About this testimonial page.
PDF File of testimonials
A HomeLife real estate agent advertised in
a trade publication and received a call from a person who wanted to buy a gas
station. He searched ICIWorld for gas stations and found many and showed one and
sold it. He uses his MLS system and ICIWorld extensively and find they go hand
in hand to network information for buyers and sellers. He has made a lot of
great connections and continues to do so.
One broker reports that he gets a higher
caliber of clientele. He likes Internet customers. He says they are more
sophisticated and he has found them to be loyal. He says they use EMail and
Voice Mail, they are sincere people and show up for appointments. He finds
them easier to service.
A Remax agent who has been using the
service for three years has had several deals. There were many small deals
which were retail leases and other small sales where she advertised the space,
got a tenant and leased it. She has been contacted by people from New York
Florida Michigan and is working on transactions on office buildings, shopping
centers and hotels. She says she has created a network of people that have
brought great strength to her business which is basically principals she is
dealing with, properties that are not out on the open market. She is excited to
get her whole office on board of about 15 agents.
Basic Axiom - The more opportunities exposed to the world
marketplace of Haves and Wants to do business, the better the opportunities
there are to match those opportunities with a corresponding buyer or seller to
do business. This applies within real estate offices, this applies to the whole
This also results in the highest and best price being obtained
by sellers and results in the best deals being obtained by buyers.
If you miss placing your Have and/or Want information, you miss
doing deals.
ICIWorld member information now receives over 1,000,000 hits per
month from the public.
We are so busy doing seminars, conferences and conventions we
have not had the time to continue adding daily and weekly testimonials. For
members there is now a Sold Database. Members are encouraged to mark their Haves
and Wants as Sold or Leased, but it is not mandatory. We exhibited at the
Financial Forum (details)
where we conducted three seminars. Over 40 Haves and Wants from the public were
placed on ICIWorld in the private FSBO Area. Buyers and sellers of Hotels,
Apartments, Shopping Centers, Industrial, Business Opportunities, Land, Resorts,
Farms, from Nova Scotia to Niagara Falls to the USA. See
Database 2. Licensed real
estate brokers and salespeople can become Executive Members of ICIWorld and have
access to this area. Once you are a member, you should subscribe to receive
these listings by EMail literally within an hour of them being placed.
Cooperation between brokers is networking to the max.
Two brokers split
$75,000 selling a medical building. They met through ICIWorld. One had the
buyer and one had the seller. The true strength of the service is the people on
the service. You meet others who you can do business with. In our
opinion, real estate brokers and salespeople are best positioned in the industry
to collect buying and selling information. ICIWorld becomes the ultimate
tool on the Internet when they work that information for the benefit of the
public. It is a responsibility of all in the industry to recognize important
information that can make you money and then work it through the industry in an
effective manner. Fell free to
contact us anytime.
A HomeLife Real Estate Broker placed an ad for a motel on October
15 and he had four enquiries. He showed one of them and sold it and it closed
Dec 5, 2002. It was a 19 unit and there was a $32,000 commission. He also
sold the owners of the motel a home to retire in.
A Century 21 Sales Rep. placed a campground on the
service and had it on for six months and received over 40 calls. One purchaser
was not interested after seeing the property, but the sales person showed
another property which he subsequently sold within one week of that buyer
contacting him off ICIWorld. $17,000 commission.
He also had a farm advertised, received over 40 calls, he showed
the farm about 10 times. One person who was not interested in this farm,
the salesperson showed another farm that he subsequently sold. $20,000
This service is very similar to classified ads in a newspaper
and basically what works best he picks up more prospects. Getting buyers and
prospects is valuable. When he has prospects in the office, he also shows
them product.
A Prudential real estate
broker acting as salesperson joined the service and immediately received a call
from a developer from another province on one of the ads. A year and a half
later the developer came to his area. He sold the developer a piece of
land for $1.050,000 (double ender). The developer created 58 lots and the
salesperson sold them to a builder for $5,000,000 (double ender).
He has since sold the same people a $3,500,000 development site
and double ended that. Plus he has sold another $600,000 that was listed with
another MLS realtor.
This all started with one simply phone call from an ad on
Yesterday he just completed a conditional offer for a $600,000
property and that was from a response off an ad on ICIWorld that was price
He has found it to be an excellent tool and he says is not using
it to its full potential and wants to learn more such as linking, etc. We spend
time with each and every person coming on this network. Over the ten years
we have been building this service, we have found that if you miss one concept,
you miss making money. Don't let this happen to you. Make an appointment
through Sid for an appointment
and upgrade your skills handling information in the world today. [ICIWorld has
been training brokers and salespeople for ten years, teaching how to take full
advantage of the Internet. You can print it out automatically on joining
and includes a one on one session in your office over the phone while you are on
the Internet.}
A HomeLife Real Estate Salesperson
placed a resort-motel on ICIWorld. Over the next year he had about 30
calls of which he sold 4 other resort properties making over $56,000.
Eventually a one principal bought the motel. So sometimes a listing can
generate many buyers that members can sell other things to.
Ed Golz, a Sutton Group
Associate Broker placed a resort on ICIWorld.
Editors Note: Edgar is now deceased and is sorely missed. He was
professional in his business and was humorous. He always made you smile. I
will miss him. He was a leader on the Internet and using technology and loved
He received several calls over
two months. One call was from Switzerland. They saw it on the Internet
on ICIWorld and had a friend of
theirs who lived near the property look at it. He recommended they should come over and see it. They did
and bought it for $625,000.
He also had another one where he placed another resort for sale
for $890,000. A film producer in California saw it on the Internet on
ICIWorld and called him. His father in law who lived near the property looked at it for
him. Consequently the film producer and his wife came to see it and bought it.
Total commission on those two deals was $36,000 and $48,000 =
$84,000. These are not the only deals he has generated. He has also had several smaller deals like apartment buildings,
nurseries, subdivisions, etc.
He receives several calls per day from both his web site and
ICIWorld, which are linked and intertwined.
