How The ICIWorld Commercial Real Estate Networking Service and Members Contribute to the GDP of a Nation

GDP Gross Domestic Product
Every sale in real estate contributes to the GDP of a country.
ICIWorld is a real estate information service (ILS) for broker and salesperson members who are licensed to conduct trades in real estate.
MLS (Multiple Listing Service) contributes to the GDP of a nation.
ILS (Information Listing Service) ICIWorld information listing services contribute to the GDP of a nation.
Here is one article on how real estate contributes to the GDP of Canada.
How much of the USA GDP is real estate?
- Share: Housing’s combined contribution to GDP generally averages 15-18% and occurs in two basic ways: Residential investment (averaging roughly 3-5% of GDP), which includes the construction of new single-family and multifamily structures, residential remodelling, production of manufactured homes, and brokers’ fees. Here is a breakdown by state.
North America, Canada, and the USA have organized real estate called NAR, the National Association of Realtors and CREA, the Canadian Real Estate Association.
However, a good portion of the rest of the world does not have MLS. We recommend it should. But it could have the ICIWorld information service in the meantime. Much of the rest of the world requires education on how the MLS can work in their country. We think the code of ethics and other principles have to be taught and agreed to in order to make it work. Perhaps ICIWorld can play a role in getting MLS started in terms of thinking. Offering both services would be a major gain for the countries that adopt both systems.
Using GDP as a measure of a nation’s economy makes sense because it’s essentially a measure of how much buying power a nation has over a given time period.
GDP is also used as an indicator of a nation’s overall standard of living because, generally, a nation’s standard of living increases as GDP increases.
ICIWorld is a real estate information service. Much like MLS and the sales of real estate contribute to the GDP, ICIWorld helps with networking real estate Have and Want information to do trades in real estate that contribute to the GDP.
ICIWorld can now help every single nation on earth to do trades in real estate. Leaders interested in economic development and real estate are invited to learn more about how we can be a major stimulus of economic activity that benefits all people.
How Real Estate Helps Build Success of a Nation
- What is ‘Gross Domestic Product – GDP’
- Real estate industries made up a fifth of Canada’s GDP in 2017
- Commercial real estate contributes $935b to U.S. GDP in 2017
- How Does Real Estate Affect the U.S. Economy?
- Real Estate Drove A Fifth Of The Canadian Economy In 2017
- Canada Real Estate Is Essential To The Economy. This Graph Shows Just How Much
- What is GDP and why is it so important to economists and investors?
- Is GDP a good measure of economic growth? Why or why not?
Real estate sales create opportunities to improve the economy:
- People buy new stoves and fridges and furniture, and that creates jobs.
- People improve their properties, new roofs, painting decorating, and that creates jobs.
- Building new developments in all aspects of construction creates jobs.
- All the services of the real estate services sector and building sector create new jobs.
- And much more.
Instead of a vacant piece of land lying dormant, new developments can take place with the right contacts of people and financing in real estate.
Real estate brokers and salespeople can see these opportunities daily in their marketplace.
However, not all can be listed on a real estate board at the time.
Yet all can be networked on ICIWorld by communicating a real estate opportunity to the world by doing this confidentially, qualifying the people, and getting into written listing agreements late to show the property or business.
Every real estate broker and salesperson in the world should have at least fifteen opportunities advertised on ICIWorld in the world today, or you can easily be missing making money and not realize it.
We teach how to learn this upon joining in a one-time orientation appointment.
Appointments are conducted over the Internet no matter where in the world you are located.