(Members should print this out)
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Entering Listings
Courtesy Note: When entering listings, please only select the Business Area(s) and Business Category(s) that are relevant for your listing. Otherwise it is like spamming. Your listing MUST BE RELEVANT TO THE BUSINESS AREA in which your property is located AND BUSINESS CATEGORY. ie: if it is a commercial site choose Sites Commercial/Industrial not Business Opportunities, etc.
Always click on Latest World after entering a listing to see how how the public sees it and to make corrections.
How To Add a Want (7:30) Video
How to Add a Have Listing (20:56) Video
Business Area Help
To enter Haves and Wants:
- go to www.iciworld.com
- click on Log In
- look for red printing Excusive Member Services
- all choices are on the left;
- log in on the left. Log in for one year at a time and that way you do not have to log in every time you are on the service;
- after you log in, hit the back button twice and your computer will remember that you are logged in.
- forgot your username and password? Click on log in help password on the left and it will get sent to you within 3-5 minutes by EMail. If not call our office 416-777-2733 or make an appointment. https://appointment.iciworld.com;
- click on Add Have Want on the right. See Manage Listings in red printing.
- fill in the form;
- contact information is not allowed in the Subject Line. In other words no phone numbers, addresses, web site addresses, MLS numbers, etc. are allowed in the Subject Line. Of course all of this is allowed in the body of the message. Although the address of the property can be placed in the body of the message, we recommend you do not place the exact address but a city and general area instead to prevent people from going direct to the owner. By triggering a call first you get to qualify a prospect and know who you are working with first, then at least you know who was introduced to the property during the term of your listing ;
- click on submit information at the bottom;
- hit the back button twice.
- click on Latest World under Manage Listings to see if your information went in correctly. A list will appear. Your listing should be on top since you were the latest one to add a listing. Click on the message number to check your listing;
- to modify your listing, click on My Listings under Manage Listings
- after modifying your listing, hit the back button twice. You may have to refresh the screen to see your changes.
- make sure you see the training video on adding Haves and Wants.
All residential properties all price ranges are now handled by ICIWorld.
If it is a single family home, choose the Business Category called Residential estates, single family homes, cottages, vacation properties, etc.
If it is a duplex or triplex you can choose two Business Categories, Residential Estates AND Apartment Buildings. Apartment Buildings is our residential investment category.
Also choose multiple categories if your home it is an income property, commercial zoning, land value, rooming house, duplex, triplex, or in groups of properties for investment purposes, etc.
All your residential properties are to be added to the powerful web site that we supply you and they will be available on google. Log in to your own web site, click on Listings, click on Create Listing. You should have at least six photos.
The words principle and principal are different but are often confused. Use principal when referring to a buyer or seller. In general usage principal refers to a person who plays an important role or holds a high position: ie: Last week, there was a meeting among the principals in the deal. Further understanding.
More Instructions to Enter Information
The first service of its kind in the world started in 1994 with over one year in development for this following one feature alone.
The Business Area entry method on ICIWorld is the newest and latest technological advancement in the commercial real estate industry world wide, for two major reasons for instance:
- When you place a Want now, you can now select individually and/or all the states, provinces and countries, in one listing! This is significant because up until now you had to enter separate listings and this was very time consuming.
- It is significant for a second reason. Each state, province has its very own EMail List Service. By entering your information just once and by selecting all the states, provinces, countries, etc. your information will be sent to every single state, province, country, etc. that you select.
- Please only select the Business Areas and Business Categories that apply to your listing otherwise it can be considered spamming.
MAKE SURE YOU CONTINUE SELECTING ALL THE CHOICES THAT APPLY TO YOUR HAVE AND WANTS. If you do not, you can miss doing a deal and not even know it.
There are four choices for Business Area. The first could be USA, then choose a region like South East or South West and then choose your state. That's it. If you only choose USA then people searching a region or state do not see your listing and it will not get emailed to that state.
