… about us, a longer explanation

late 1994
Can you imagine all the Haves and Wants, connections to do business, with your friends, colleagues, business associates, buyers, sellers, where do you keep track of it all and . . . if you do keep track, have it working to generate business? If you can not track and have every connection and potential opportunity to do a real estate or business transaction, you are missing out. But if you can have a list available with one click and this list is working on the Internet for you, now that is a win win situation for you, for your prospects and clients. A few months later a lawyer expressed an interest to buy a shopping center and do you think I could think of who it was that had that shopping center announced at that previous meeting? This was a $50,000 commission at stake and I could not remember who it was! I vowed never to let that happen again. It just did not seem right that the whole industry goes through the same thing missing opportunities to make money and in many cases not even realizing it. ICIWorld is a major solution to an industry problem.1992
ICIWorld started as a commercial investment real estate bulletin board (CIBBS).

From a bulletin to the in 1994 as a solution to a problem. And has since then grown into a world service.
The potential of this service is that it can provide ecommerce solutions for all countries of the world. Helping people who have ideas, concepts in business and real estate. These are the real builders in the world, the developers and people with plans and ideas to invest in real estate. ICIWorld helps facilitate the connections otherwise everyone is actually missing opportunities to do business and do not even realize it. Would you or would you not agree?
I remember being in a CCIM meeting of fifty Brokers and Salespeople at the Toronto Real Estate Board and participating in a marketing session where Brokers stand up and talk about their Haves and Wants very briefly. Others in the room would hand their business card to the Broker so they could talk about a potential showing and be doing business.
The problem was, unfortunately, one could not write down the Haves and Wants fast enough.

I have spent the last 24 years working with Real Professionals developing this serivce.
I have to say I thank them for their faith in me to continue to develop this service. The essence of MLS is you help me market my listings, and I will help you market your listings. Well it is similar here, you help me with my opportunity that is not on a real estate board and I will help you with yours. It solves the problem by providing a place on the Internet for the world. When you fully understand this service there is nothing else like it in the world.Everything made sense to me when I read a book by Bill Gates about the speed of thought. If you can think something, write that thought down, you could post it on a bulletin board and . . . the Internet.
Every listing in the world that any Realtor gets is a thought before it is signed. So yes, we are dealing in thoughts. I had to observe an important legal requirement to not identify a property in an advertisement unless you have the consent of the owner in writing. But if you do not identify a property different story. Put an agreement in place first before showing the property or divulging the address and go from there.
This is where people everywhere on the planet can record their Haves and Wants.
Others simply read them, pick up the phone, make an appointment to see a property and go from there.
It is incredible the business that is going on, hotels being built, subdivisions being sold, homes being built, properties renovated, commercial sites developed, and all the benefits that we all enjoy in the real estate business including buyers and sellers creating wealth.
This was exclusive information!
Nowhere else in the world was it being collected or displayed.
People in the industry were missing opportunities to do deals and did not even realize it.
You know the saying “what you do not know, you do not know.” But I knew it and became determined to this day to do something about it.
I saw buyers looking for properties going unanswered and I saw property owners who could not find the buyers that were looking!
I talked with brokers who were licensed to trade in real estate information who had people telling them “I would like to sell my property, but I do not want to give you a listing but I will pay you a commission.”
Today this service provides opportunities for licensed real estate brokers and salespeople world wide to network not only with each other but with approximately 50,000 +/- readership from people in over 100 countries.
I have to say they are to be congratulated for having the foresight to be on the cutting edge of technology using the Internet and having faith in us to grow the service on their behalf.
It is real estate Have and Want information that is the gold on the Internet for the public and for real estate salespeople because one lead can make one a lot of money.
90% of the millionaires in the world made it in real estate and real estate salespeople help the public create wealth.
You will learn that this service can help everyone in the world to network real estate information as well as real estate board listings. One broker told me he placed a $4M shopping centre on TREB and received four calls. He placed it on ICIWorld and received 30 calls and sold it. Real estate boards are important vital services. I too have served on an MLS committee.