As the whole real estate industry places their information on
here, it simply makes it so easy for the public. Every licensed real
estate broker and salesperson who joins needs to have the skill talents to make
this high tech world service work for them and their clients. There are so many
new developments happening so fast that it is vital for all Executive Members
to have an up date training session annually. There are concepts that are
literally the difference between doing deals and not doing deals.
For instance one of the True Powers of the Internet is in
"linking." Do you know how to do it and why? Did you know you can add
10,000 listings to your home page with one link?
Here are
details. We respectfully submit, that every single person with a real estate
license in the world who is interested in making money in commercial real estate
should be adding these "information tools" to their "information tool box" and
marketing services for their clients and prospects.
Three brokers combined to sell a $20,000,000 hotel.
A Coldwell Banker Broker sold a
$1,800,000 retail plaza. He also had another buyer with $1,000,000.
However there was an opportunity to provide $1,000,000 in financing on this
plaza. The other buyer ended up providing a $1,000,000 mortgage at 10%
instead of buying. This broker also sold another plaza around $500,000.
How much does it cost to place your Haves and Wants all year
long and make connections to do deals?
Membership Details.
In one respect think of it as the "worlds largest bulletin board" for placing
Haves and Wants for Industrial Commercial and Investment Real Estate, Land,
Farms, Business Opportunities and more. If you do not place your haves and
wants and keep them up to date, you are missing doing deals.
He says he was simply getting continuous calls. Financing
was a big issue for most people as the one plaza was not fully rented. Part way
into the deal it got rented and they got the financing.
Century 21 Associate Broker and CCIM leased a 11,500 square feet industrial building. He had over 100
calls with an offer coming in at the three month mark and eventual deal by the
six month!
Whenever people call a broker or salesperson on a listing and
the listing does not suit that client, this is what I call "information."
You have spent a lot of money to build a real estate office and business
practice and outfit it with phones, to handle information in the business, etc.
And then someone calls and when the property does not suit the client, that
prospects name sits in a card file system or on your computer doing . . .
nothing. We say, activate this information. Place it as a Want on
the service. Give the community a chance to respond.
A long time ago I had one listing that generated many calls and
sold seven other properties off that one ad! The same thing is happening
on ICIWorld in some cases.
One of the biggest responsibilities of all licensed real estate
people is to recognize important information that can make you money and then to
write it down. If you do not, you can miss working important information
through the marketplace and you can miss doing deals and not even know it. Place
it on ICIWorld so the someone in the world can connect with you.
Tenants and buyers should be placing their "Wants" on the
service. It is free for the public to do so. Brokers and Salespeople should be
working these Wants on the service that distribute this information by email to
all who are interested. Everyone in the commercial real estate industry should
be on this service. One broker has called our EMail List Service a service with
"brains." This broker by the way has sold over $1 Billion worth of real
A Century 21 Broker listed an
office building exclusively for $1,650,000. Within 2-3 weeks of placing it
on ICIWorld he received about 20 calls. He ended up selling it to a
principal who had seen it on ICIWorld. Total commission was approximately
$45,000. Some of these other buyers he is now working with.
He has had about six deals resulting from connections both
directly and indirectly as a result of ICIWorld. He has sold a restaurant
business, a triplex, he has leased half an office building over 6,500 sq. ft.,
for example and several more.
He says it is the easiest and most efficient method for both
brokers and potential clients to find suitable investments for their clients. It
certainly complements what is on his real estate board and fits together working
side by side with his real estate board.
A Re/max Associate Broker got a
listing on a Power of Sale for a well known brewery. Placed it on ICIWorld.
He had a number of phone calls and one after two months ended up buying it. The
buyer saw the listing on the ICIWorld network, called the broker and the deal
was done.
In all his listing presentations, this broker uses ICIWorld as a
listing tool, mainly for the marketing exposure. He feels all of the
commercial real estate agents and investors in the world will notice this
property. He says the contacts he makes through ICIWorld are fabulous.
He feels he is getting well known throughout his country area and he is now
getting referrals because they feel he is on the ball, he is on the job, he
knows his area. He is making a name for himself and he credits ICIWorld as
doing that.
A Coldwell Banker Sales
Representative sold two businesses. He placed a restaurant for sale on the
service. He had it on there for about six months and finally sold it for
about $125,000. It was a double ender. What was interesting about
this listing, was the fact that during the six months, he received three other
prospects and sold one of them another property and made some money! He
uses ICIWorld in his listing presentations and there is a certain comfort that
people have that they know their property is on the Internet in an effective
fashion. The public is asking that it be on the Internet.
[Editors Note:
We suggest that every single real estate broker and salesperson in the business
. . . ]
He also likes it because he can place information that is not
listed but the owner said "if you can find a buyer, I will sell it, but they do
not want to get formal about it." He has gotten leads from these and
considers ICIWorld as a great lead generator.
He also placed a "Want" for a manufacturing business. An
owner of a manufacturing business called him but it did not suit the buyer.
The broker developed a relationship with this owner and now has that
manufacturing business for sale. It all started with a "Want."
Every single broker and salesperson should be carrying around
"Have" and "Want" sheets. Recognize important information that can benefit
people, and right them onto a Have or Want sheet and then delegate the placement
onto ICIWorld for the world to see. If you do not, you miss working your
information through the industry and you actually miss doing deals, and you do
not even know it.
22 months on the market . . . 3
months SOLD on ICIWorld. It was a property that was on the market for 22 months
with an independent broker. He had two more months to try to sell it and
he was going to walk away from it. He had joined ICIWorld and had it on
ICIWorld for 2 months when he got a call and ended up selling the property to a
buyer. It was a trailer park and sold for $750,000 with a 6% commission.
He was in the area recently and was talking with the buyer that he sold it to
about how she found out about the property that is when he discovered it was
through ICIWorld.
Busy for two weeks. We are downsizing our position with Yahoo
and increasing and beefing up our own computers to deliver mail, now averaging
10,000 EMails per day. Try it out.
Subscribe to a
list for your area. More and more deals are being done directly from these
Motel sold to offshore buyer by
Royal LePage Sales Representative.