Another example is for Canada, then say a province like Ontario, then Greater Toronto Area, then Toronto. If you miss selecting all four you can easily miss doing a deal and you would not even know it. Select all the Business Areas that apply or you can be missing doing a deal and not realize it.
Check your listings after adding them and modifying them. Click on Latest World on the left to see how the public sees your listing.
These choices determine where your listings will be EMailed to. If you only select USA and not Florida, yes your listing will get circulated to the USA List Service, but not the Florida List Service.
If you are not sure, call 416-840-6227 anytime and make a short appointment for a workshop Webinar. This one phone call can ensure you enter information correctly so you stand a chance to make money and not miss doing a deal.
Regarding the placement of information.
Please make sure you place your listings only in the appropriate Business Category that applies and appropriate Business Area that your property is located in.
If your property is located in Florida, do not click any other states. If it is in Mexico do not select another country. Many people today have blackberry hand held devices and other Personal Device Assistants. Nothing is more frustrating and annoying than to have listings come in areas that do not apply to the appropriate Business Category and/or appropriate Business Area. It is a lot of clicking for nothing and people do not like that.
Check your subject line and check your categories and they should conform. Place another listing with a different subject, different business areas, different business categories to make it conform.
Highlighting all Business Categories and/or all Business Areas is a no no.
Do not type in all capital letters. It is better and more professional to use upper and lower case letters. Capital letters are like screen blare, like someone yelling at you and in some cases like begging.
For "wants", you must start the subject line with the word Wanted. Otherwise people think you have something for sale.
There are special things you can do to improve your response ratio. If you ever wonder why you do not receive as many calls as you think you should part of the reason from over 10 years experience in the "information business" could be "the information that you have not placed" in the subject, that you can or should place! The following are helpful ideas that have made the difference for others to make money and hopefully will for you as well.
Your subject line field when Adding/Modifying a message is missing one or more ingredients.
Your subject line is very important. It is the SUBJECT THAT IS CIRCULATED locally and around the world by way of EMail List Services. There are over 10,000 20,000+ EMails delivering information daily. People do not read the body of your message unless they are first interested by something that triggered their interest in the subject. When it is sketchy, vague, missing one of four ingredients, from experience, they may not follow up because many people just do not have the time. Everyone is overloaded with information and unless you make it easy for them, they just do not have the time to check out whether or not it fits their criteria.
LOCATION, TYPE, SIZE and/or PRICE, SIZZLE, and in that order is the best advice. You will find the results better and more qualified. Some find they are into a transaction in an average of four calls.
Location: We do not mean the exact address. A general location is fine. Reference it to a major center such as: (20 minutes to Orlando, 2hr. to Toronto, 1 hr. flight to Vancouver, etc.) Think globally and act locally. There are over 300,000 2,000,000 hits per month (2017), 65% from the USA and the rest of the world. This means many people may not know anything about your area location. For that reason, unless you are already a known major center like a major city, you should reference your town or area to the number of hours it is from a major center.
Price: When entering a price you need all the zeros in the price field. These are searchable fields. However in the subject line we use short forms like $3.2M so that you have more space to place information that may trigger someone to contact you.
SIZZLE: For properties for sale, ask yourself, what is so good about this property, over the many other properties out there in the same price range? Usually the first things that you can think of, you should add this to the subject line. This could be busy location, a good cap rate, fully occupied, upside potential, etc. In the case of Wants, ask yourself, what is so good about this buyer over all the other buyers out there in the marketplace? Can act quickly, cash, etc.? Read other ads to get ideas.
For a buyer sizzle means, what is so good about your buyer over the other buyers in the marketplace? Are they qualified, do they have the cash, are they ready to act quickly, can they close in 30-180 day closing. Sometimes a later closing is preferrable, sometimes an earlier closing is preferrrable by an owner and if your purchaser is flexible it can be an advantage.
The subject line should read like a mini classified ad. There is a limit of 160 characters or almost 3 lines of text. Look for the little counter which keeps track of the characters. If you delete some, you have to press the space bar to recalculate. The difference in a great subject line is the difference between making money or no money.
