Our Pledge
We think the most important thing to know and understand is our pledge because if you are not making money or triggering leads to do transactions, it is because you are missing something not ICIWorld. Give us a chance to show you and 9 times out of 10 members learn what they were missing and can fix it easy. We have a special checklist to ensure you are taking advantage of an information listing service which is different from a multiple listing service. We would like to see information networking services as a course at a community college or at the very least a module within an educational real estate program.
9. Membership Costs
We prefer you bring in someone else for $240 and reduce your membership fee from $480. Maintaining the database is costly, but IDX links and global accessibility make it valuable for members.
10. MLS Exclusive Compliance
Stay informed about the latest MLS exclusive compliance rules. Applies to residential homes for sale that are advertised publicly if you are a member of NAR or CREA. You must put it on MLS within 1-3 days depending on your real estate board. Check with your manager. There are some exemptions, ie: if it is residential in a commercial or highrise zoning, assignments, new homes, check with your manager. If however, it is not listed, you can network it on ICIWorld as long as you do not place the address. We also follow the RECO guidelines that you must have the consent of the owner in writing if you are going to give an address of a property for sale to someone. So therefore when people call you, tell them you will be getting a listing in one or two months, but when you get it, it will be on MLS and they can be among the first to see it at your first open house. None of the previous applies to commercial real estate. ICIWorld has about 40,000 listings, Haves and Wants, 75% exclusive, about 100 residential listings are not listed are being networked and will be put on MLS once the listing is signed.
11. Leveraging Information
Just like MLS can trigger leads, so can ILS. Use both effectively. The difference is that if you do not have a listing or it is exclusive, you to not identify the property or give an address. You network the opportunity. Once interest is demonstrated and people want to see the property or business, then you get an listing agreement signed by the owner to proceed with a showing and conduct a potential sale. Over $1 Billion in real estate has been conducted this way by members. It open os up a whole new way to help the public. It opens up whole new opportunities for full-time, part-time salespeople. Each lead that a part-time salesperson generates can be a referral to a full-time professional. THIS IS A WIN-WIN SITUATION FOR THE WHOLE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY. We teach the special questions that all salespeople can use daily to identify opportunities. This information becomes what I call “the gold on the internet.” For instance, you identify a dentist who wants to sell. Go to iciworld.com and search dentail and bingo buyers appear. Make an appointment to show the medical dentist business. Salespoeple have made $25,000 each within 90 days of learning how to do this. Every salesperson can do this!
12. Industry Standards
We follow real estate council standards to ensure compliance and efficiency while networking information. All members must conduct themselves in accordance with their real estate licensing bodies and their companies standards of business practice. It is important for all people in the world to use brokers and salespeople because of the protection and insurance that salespeople provide in a trade in real estate. They are trained in consumer protection.
13. Affordable Membership
ICIWorld is designed to be free after joining. Start for $30/month or $480/year, with a 50% discount if you refer a new member. We are more interested in the $240 since it will help double the service each year.
14. Next Year’s Goals
We aim to see members completing 5, 10, 20, or even 30 transactions yearly through ICIWorld with a membership doubling each year.
15. Referral Opportunities
Add the IDX links to your website because referrals can earn you between $10,000 and $50,000 with minimal effort. Learn how in just 120 minutes. One way is to add the IDX LINKS to your website. It is absolutely inevitable to trigger leads. Install them and the next person who visits your website has to call you for more information. Do a referral to the broker who place the Have or Want.
16. The Pledge Revisited
Our service works if you leverage it correctly. Testimonials prove its success. If they can do transactions, you can too.
17. New Member Success
New members are earning $25,000 to $75,000 within 90 days. Talk to an owner of any business in your area. And if they indicate they would sell, go to iciworld.com and search for the Wants for that type of business or real estate. Many have done this. See testimonials.
18. Future Vision
Our vision is to transition ICIWorld to an association for sustainable growth and public service globally.
19. Social Media Insights
Understand the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of social media in real estate. ICIWorld is important for brokers and salespeople to embrace because there is so much fraud on social media. By having a real estate database provided by brokers provides protection for the public because brokers and salespeople are trained in consumer protection and legal issues. Soecial media however is a great source of business for brokers. We show you how.
20. Public Protection
We emphasize training and consumer protection for public safety. Please see our Security and Protection Page.
21. Information Age
This is the age of information, and leveraging it effectively in real estate can make all the difference. See how brokers and salespeople have networked information in the real estate business effectively that culminated in them making connections that was not possible in the beginning because they did not have a signed listing to put on MLS. So ICIWorld fills the gap in the marketplace to network information but in a confidential manner, yet sharing the opportunities with the industry in the same spirit of brokers sharing their real estate board listings on MLS.
22. Seminars and Webinars
We offer educational seminars ($3,000) and webinars (free with ICIWorld usage) for training and development. Content. Feedback of attendees. Understanding the Powers of the Internet and How To Work Exclusive Information.