A Re/Max Commercial Sales Person
listed a plaza for lease. In the plaza were three vacant retail spaces for
lease. She placed it on ICIWorld and she received 10-15 calls within
one week! One of them was from a pharmacy about 1,000 sq. ft. which she
leased and made a commission $4,200. She did another one in the same plaza
for about 1,000 sq. ft. again to a caterer with take out food and made another
She originally got the listing from a lawyer who was visiting
ICIWorld on the web site and called her off another space for lease that she had
downtown. He asked if she did retail leasing and she did business with him.
She is also working on major offers in the millions on other
projects at the moment from contacts that she has made here. She says
"this has opened up a lot of doors for her."
A Coldwell Banker Salesperson leased
15,000sf industrial space. But how it happened was like this. He placed several
units of an industrial complex on ICIWorld, each about 2,000 sq.ft. each.
He received a call from a principal who wanted 15,000sf. He did not have
it, but subsequently found it. Commission about $7,000. This salesperson
has also leased retail space 1,200sf. A property manager found this space
on behalf of his client. Commission $3,000. He has an offer tonight from a
principal who called him off ICIWorld on a $500,000 property. He says he
has received a lot more calls in the last year than ever.
He is receiving more calls and that is a function of two things:
the embracing of ICIWorld by the real estate industry and the
concepts and; the ability of the professionals in the business to search and
place their information in an effective manner. ICIWorld helps train
professionals on the effective marketing on commercial real estate information
using the Internet, and
the critical mass that is continuing to build in favour of
ICIWorld. You only have to see the
private FSBO Area listings being placed by people throughout the world to
see the interest. This is truly a world bulletin board for everyone on the
planet earth with Have and/or Want commercial real estate information.
A Homelife Real Estate Sales Representative just joined
the service, placed two plazas on the system and immediately got calls and is
set to show the plazas after signing some confidentiality agreements. He
told his wife "this may be the best $319 he has ever spent in the business."
Recently another broker that I talked to, had three cheques in his hands from
deals he just had on ICIWorld. He was on his way to buy his wife a Ford Bronco
and was going to the Caribbean on a cruise. It was surprising and not surprising
what he said next. He said Gary, "I am not a good proponent of your
service. I do not tell anyone how I am getting my deals." "I do not
even tell anyone in my office!
This is true with others on our service. If you find a
gold mine, are you going to run out and tell everyone? One referral from
the FSBO Area, such as listing 4576 "Wanted Income Property $500K-$1.5M" that
you could refer to another broker or salesperson could make you, 25% of the
selling end of a 5% commission on $1,500,000. 25% x 2.5% x $1.5M = $9,375
for a five minute referral and there are 4,000 opportunities in the FREE FSBO
Area to do this. If you do ten referrals can you make money. How competent
are the people that you are referring these listings and buying opportunities
to? Use your companies referral directory, ICIWorld's or use the CCIM
Network the best in the business. If a CCIM accepts a referral, you can bet it
will get looked after in a professional manner.
I would get excited about the opportunities about working
in the business, not just listings, something that other services in the world
do not do on an industry wide basis. Every private FSBO owner sign in your
community is information that should be placed on ICIWorld. Could they
make you $10,000 or $30,000 or $50,000 and more? How much would it cost to
place 10 or more opportunities on ICIWorld?
Subscribe today
and start learning how you can serve your clients and prospects using the latest
Information Technology on the Internet and how it is applied to work in the
commercial real estate business successfully.
An independent broker who sells
businesses had his businesses advertised on ICIWorld. Two of the businesses that
he had were laundromats. He received a call from a person who owned a
laundromat who was checking prices and properties for sale on ICIWorld.
This broker already had a buyer that was not interested in the two that he had
advertised on ICIWorld but he made arrangements with this caller to show the
laundromat that the caller had. He sold it and made a $20,000 commission.
Many times a broker will have buyers and
tenants from advertising a similar property, business, or space for lease. In
this case it was worth a call for the owner of the laundromat as he sold his
business even though he called someone who had a laundromat for sale.
This has even happened where a broker
advertised his buyers acquisition criteria. Another buyer called him
anyways. This broker actually found a building that was not suitable for his
buyer and sold this other gentleman a building. Again it is developing
relationships with people. We encourage the public to develop
relationships with the members of ICIWorld and get their information placed so
the people with a similar interest can respond.
By placing your information on the ICIWorld,
it generates interest from people who are interested in dealing in the same kind
of property and/or business. It is helping people of similar interests, find
another they can relate to that is the true benefit of this service. This
business is one of developing relationships for a mutually satisfactory and
rewarding business transaction but it helps to have some common interests.
ICIWorld helps you to meet others with a common interest. Why not
to receive EMail from a popular ICIWorld EMail List Service that best serves
your interest. I guarantee there is one that will deliver, or we will build it
for free. Contacts . . . Make Contracts!
independent broker in the business who did not use computers, tried to get
someone in his office that was computer literate to join ICIWorld with him.
The computer literate fellow procrastinated a few years but they finally joined! One of his clients asked if he could sell an
apartment building in another city. He listed the property, placed it on ICIWorld and received several calls, one from a principal. He sold the
building for $1,000,000 and made a $50,000 commission.
How did I learn about this? I was on
a cruise ship and just happened to meet him and his wife. Small world, eh?
ICIWorld provides training to real estate
people who are learning computers. This training goes at the pace of the
broker or salesperson no matter how long it takes. As long as you can turn a
computer on and get yourself to
http://www.iciworld.com you are in business with us to learn.
ICIWorld now has a "Sold" area. When a
listing is sold, it is recommended that members modify their listings, change
the Status from Active to Sold, write (SOLD) in the Subject Line and then modify
their listing. We suggest that this is good for business. It shows
activity in an area. People can see you are selling things and may be more
likely to call you to help them do some real estate business. Real Estate
Brokers and Salespeople generally speaking love working with people and
appreciate the opportunity to serve people well and make a living for their
family as a result. For appraisers this is helpful in identifying sales in the
marketplace that may be unavailable in other areas. Keep in mind a good
percentage of the sales and leases that take place as a result of a connection
through ICIWorld are not on real estate boards. In fact some say 90% of
the shopping centers in any area in North America are not on real estate boards.