However, there is a lot of real estate buyer and seller opportunities that can not be placed on a real estate board and there is a nice way to work it on ICIWorld. It is the power of the Internet at work here.
It is simply our position that real estate boards are vital and important. I should know. I have been a real estate broker/salesperson since 1972. But there are also other services, advertising and networking services that should be included in every single real estate brokers and salespersons marketing plan if they can afford it. We strive hard and smartly to keep the price at .67 cents per day so that every single salesperson in the world can afford it.
Information is special in the real estate industry. And it takes a short learning curve to really know how to work it. And when you know wow! It results in $75 million office buildings sold, $9 Million medical building sold, 33,000 sq. ft. industrial buildings sold, hotels sold, $13M apartment buildings sold, down to gas stations and variety stores sold and it goes on and on. These items were not on real estate boards. See other testimonials.
Today there are over 30,000 real estate Haves and Wants 75% of which are not on real estate boards. Over $1 Trillion of Buyers and $8 Billion of properties for sale and for lease with people from over 100 countries of the world accessing this information and doing business.
Real estate brokers and salespeople can provide the opportunity to confidentially display real estate opportunities without giving away the address or identifying the property.
This brings more exclusive opportunities out of the marketplace to be displayed than ever before.
In every community in the world, there are untold opportunities that are not being worked.
These are missed opportunities for everyone!
Anyone reading this should start the ball rolling in their community and get those opportunities activated on ICIWorld.
It surprises everyone the first time they get responses.
For members who are doing deals regularly, it comes as no surprise any more.
There are two Databases.
Database 1 is real estate Haves and Wants database that is submitted by Executive Members of ICIWorld complete with contact information available to the public. You have to be a member to place information in Database 1 and then your information when placed is not only on ICIWorld with 18,000 pages on the Internet but also on 1,000+/- other brokers and sales websites instantly as well as distributed to up to 20,000 people daily by EMail. This is done for all new listings all year long. The readership is estimated at 50,000 monthly. No wonder so many members are doing business regularly.
Database 2 is free for the public to post information. However, the contact information is available to Executive Members only. There is a lot of business being done here. For buyers – members respond with properties that match the description of what you are looking for. For sellers – members respond with buyers and offer to market in Database 1. Properties from 0 -$2M- $25M have been sold in Database 2. All this is resulting in some of the most transactions going on the Internet for real estate of an independent real estate service. It is proof that everyone can do business. All this networking is also providing exciting networking opportunities not available on other services.
All real estate commercial AND residential everywhere in the world can easily be placed on ICIWorld thanks to the power of the Internet and the technology at work on ICIWorld. For members in Database 1 for the ultimate in worldwide exposure. For the public free in Database 2.
Some of the services working smoothly today:
Unlimited Haves and Wants for .67 cents per day.
Links of the listings on ICIWorld for members websites. If a member talks to someone who wants a restaurant, the member sends the person to see his/her own website and to click on the link that shows restaurants. The buyer marks the message number down and contacts the salesperson for more information and follow up from there.
Websites. We have one of the busiest booths at real estate trade shows. The reason? We make a statement that you could have a $30,000 website and it would not be as powerful as the web site supplied by ICIWorld. It is because of the content. This helps each member succeed in their marketplace. If each member can have MLS AND EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS, COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS, all on their website tailored for their area, then that provides a great resource for the public to find their next real estate acquisition.
ICIWorld information is made available to individual members websites through links. When a member adds a listing to ICIWorld they can agree to allow it to be on other brokers websites. What is better, to have your information on one website or on a thousand websites?
When a Have or Want is added to ICIWorld it is instantly and automatically added to thousands of pages on the Internet. It is added to a thousand members websites, over 18,000 pages on the Internet and over fifty websites resulting in people from over 100 countries of the world accessing the information. That is why we have testimonials of a $4.5M Apartment Building sold to people in the Middle East, student housing sold to a buyer in England and it goes on and on. If a person does not place their information here then is it not possible that they are missing out on making a connection and doing a deal and not realizing it?