Contact information is not allowed in the subject line. The listings are displayed on other brokers web sites. Other brokers' listings are displayed on your web site. EMail addresses, addresses of listings, web sites, phone numbers are not allowed in the subject line. They are included in the body of your listing of course because the listings displayed on ICIWorld web sites are designed to be read by the public so they can call you. The subject lines are displayed on other broker web sites and are designed to get you more market exposure for your listings. But for other brokers to display your listings, it would not be appropriate to place addresses in the subject lines.
Principal versus principle - What is the difference? Important when saying principals only.
Principals Only
See our Training Videos for assistance Choose the Youtube videos as they have been edited and can work on any device.
How to Add a Want Print out Want Sheets and have them handy. Every time you talk with a buyer whether on the phone or in person, fill out a Want sheet otherwise you can miss placing it on ICIWorld and miss doing a deal and not realize it.
How To Add a Have Listing Print out Have Sheets and have them handy. Every time you talk with a seller whether on the phone or in person, fill out a Have Sheet otherwise you can miss placing it on ICIWorld and miss doing a deal and not realize it.
Every member should print out:
https://www.iciworld.com/marketingplan.shtml Now available on Video.
Go to www.iciworld.com click on Log In, click on Training Videos on the left.
You might want to print this out and keep this in a legal size file folder. We know these ideas work because there are deals reported regularly by members. See the testimonials.
Click here for help Videos
Consider this service in one respect as an electronic equivalent of a classified ads in a newspaper except that your market is over 500,000,000 2.5+ 3.7 billion people (2017)! Will they have heard of your location and know all there is to know about it? Give them a reference to a major center, and include links to a local economic development agency, chamber of commerce, etc. that helps to sell your location. We have had stories about this kind of information being circulated around a board of directors table when they were making a decision to lease a property.
Make sure you have keywords in your subject line. If you have a donut shop make sure you have the word donut and not just Tim Hortons for instance. People search things by keyword. Make it easy for them.
After you have entered your information we suggest you Search "Latest USA" or "Latest World" to see how the public actually sees your listing. Read the body of the message, check your information and your links.
Watch that you have not accidentally entered duplicate messages! If you hit enter again, it puts it another message in again so you now have two. Wait about five seconds after you hit enter when you enter a listing and then click on Latest World to see how the public sees it.
Click on the link My Listings to modify and/or delete your listings.
You should modify your listings every 30-60 days. If you do not, your information goes down in the database. We have noticed the majority of deals are started at the top half of the database. This is where there are over a million hits per month, but also, instantly and automatically, your information is emailed out to the industry. There are over 10,000 EMails being delivered daily with new people subscribing regularly. If your information is near the bottom of the database, people simply get so busy working the top half they do not even get down to the bottom and secondly, it is not distributed to all the new people who have subscribed to receive things by EMail.
If you modify your listings within 30 days, it does not get EMailed out. Only new or listings modified after 30 days get emailed out.
Status of Listings. There are four status of listings: Active, Sold, Expired, Inactive. If you only want active choose active status when doing any advanced search. You can also search by date. Expired and inactive listings provide opportunities for networking purposes. Expired members listings are still maintained in the database to provide opportunities for members to network with them. Expired members can no longer add listings to Database 1 and can not modify their old listings but can receive calls on old listings. If you do not wish to search old listings don't. Choose status active and search using date fields. Latest always gives the latest listings first.
Have/Want Category. Make sure you choose the Have/Want category of your listing. If you place a Wanted listing and you do not change the Have/Want to a Want, people who are searching for buyers will not find you.
When entering the square footage for industrial, office and retail buildings, watch how you enter things. Only place one square footage in each field. There is a minimum field to enter information and maximum field for wants.
Please leave spaces between words; not like this Office Bldg/11,000SF/CBD/Yourcity/$649,000/E.
with a slash between words. The Internet prefers spaces to hyphenate things. The way html works it needs spaces to show properly on other peoples browsers. Use spaces instead of slashes. Leave a space after a comma, etc.