The same thing is true for Apartment Buildings, Land and much more. You
will find them being placed more and more on ICIWorld since it is designed to
handle information, not just listings.
independent brokers connected on the sale of a $3,000,000 building generating
$90,000 in commissions. The building was in the private FSBO Area on ICIWorld.
The are subsequently working on another $5,000,000 one.
There have actually been portfolios place
in the private FSBO Area from $25,000,000 to $40,000,000.
There are 50-100 new listings a day.
There literally are tens of thousands of people visiting many ICIWorld web
sites. There are literally thousands of links to the databases of ICIWorld
throughout the world. Keep in mind ICIWorld was the first commercial real
estate information service on the Internet in 1994! Since that time we
have registered in thousands of places. Today members of the service also
place the database on their own web pages. This is tremendous penetration of the
marketplace. This has been a full time job since the 1990's. There is no
way anyone in real estate could do the same for their own home page or you would
have gone broke for the time you would have had to spend. We do it all.
Brokers and salespeople have been supporting the service for years through a
simple and cost efficient "$240/year" for unlimited ads and, there is training
to help members become very effective in their marketing of their Haves and
An independent broker sold a 20
unit apartment building. He had it on ICIWorld. He had over 10 calls which
he attributes that it would not have been likely they would have seen it in any
other way. It was on the market for one year and then someone bought it.
Total commission was $35,000. It was co-listed because the man that owned
the property had a relationship with both brokers. A principal saw the
information and got his own broker to get involved. For a buyer outside of your
normal realm of your real estate board then this is the service in the world to
be the most effective. He uses it in his listing presentations all the time.
An independent Coldwell Banker
Broker just sold a variety store to a Korean family. He posted a variety
store for sale for $280,000. He received over 20 calls over a four month
period but this one resulted in a sale. Total commission $17,000. This
broker has sold many properties ICIWorld. He has sold an apartment building
$1,100,000. He has an offer that he has online now on line for $1,700,000,
He has sold a resort sold for $415,000. This resort was actually on the
service for a year and over the year he had many calls. Some of these other
people have become clients that he expects to sell in the future. He has
sold motels, stores, trailer parks on the water, restaurants, and more.
He uses it in his listing presentations
daily. He says ICIWorld is the commercial home page in his country and there is
nothing else close. He has the logo for ICIWorld on his home page linking
to the database.
One of the true value added services that
real estate brokers and salespeople offer the public is their information
handling abilities. The ability to network information in an effective
manner is not a case of just having a web site. It is finding traffic lanes on
the Internet that lead people to the information that you have. ICIWorld is the
major world traffic site for all who are interested in commercial real estate.
It is not a listing service like a real estate board or the Internet type
listing services of the world although listings are being advertised.
Learn some of the "differences"
that make ICIWorld the leader in the Internet information business as it relates
to networking information in the commercial real estate business in the world
today to start deals. One piece of information can make one a lot of money.
You have a chance to network that kind of information to help your clients and
benefit yourself.
Royal LePage Associate Broker
leased a 100,000 square foot industrial building that he saw on the service.
Thanks for leading me through the ICIWorld site
. I think this is the best service in the world to date! It lets principals
advertise their "have's" and see what "wants " are listed for a possible match !
Besides, it demonstrates to us who is active in Commercial Real Estate, who to
call to either list your needs, and what is currently available.
An independent broker listed a subdivision for
$1,285,000 and placed it on ICIWorld. Within two weeks another broker in
office of a broker member saw the listing, developed a relationship and they did
a deal. Total commission was about $60,000. He is getting enquiries
all the time.
I was talking with a developer today and he stated
that he has done three deals as a result of connections made through ICIWorld.
He is finding out about properties by way of one of the EMail List Services of
ICIWorld. He receives them daily and when he sees something he picks up
the phone and calls the agent. The first one was an office building for $700,000
and he bought it right through the broker. The second one was a nine plex
for $250,000 which he bought through the ICIWorld broker. The third
property was an office building 8,800 sq. ft. which was 2/3 leased out, around
$300,000 through the broker that advertised it. He says it is a good
service. He says that all brokers have been helpful and looks forward to doing
more deals.
The EMail List Service is a free service to the public and
covers every area of the world. You can subscribe to your State or
Province or Region. It is free. You can unsubscribe from it anytime.
People are doing deals right from these EMails!!! This is a free service
because the licensed real estate brokers and salesperson members of ICIWorld
support and pay for the service. It helps them serve their clients and
prospects. Subscribe/Unsubscribe
now. Call anytime to
discuss what is the best service for you to be on. This is a global service and
serves every where in the world. Services are developed based on your use.
Let us know if you want a particular service and we can design it when we see
that a few hundred or might use it. That is all it takes!
The servers and software that collect, distribute and
deliver this information are very sophisticated and are located in San Jose,
California. One of them is a Sun Server with Java Programming that gives
us the capability to design just about any kind of database and deliver service
that we want. The key thing is that the base is in place to continue to
develop this for the commercial real estate industry world wide and if you deal
in any aspect of commercial real estate there is no reason why you should not be
on one. One connection with one person can make you a lot of money and
serve your clients and prospects well.
Here is an example of how you can place an ad on one
property, get a call, and then sell something else! An independent broker
placed an ad for a motel, he received call, showed it, but it did not sell.
He showed another property and sold it. This was with another broker and
they made $15,000 commission. In a sense Have and Want Ads are like signs
on properties. You receive calls, develop relationships with the people
that call, and go off and sell something else.
A real estate brokerage auction company listed a
waterfront motel for sale for auction. The auction date was in five weeks.
He placed the property for sale on ICIWorld and received a call within 1 day.
This buyer turned out to be the ultimate buyer of the property. There was a 2.5%
selling commission to other brokers but they sold it themselves. Property
was sold unconditional, it closed in 30 days, for a price satisfactory to the
seller. The property had previously been listed for sale for over five years
with several other brokers, some specialists, some from Toronto, others local,
none were members of ICIWorld.