High-speed EMail servers deliver 20,000 +/- EMails daily to individual subscribers, investors, developers, salespeople, buyers, sellers and other industry professionals DAILY. That is why some of the best responses come within a matter of hours and a few days.
Apps for the iPhone, iPad, Android devices as well as applications for the Blackberry, Windows mobile devices as of July/2013. This is significant because there are more mobile devices on the planet than humans. See ICIWorld Apps. Order an App for your company. This means virtually Have and Want information placed on ICIWorld is accessible by almost everyone on earth. This is the new mobile revolution sweeping the world and you can read about in the Order An App section.
When every individual broker and salesperson member promote their own website, they are bringing attention to all the listings on ICIWorld because the listings that are on ICIWorld are on their individual websites.
This is a win-win situation for all members and most importantly . . . the public. It is worldwide exposure on the Internet. The more members, the more information becomes available through members websites, and the stronger the reason to engage a real estate salesperson to provide their services to you.
Thank you to everyone who visits the ICIWorld website for your patience, kindness and understanding as we make changes and continue to reinvest and build this service on your behalf. May I assure you it is business as usual during construction especially searches even though you may be navigating through different websites.
All services are on a special high-speed server so that within 30 seconds and five or so clicks the final click should deliver your results within 2 seconds. Each listing should be able to be seen within a few seconds.
And we would like everyone to know Our Pledge
This is all cutting-edge technology with changes happening very fast. It is how to market listings, share, promote and network information, websites, apps, mobile apps, social media, networking, lead generation and more. Whew! What’s next?
When properties sell it contributes to the economy of a nation. Every trade can result in upgrades to the real estate stock, triggering purchases of goods and services. Builders find land on ICIWorld and build new homes and shopping centres, resulting in people working, triggering income for municipalities and much more.
ICIWorld now provides opportunities to network exclusive residential services as well as industrial, commercial and investment (ICI) real estate for all price ranges for everywhere on the planet earth where there is Internet access.
It is all about networking. Use Haves and Wants to identify people whom you may be able to do business with. Because they deal in that kind of property, is it possible they know of other opportunities not on the service? Is it possible that if you have a good relationship with them that if they identify a property in the future that could help you, they may call you back? So developing good relationships is important. You can use ICIWorld to continue to build your own personal database from the contacts you will develop through ICIWorld.
To get started, very little time is required. Upon joining instant access to all information and the ability to add Haves and Wants immediately. Thirty minutes to learn how to place information properly with help videos. You will be dealing directly with the world.
Web sites are free for one month and then $19/mo. You should link them to your other web sites. They are special because of the thousands of exclusive listings not available on any other service. They require a one time setup of 90 minutes. We have tried to get the time down but can not at this time. Even before you get the web there is hours of special work that has gone into them. They work automatically updating themselves 50-150 new listigs daily. They send out listings by EMail to your clients the moment a new property gets added to the system. Over 300,000 real estate salespeople have these sites. When you learn how to promote your web site in your every day business it makes your job easier, provides a great service your prospects and clients and generates leads, showings and deals. It is one of the most powerful tools of the Internet. One should learn how to promote a web site and we teach this in a monthly webinar.
Develop good business relationships with members and people using this service and you will find doors can open up for you.
We have had lots of growing pains over the years so much we could write a book on it. But it is real estate brokers and salespeople in the industry who with their successes inspire me to grow the service to make it work for everyone.
I have seen people so easy to be critical and not lift a finger to make an information service work for them and others. But it is the ones who make it work and contribute with ideas and enhancement suggestions who I really appreciate and enjoy working with. It is this collaboration of hundreds and hundreds, thousands who I have met personally over the years who I admire and truly enjoy working.
We encourage you to provide your feedback and suggestions.
We enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to serve you.
All the best in real estate.
Gary Nusca, CCIM, AMP On behalf of members
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ICIWorld Succeeding by Helping Others Succeed Sponsorship Program Summary of Services