There is now a Training Program available on line. It can be found by going to www.iciworld.com, click on Member Links, log in, click on Resource Center in left frame. Look for Help Files for The Market ICI Network, click on Training Program. You should print it out. (6 pages legal size, 11 letter size) Every single item in the ten points is designed to make you money. If you miss one you miss making money. We have examples to show to you. Please feel free to call.
Internet Links Box: This is where you can get creative. You can link to photos and make them appear right in your listing. In this case, place the photos on your own web site and link to them.
Market your location with links!
One recommendation is to link your listing to the listing page on your web site where you have your listing. That way when people see your listing on ICIWorld they click for more details and it takes them directly to the listing on YOUR web site. This is also lead generation for your website from a listing. Your website should already automatically be in your listing for more lead generation.
In the Resource Center, Help Files for The Market ICI Network, right after Training Program is a file called "How to Link to Photos and Economic Development Agencies." Many say that location, location, location are among the three most important words in real estate. In my opinion real estate brokers and salespeople have not really arrived on the Internet in an effective fashion because you can have a great property, but it is getting people to go to your location that is the issue. By selling your community to the world, and keep in mind this is a global service with people from over 100 countries readership, you will attract people to your location. You can do this by linking to sites like your Local Economic Development agency and/or the Chamber of Commerce that helps to market the location. One of the "true powers of the Internet" is in linking. These sites have spent $25,000 and more to develop websites like an electronic brochure that markets your location to attract investment and you can link to these sites absolutely free! Link to city sites, local economic development agencies, local Chambers of Commerce, local State and Provincial sites, country site that helps sell the location. Make a 30 minute appointment for a workshop Webinar with me if you need assistance to do this.
For properly formed Internet Links click on Add Link. Use the Link helper. This way people can click on the words such as "All about and the name of your city" and immediately be taken there to see some marketing about your area and all the great benefits of living and working in your area. Do not just paste a link in the Internet Links Box otherwise people have to copy that link first and paste it into their URL. Use the link helper to form a properly formed link so that people just have to click on the link. Make a 30 minute appointment for a workshop Webinar if you would like assistance to do this and to find links that help to sell the location of your properties. Use Visitors and Convention Bureaus, Tourist sites and much more.
For Sold Listings: you should now Modify your listing, choose status Sold, type the word (SOLD) or (LEASED) at the beginning of the subject line and click on modify record. To see all your solds, click on My Solds on the left.
To see your personal listings: go to www.iciworld.com, click on Log In, click on My Listings on the left, click on Modify, make changes, click on Modify Record. Once you see success on the screen, click on Latest World Commercial or Latest World Residential to see one way how the public sees your listing and to check and see how it went in. Check your links to see if they work. Check for duplicates in case you clicked twice if you were not sure it went in. Delete your duplicates.
If you find you have to log in every time when searching or adding listings it could be that you need a setting changed in your browser. See Cookies. This way you will not have to log in every time you visit iciworld.com
Remember people are overloaded with information, your subject has to trigger someone to be interested. It can be and is for many the difference between making money or making nothing. This is like a real estate twitter of information to trigger interest. If you miss the sizzle you can miss generating a lead and miss doing a deal and making money.
ICIWorld has had the first $1,000,000 commissions earned on the Internet by a licensed real estate salesperson. There may have been others but we know of this one. They made it using information not just listings such as on a real estate board. See detailed description of information versus listings.
Do not hesitate to contact us anytime both to help us to continue to develop these services for your area, any enhancement requests you may have and to offer any suggestions and/or comments. This is your service, built for registered real estate brokers and salespeople from a real estate brokers and salespersons point of view. To have the most inexpensive way of reaching the population on the planet earth taking full advantage of the Internet.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you.
Gary Nusca, CCIM
The Market ICIWorld Commercial Real Estate Network
Industry leaders at work for you.
Bus. 416-840-6227
Contact us anytime free world wide.

Since 1994