An independent real estate broker placed an ad
for an income producing property. He had it on for 45 days and received a
call from a buyer and sold the property. It closed within thirty days.
This was an exclusive listing, not on MLS. This was tough one and took
more than 12 hours of work and he made five figures of income.
If you could advertise your Haves and Wants in a
newspaper like the Toronto Star for free, would you? ICIWorld is an
electronic equivalent of classified ads in a newspaper but with a market of over
500,00,000 people. We believe it to be the world's largest service of its
kind for commercial real estate. We are not a real estate board or real
estate board type listing service in the world.
I just heard another nice story today.
Three months ago one of our broker members was reading his daily mail, the
Ontario ICIWorld Digest from Yahoo. He saw a bank building advertised by
another member. He thought it was such a good location for something, he
told his broker, asking him is there anyone he knows that might be interested.
The broker said let me think about it. He came back a half hour later and
said he wants to buy it. He did and the real estate is moving to a new
location. In their meeting yesterday, the broker was complimenting
ICIWorld and the cooperation within the office to share information. This
also shows the cooperation with the other office that listed the property which
was . Cooperation, respect and trust and friendship. The office that
will be opening will be announced soon. This is a two part testimonial.
This is a great example of how the broker in the office is using the service.
But he is only using it in one way and one direction and in actual fact has been
keeping his information up to date. I say this is all a learning
experience for our whole industry and we are here to help you.
A HomeLife office reports doing 6 deals since
they joined about five years ago with a total commission of about $100,000 for
their broker.
A Re/Max Sales Representative leased an
industrial unit and sold another one. The sale netted $22,000 and the lease was
$5,000. He had them on the service for about 60 days and both were sold
through two other brokers who also were members of ICIWorld. He believes all
realtors should avail themselves of the service.
I was talking with an independent investor
today. His reaction was that unlike other sites where he has to pay, with ICIWorld he gets the information every 1/2 hour to one hour on his screen.
This is because ICIWorld delivers all the information by EMail List Services
absolutely free to the industry. It is unique in itself because it
goes to the world and every investor who wants it. Anyone can access the
information. You do not have to log in, you do not have to pay a price. He
actually has had compliments from broker members about the service. His
information is placed as a Want in the Private FSBO Area. It is free for
everyone in the world to place Haves and Wants in the FREE FSBO Area.
Brokers access this information and deal direct with principals in this area.
This is a win win situation for the public since more information is networked
as a result.
A Re/Max agent posted 2 commercial spaces
1,200sf and 800sf for lease on ICIWorld. She had six calls in a week, four
from principals and two from other agents. She leased each space to
separate principals. Total commission $7,000. This agent has actually made
over $30,000 in commissions since joining. This agent has been a member
for three years, but it has been most productive in the last year and she is
finding more and more people are using it. It's so easy. It has
gotten her a lot of contacts which is leading to other business.
A broker who was not a member saw an Executive
Members listing on ICIWorld. He referred a purchaser to that broker.
The purchaser optioned a $1.2M piece of property and subsequently exercised the
option. The referring broker was in Ontario and the property was on
Vancouver Island. Total commission was $60,000. Referring broker
received $15,000. The referring broker spent less than five minutes
setting up the referral.
If you have any kind of referral network, one referral
can make you $14,000 and it takes 5 minutes! I have been developing this
service for ten years and I see this opportunity to work referrals. Ten
referrals could make you 10 x $14,000 = $140,000 for 10 x 5 minutes = 50 minutes
work. You may pose a hundred questions of why the likelihood of this is
impossible. But I tell you now, it is happening!! Our private FSBO area
has over 3,000 listings prime for placing referrals. This is cutting edge
technology and people are just learning about these opportunities.
I believe there is 100 times the business possible to be
done in the marketplace than what is done on traditional real estate boards.
Not that they aren't important, just that there is room in the industry for a
service like this. Several hundred members renewing on a regular basis can't be
all that wrong.
Independent broker placed a Want on the service for an
apartment building. He received a call from someone who owned an apartment
building, but the person did not want to sell but wanted to buy another one.
The broker found one and sold it to him. Along the way the broker had other
people contact him by email that were also looking.
Some ask me why do we not publish names. I can
tell you that every broker prefers to exercise his competitive advantage in his
market in his own way. If you need to know, let me know, we shall contact
that broker who provided the testimony and have them call you.
Another real estate salesperson lady let me know she sold a $10M shopping center. She got the buyer from ICIWorld by advertising her other plazas. $125,000 in commission and a job well done. In this case she prefers to keep her information confidential.
Today a JJ Barnicke Broker reported a sale of
$1,000,000 Office building directly to a principal making a commission of
$50,000. The property was placed a year ago and was reduced throughout the
year until it sold.
Here are some brokers who invested money and
their time to learn and got started on the Internet with ICIWorld and have benefited
big time. Keep in mind this service is basically only $240 per year and
commercial real estate generates considerable revenues as you will see. Members have a
considerable advantage in the marketplace. Many get listings of Power of Sales
from Banks because they are so well connected to buyers in the marketplace.
Learning how to work referrals made one broker $10,000 with a five minute
referral, and much more.
A Royal LePage Associate Broker listed some land
76 acres and had it on the ICIWorld network for two years. Although his listing
expired, he maintained it on ICIWorld as an open listing with agreement from the
seller. One problem that it did not sell was because buyers wanted the
annexation by the city to take place. Finally, it just so happened that
one independent broker who was not a member of ICIWorld brought in a buyer and
the property sold for $2,100,000 with a 6% commission. The significant
point here is that If ICIWorld had cut this members listing off arbitrarily,
these brokers, the buyers and sellers would never have gotten together to do a
You must understand first that every Have and Want
Listing on ICIWorld is dated. As long as a person is a member, his
listings are active. If the person does not renew for any reason the
listings are placed in an expired listing area where only member brokers can
access the contact information. It is true there are some older listings
on the service that may have sold. We find 10% of the broker members cause
90% of these older listings and we work to remind them to renew their listings
regularly. However the above sale is not the only sale that has occurred
on older listings. I also ask, that if you call someone and the listing is
sold, can you benefit from knowing how much it sold for? I also ask you,
if the listing is sold, do you think the other agent may know about property not
on the service that may be available? Do you see what we are suggesting?
