ICIWorld’s Charities and Aid Resource Page

November 25, 2023
A great deal more work is needed for this page. Can you help?
In fact it is something that when the service is growing into thousands of users and it is setup to continue to grow and prosper, the freedom that I would have I would like to transition to contributing in some special ways to boost the efforts of the many wonderful people and causes they support who generously devote their time and efforts to help others in need.
We could use some assistance in developing this page dedicated to offering suggestions for individuals to direct their efforts towards good causes. I would like to list the causes on this page that you support. It may help others to choose to contribute their time, effort and money.
We will be reviewing these links one by one for verification. If you would like to assist, please let us know.
One of the remarkable aspects of the ICIWorld service is how it can empower both real estate professionals and its users to generate and accumulate wealth. The generosity displayed by the service’s members, as well as its buyers and sellers, can be harnessed to aid those less fortunate and in need.
Therefore, the more income generated by ICIWorld’s members and users, the more they are inclined to contribute to various charitable and humanitarian causes. Whether it’s supporting children’s hospitals, Doctors Without Borders, disaster relief organizations, the United Way, the Salvation Army, food banks, homeless shelters, and many more. May we hear about your noble gestures in the community?
Service to mankind is the best work of life.
We present this page as a modest way for you to inform us about charitable activities.
We will be reviewing these links one by one for verification. If you would like to assist, please let us know.
If you have a charity you endorse and would like to recommend, kindly inform us, and we will include it on this page.
ICIWorld’s Charities and Aid Resource Page
Many of the following aid organizations play critical roles in responding to disasters in Haiti, as well as other humanitarian crises like Hurricane Katrina and the South Asia tsunami.
Social responsibility is a significant concern for people. By contributing to causes they believe in, individuals can make a positive impact, even in small ways. This page can assist you in making informed choices and understanding how to contribute effectively.
Another crucial reason for creating this page is to educate you about fraudulent entities posing as legitimate charities.
“In the aftermath of the disaster in Haiti, scammers were quick to exploit the situation through deceptive emails,” stated Dylan Morris, the spokesperson for security software maker Symantec. Most spam emails masquerade as genuine donation requests from aid organizations. They often involve requests for personal information sent to email addresses or fax numbers.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade offers a guide to help the public avoid scams and ensure that their donations are put to maximum use, available online at www.international.gc.ca.
The Better Business Bureau recommends consulting the Canadian Revenue Agency’s list of registered charities and relief organizations at www.cra.gc.ca/donors.
This article mentions a partial list of reputable humanitarian organizations, including WorldVision Canada, Medicins Sans Frontieres, Save the Children, and the Canadian Red Cross. UNICEF is also actively involved in such efforts.
Meanwhile, provincial governments are making contributions to the Canadian Red Cross to support relief efforts.
For more information, resources, and ways you can assist Haiti earthquake survivors, visit this link.
CNN’s Impact Your World is an initiative that encourages individuals to make a difference when disasters strike or tragic events occur.
There is also a special fund established by the National Association of Realtors® to provide emergency relief to hurricane victims, with details available here.
If you’re curious about what motivates people to be charitable, you can explore this article.
To learn more about charitable trusts, visit this Wikipedia page.
- Text messagingMobile Giving Foundation I spoke with Bell Canada, and they said you could text $5 from your cell phone by sending a text message to 45678 and typing Haiti in the body. A $5 will be charged to your Bell Mobility bill.
Guidestar.org GuideStar is the preeminent market research tool for businesses that serve the nonprofit community.http://www.networkforgood.org/ This website provides an easy way to donate online to all the major relief groups speeding aid to hurricane victims. Tsunami Aid: Where to Donate OnlineRelief organizations stress that cash contributions are the most effective because of the expense involved in transporting donations of goods like food or clothing to Asia. Some aid organizations and where to donate online:
- Many relief organizations have set up Websites to take donations for aid to victims of the South Asia tsunami. Below is a partial listing; several blogs, such as The Command Post and Tsunami Help, also provide good information on where and how to donate. You can also go to Network for Good to donate to multiple aid organizations.
- Easy and Effective Charitable Giving Simplify and consolidate your giving: The Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program,… vanguardcharitable.orgProfessional Fundraising Consultants CDS is a fundraising consulting firm specializing in planning and resident… www.cdsfunds.comCharitable Organization Car Donation Donate your car, truck, boat, RV, motorcycle, jet ski or snowmobile to habitat… www.donationline.com
- The 2005 Breast Cancer Awareness Scarf Ford’s, Breast Cancer Awareness, designer silk scarves by Lily Pulitzer. For… www.fordvehicles.com
- Give.org
- Canadian Red Cross set up a text messaging campaign that lets cellphone users donate $5 to the Haiti Earthquake Fund by texting REDCROSS to 30333. After users respond to a confirmation message, a $5 charge is placed on their phone bill.