This service is really not about listings . . . it is about meeting people who
you can develop relationships with that can lead to doing deals. Three
brokers split $200,000. One received a call from another on a listing that
did not suit them, they discussed something else not on the service and they
went off and did a deal.
Everything is dated. If you personally do not want
to go back further that 3 months, or 6 months, or 1 year to look at listings
then don't. Everything is dated, use the Advanced Feature and plug your
dates in and only get results of the ones you want. As long as a person is
a member, his listings are active as far as we are concerned.
This same Royal Lepage Associate Broker has also sold an
Industrial Building and made $55,000.
A Sutton Group Associate Broker saw a listing on
a plaza in the private FSBO AREA of ICIWorld, and called the owner from private
fsbo area. The owner sent him the details. The agent had a great
relationship with the buyer and in fact he was a friend. He gave the information
to his friend. His friend drove out of town to look at the property. He
came back and said "lets do the deal" and they did. Total commission
ICIWorld really has two major world databases. One
is where the member brokers place information and the public, everyone and
anyone in the world, can read the contact information and deal directly with the
broker. It is an electronic equivalent of classified ads in a newspaper
but with a market of over 500,000,000 people. The other database is where
the public can place information absolutely free, but only the Executive Members
of ICIWorld can read the contact information. However there is a limited
view of the information in this private database. It was this private
database that the Associate Broker of Sutton Group obtained his information and
provided service to the buyer and the seller as a result and made money as a
result. There is much
business going on from this private FSBO AREA database. One developer alone
placed over $150,000,000 worth of real estate in it. This is another way that
Executive Members deal directly with the public.
This private database can now be placed on every
Executive Members home page as a list, with a statement that if any listing
interests you, please feel free to give me a call.
It requires some knowledge on the part of the members of
ICIWorld to learn how to use the Internet and ICIWorld effectively. If you
miss placing one word in your ad, that could be the difference between someone
finding your information or not finding you, between doing a deal and not doing
a deal. We teach that in orientation and training sessions for every new
member and for every member renewing their membership. Working smart can
make one a lot of money in the commercial real estate business. I have
learned a lot in the last six months on how to help brokers make a lot of money.
We share these concepts in the training sessions. There are one to three
deals a day being reported sold.
Another Re/Max sales person has had a few deals.
It really does not matter how big or how small your Have or Want is. In
this case it was a gas station for lease. Although it was only $3,300 per
month, he advertised it, got a call, and leased it to two people. Total
commission $5,000.
May we suggest no broker or salesperson should drive by
a private for sale sign or for lease without marking the phone number down and
contacting the owner. Ask three questions: will they pay a
commission, will they cover your showing with a 48 hour exclusive listing, will
they allow you to advertise it on ICIWorld, but without the address? In
every community in the world, there are these opportunities. Indeed our
studies show that most every broker or salesperson can come up with at least 10
open type listing opportunities over the next three months if they wanted to.
Each one can be worth a lot of money. Last month 44% of the sales through
ICIWorld were of the open listing variety. We will teach the proper
handling of this information in a training session provided to every new and
renewing member. This is new found sources of income that brokers can now
make thanks to services like ICIWorld and the Internet.
Another Royal LePage Commercial Realtor listed an
apartment building. He advertised it. He got a call, developed a
relationship with the buyer who had a relative who bought a motel. This is
a good example of getting calls where the person is not interested in the ad,
but you develop a relationship that leads to doing business. One of the
larger ones was someone called on a golf course that did not suit the person,
they discussed something else not on the service, and went off and did a deal.
$200,000 in commissions in this case. In my opinion, more important than the
listings is the people behind the listings. However the listings help
identify the people that you can do business with. That is one of the true
strengths of the service.
A Royal LePage broker placed 100 acres of
farmland for sale. He had a number of calls and an EMail from a Sutton
Group agent. Using fax and email with the Sutton agent, it resulted in the
Sutton Group agent's client buying the property. Total price $1,350,000
and they split a 5% commission. This was a real estate board listing that
sold as a result of a connection through ICIWorld and they split $65,000 in
commission and served their clients well. If you are a member of the public,
place your information Free on ICIWorld. If you are a real estate broker
it is only $240 per year to place all your information all year long on the
worlds largest public and private Have and Want information service and have
people contact you directly. Everyone should receive Haves and Wants for
their state or province or area by EMail. It is one of the Free services
provided by the brokers who support the service. If you do not place your
information, you can actually be missing doing deals . . . and not even know it!
This is a world marketplace.
One member of ICIWorld placed a Medical Building
on the service for $2,500,000. Got a call from a broker and provided the
broker with the package. She thought she could sell it but couldn't.
She asked for permission to give it to another broker and she did after asking
for a referral fee. Each party agreed and two months later the deal
closed. Total commissions $94,000. The broker renewed for another
term. Cost to renew only $240. The broker says that for an
independent practitioner like himself the service is invaluable. To find medical
buildings on the service, search by key word medical.
Senior Director, Capital Investment Group, J.J.
Barnicke Limited sold three properties. He advertised two apartment
buildings and some land and sold all three. We are pleased to report he
has renewed for another year. The cost to renew? $240.
We have noticed that the brokers who have made over
$500,000 carry in some cases 30-50 listings. We suggest you carry around our
Have and Wants Sheets. Whenever you recognize important information . . .
write it down. If you do not, you miss working your information through
the market place and you actually miss doing deals and not even know it. We have
learned a lot in the last six months about the difference between the brokers
that do deals and the ones that do not. Get into a Training Session with
us and let us up date your knowledge on how to work smarter . . . not harder. We
help brokers make money serving their clients in every market of the world our
program works! You will have an advantage over the competition. They
will wonder how you are doing all your deals! This is from feedback we get
from members.
A re/max broker was reading his email of listings
coming in from ICIWorld and saw one that was an apartment building. Two
hours later an agent in his office told him she was looking for an apartment
building. He put her in touch with the listing agent and three months
later received a cheque for $14,000. Spent a total of 25 minutes!
Referrals are common throughout the service.
Referrals will become an even bigger part of everyone's
business marketing plan. In fact this is a new found source of business
for all members with the introduction of the ability to place the FREE FSBO
Database on members home pages. Here is an example:
http://www.investniagara.com You make
a statement that you belong to a private Have and Want commercial real estate
network, if any of the following listings interest you, please feel free to give
me a call. You can have up to 9,000 listings on your own home page!
Call for details.
If someone asks about something not in your area, that can be a referral for
you! Ten referrals could be $150,000!!! How long does a referral
take? You see the example above . . . 25 minutes . . . $14,000! It
will happen for you if you work the program. More ideas on working smart
are covered in our Training Program that is provided to every new member and
also provided in the form of member updates each year on renewal. There
are just so many things developing so fast that can benefit the industry and we
find that most in the industry simply are not aware of these features and simply
miss the benefits, and they are not even aware of them.
Another Re/Max sales representative who has been a member for three
years, has had three deals. One she placed a retail site for lease,
received a call directly through ICIWorld and leased it. It was a $10,000
commission for a 10 year lease. On another she placed a Want for a
hotel. An owner called her and eventually listed with her. She is
working on offers generated from contacts through ICIWorld. On
another ad she placed a Want. Another broker contacted here who new the owner of
another hotel and as a result she has listed another hotel with a referral to be
paid to the referral broker.
I asked a question at a recent presentation to a group of
commercial brokers. We found that the average broker or salesperson has 0-5 commercial
listings on a real estate board. We found however that they know about 10-15 other opportunities or
can come up with that amount over the next 90 days . . . all opportunities to
make money. We also found they were working
with anywhere from 5-10 and more buyers. It is information on these 10-15 other
opportunities and 5-10 buyers that brokers around the world can work through
ICIWorld very effectively. We also found that the brokers that are on ICIWorld
who have made over $500,000 are working a great many Haves and Wants. Each have or want
can make one a great deal of money. Most all brokers who are
not placing their Have and Want opportunities on ICIWorld are actually missing
doing deals . . . and don't even know it! Yet each Have or Want can make a
lot of money. Our Training Program will show you a model that works to
handle this kind of information in a professional manner. Our Training Program will show you how to recognize important
information that can make you money and to work that information effectively. We
have been helping brokers do this now for over ten years and it is working today
as smooth as can be. It will work for you . . . in your area . . . no matter
where you are located! Ask us the reasons why. And if you have a
hesitation, call now to discuss it. We are very helpful. Consider us
a marketing and information assistant to you personally.
A Re/Max Associate Broker today confirmed he has
sold three motels and made over $100,000. This was through a contact made
through ICIWorld. I remember this one. He had a listing for six
months and his renewal on ICIWorld was coming up and he had not made a deal.
From my unique position in the market place I see that the majority of deals
taking place occur at the top half of the database. Many people simply get
too busy working the top half of the database to get down to the bottom where
his listing was. By simply modifying a listing it is given a new number,
it goes to the top of the database that is receiving over a quarter of a million
hits per month, but also instantly and automatically it is emailed out to the
industry by way of Free EMail List Services that anyone may subscribe to.
He did this and got into a deal. May I suggest it is the responsibility of
all members to look after their information. We have made it easy by
providing a My Listings button in Member Links and Entry page to view all ones
listings. With two key strokes a listing is given a new number and gets
recirculated. This morning a broker who had an industrial lisiting told me
he just did that and got a call right away. He was surprised, happy and
pleased. I was happy but I was not surprised. I see this all the
time. There are new people signing up to receive these Haves and Wants by
EMail and unless you modify and listing it will not be sent out to them.
You miss doing a deal and you don't even know it.
One Associate Broker from HomeLIfe received a
Power of Sale listing from a mortgage broker. He placed it on ICIWorld and
received about four calls. One was from a principal and he sold it. To see all the Power of
Sales search the word Power of Sale using the advanced search method or Search
Beginner and find Key Word Searching.
Could It actually may be a disservice to the public, not
to list a Power of Sale here? On the Internet, this is Canada's Largest
Commercial Real Estate information service and one of the largest in the world
today. It has been built up over ten years. Is it a responsibility to
market a power of sale using the most common and best methods of marketing in
order to achieve the highest and best price? Is this a legal
responsibility? Challenges to companies who do not employ ICIWorld with
its wide exposure and readership could they be opening themselves to problems
for not trying their hardest? Have they used all reasonable
marketing vehicles compatible with the real estate industry to get the highest
and best price?
One of our service providers is an environmental consulting company
that offers site assessments, and cleanups for the real estate industry.
He has made great contacts that has led to doing business. He feels it is
a great way to contact people in the industrial and commercial real estate
industry. He has done several Phase 1 and Phase 2 audits as well as remediation
as a result of contacts made through ICIWorld. [Note: Many products and
services are marketed through ICIWorld as it reaches a whole industry of people.
Here are some other examples: Products and Services
Service Providers]
Steve Evans, Sutton Group finds it to be an excellent source for
industrial and commercial real estate contacts, it seems the source to go.
greatest success I have had was finding a builder who called on an industrial
property, but consequently looking for land to build new homes. I located
the land, and just sold out selling 83 homes all as a result of one connection
through ICIWorld." [Note: ICIWorld's part in this is to connect
people. As far as we are concerned it is still the developing of
relationships that lead to doing business. The key is to help connect you
with some one that you can do business with and ICIWorld is designed empower
people to do that in the most effective
and efficient manner in the world today. Real Estate brokers world
wide are best positioned to facilitate the collection and distribution of
information for all this to happen. ICIWorld is a cutting edge technology
service designed to specifically develop, manage and teach information systems
as it applies to the commercial real estate industry.]