- International Committee of the Red Cross This is the primary relief provider in the area and one of the few organizations actively helping people trace lost relatives. It has pledged to raise $8.5 million worldwide for emergency aid.
- Doctors Without Borders The group dispatched 54 tons of medical and sanitation equipment to the north near earthquake’s epicentre in Acehnic in Aceh, near the earthquake’s epicentre.
- UNICEF South Asia Tsunami Relief Fund of the United Nations’ International Children’s Emergency Fund
- CARE CARE volunteers in India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand are providing survivors with water purification tablets and oral rehydration salts to combat water-borne diseases
- Oxfam Oxfam, concentrating its efforts in the worst-hit areas, has flown 27 tons of emergency equipment to Sri Lanka and Indonesia. It distributes food and shelter supplies from its Trincomalee, Sri Lanka base.
- UN World Food Programme The UN organization has airlifted two food aid shipments to Colombo and the Maldives as part of its $1.5 million pledge to disaster victims.
- UNHCR The UN’s refugee agency is leading the organization’s effort to shelter displaced people and has already delivered tents, kitchen sets and plastic sheeting to thousands in Aceh and Sri Lanka.
- ReliefWeb This site, organized by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, contains news and documents about major humanitarian crises worldwide.
- Save the Children Have local teams in Aceh treating children for water-borne diseases and emotional trauma
- World Vision World Vision is collecting money for family survival kits, including blankets, tarps, water purification tablets and cooking supplies.
- Salvation Army The group is giving “practical aid and spiritual comfort” in Sri Lanka, India and Aceh and Nias Island in Indonesia by setting up feeding centers, distributing clothing and blankets in relief camps and counselling victims’ relatives.
- Mercy Corps Mercy Corps works with local organizations in India and Sri Lanka to distribute provisions and has emergency teams in Padang and Banda Aceh.
- Catholic Relief Services The organization has pledged $25 million in aid to India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. With partner agency Caritas India, it has already begun providing food and medical assistance in the affected areas.
- American Jewish World Service The group works with non-governmental organizations in the disaster region to provide emergency food, shelter, medical relief, and long-term development support.
- Islamic Relief Services Islamic Relief Worldwide has launched an appeal to raise $4 million for relief intervention and rehabilitation in the region, with $54,000 earmarked for Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
- Lutheran World Relief Will help rebuild infrastructure damaged by the tsunami and provide aid and counselling to victims
- International Orthodox Christian Charities Focusing relief efforts on the hardest-hit areas of Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India
- Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund Donate online to the Indian relief fund
- Kintera.org Non-Profit Donate to many non-profits here.
- Canadian Lutheran World Relief: www.clwr.org or 1-800-661-2597.
- Canadian Red Cross: www.redcross.ca or 1-800-418-1111. Donations can also be made at any Toronto Police Service station.
- CARE Canada: www.care.ca or 1.800.267.5232.
- Development and Peace: www.devp.org or 1-888-664-3387.
- Doctors Without Borders: www.msf.ca or 1-800-982-7903.
- Mennonite Central Committee: www.mcc.org.
- Oxfam Canada: www.oxfam.ca or 1-800-GO-OXFAM.
- Save the Children Canada: www.savethechildren.ca or 1-800-668-5036.
- UNICEF Canada: www.unicef.ca or 1-877-955-3111.
- World Vision Canada: www.worldvision.ca or 1-800-268-5528.
We invite you to share your recommendations for charities and meaningful causes that you believe deserve support, along with your reasons for endorsing them. Feel free to offer suggestions to inspire others to contribute as well. If you would like to have your charity featured on our list, please reach out to us through the following links:
- Contact us now to have your charity listed here.
In our industry, we come from diverse backgrounds, but we all share a common passion for serving others. There are numerous ways to contribute to our communities, including serving our families, prospects, clients, and the local community. Here are some examples of how members and readers of ICIWorld are actively involved in serving their communities:
- Tsunami Aid: Providing assistance to those affected by natural disasters.
- Knights of Columbus: A group of Catholic gentlemen committed to exemplifying charity.
- Boy Scouts of America: The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America supports over 300 local councils, offering quality youth programs like Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing.
- Habitat for Humanity Canada: Dedicated to building affordable housing for families in need, providing a “hand up” rather than a “handout.”
As the saying goes, “Service to humanity is the greatest work of life.”
Warm regards, Gary Nusca, CCIM Phone: 416-214-4875 Toll-free: 1-877-272-1721