One Associate Broker at Coldwell Banker, Randal Furlan has had over six deals and he says he has met a lot of people through the
service which in turn has led to other deals. He says he sold four apartment
buildings, one with 60 townhouses and another 33 units where a principal saw his
ad and he double ended it. He has sold over $4,600,000 in sales in one year
through the service. Recently he also saw a Want for industrial land
placed by another member and he went to the city to get a list of industrial
land available around the city and contacted four owners which generated a
listing of $5,000,000 which is now under contract to these people who placed the
One broker reported today doing three
business transactions. These were manufacturing, processing plants.
One broker who had a manufacturing plant saw a Want for a manufacturing plant
placed by Arnold Sandler who specializes in mergers and acquisitions of
manufacturing companies. He contacted Arnold and he sold it. This is a good example of how wants
should be worked through the industry to get results. However it has taken
ten years to get to the point where it only takes a few clicks to make this
contact . . . from anywhere in the world, and it only takes an average of 4.9
seconds for a click from anywhere in the world! Additionally people
receive information by EMail within minutes or by Digest within 24 hours!
Everyone in the world should understand it is the best platform to collect,
distribute and communicate information to the world. However to do it
effectively requires just some skill talents to do it effectively and members of
ICIWorld are constantly upgrading their skills to do just that. 90% of the
brokers in the world are not doing it effectively. For information by
email of several things you must do in my opinion to network your information to
make connections to do business, send an email to principalresponse@iciworld.com
(it is an auto responder) and you will have a response within
a minute or two by email that can help you into your next transaction.
More deals sold. One broker sold a hotel through an
auctioneer who advertises on ICIWorld. How did it happen? ICIWorld
conducts seminars (see reis.htm)
and conferences and attends trade shows (see http://www.iciworld.ca).
One trade show was the annual Canada's largest Commercial Real Estate Show at
the Toronto Convention Center. ICIWorld's booth is one of the busiest at
the show. Claude Beaudoin a real estate broker in Quebec was introduced to
Barry Gordon an auctioneer in Ontario at the show in a seminar. Barry had
a hotel in Quebec to auction and needed a licensed broker to sell it in
Quebec. He asked Claude Beaudoin. This is a great example of
cooperation between brokers in different provinces to do deals. The Real
Estate Show provides connections and exposure for members of ICIWorld and is one
of twenty major services all included in a membership to help people connect to
do business. This is just one show where over 12,000 people walk up and
down the aisles over a three day period. People representing over half the
wealth in Canada attend this event.
One sales representative today I talked with said ICIWorld has helped to get listings and this is leading to sales. People saw his
name on some of his listings on ICIWorld. They contacted the member to
find a manufacturing company for them. Then the member contacted some
manufacturing companies that were not listed, from a contact list that he had
built. He got three listings as a result. There are now sales in
progress. This is all a result of a principal buyer generated contact through ICIWorld.
Mueller, Sales Representative, Trius Realty Inc. ICIWorld in one respect
is an electronic equivalent of classified ads in a newspaper, but to a market
now of over 500,000,000 people not 1,000,000 as in a small newspaper. The
public is reading the information big time and contacts you directly.
A broker member had a medical building advertised and he received an
inquiry from another non broker member. He sent three packages of medical
buildings to the broker. She did not sell it but mentioned it to another
broker who was not a member and the other broker actually had a purchaser and
sold it through the original broker. It was a $2,350,000 sale. Over $94,000 in commissions. From the
time that the purchaser saw it to closing the deal was three months. The
selling broker and the listing broker each paid the other broker a 10% referral commission. Connections like this are common through ICIWorld
. . . World Wide. Keep in mind it is only 4.9 seconds average to do a
search on this system from anywhere in the world. It is not a matter of
"if" you will make a connection, it is only a matter of
www.boomfinder.com One principal reporting closing on an apartment
transaction of approximately $1,750,000 as a result of connections made through
ICIWorld. There are others that were done as well and more on the way. Another
recent one was closed. $750,000. Another has purchased through the boomfinder
over $10M. North Americas Experts share their knowledge on how they made
their fortunes. Buying, Selling or Investing in Real Estate? Boomfinder is
a big proponent of ICIWorld and Leon Arnold, President recently talked about it
on a Radio Talk Show in San Diego.
One broker sold a gas station directly to an oil company
within a week.
Over the last month I asked two brokers that I knew were doing well have
they made over $500,000 and they indicated they had. The brokers who run
40-50 listings seem to be doing the best. How can you get to 50 listings?
Buyers are listings to us. Open and exclusive information are listings to
us. Just because we work open and exclusive information does not mean that we do
not put agreements in place before showing properties or divulging information.
Jack Peckham, CCIM www.cyberspace.com
works open and exclusive information and has sold over a billion dollars worth
of real estate. We personally recommend real estate board type listings
however there is much more information that can be worked in commercial real
At a CCIM Meeting the other day, one Sales Representative
member of ICIWorld reports that he gets more calls through
ICIWorld than any other service.
This is exciting because this a growing service and I believe the best is yet to
come. I have monitored the statistics and they just continue to build as people get on
the internet and learn where there is business.
One broker reported that he leased an Industrial Building within 4 days
of placing it on ICIWorld.
One CCIM reports that he is doing a deal a month.
One broker made a connection with a builder and sold over 20 properties last year.
Without ICIWorld he would not have made the connection that led to over 30
I believe that I can show every broker in the
world where there are opportunities to make money in their marketplace that they
are not working now. And it is so easy to do! We are proving it time
and time again and again.
Your responsibility? Join and learn how to
work your information to benefit your clients and prospects. Take the Training Program.
It is one thing to have a jet outside your door, but if you do not know how to
fly it, you still are not going anywhere. The jet is the Internet and
Information Technology. We have spent ten years working and developing ways to
help brokers make money. For only $240 per year you get the benefit of
this ten years of research and development. Deals are reported daily. We want yours to be the next one. We
empower brokers to work the internet successfully.
Successful Deals . . . Done!
Properties sold from North
America to Europe and beyond
Shopping Centers
Sold, Restaurants Sold, Apartment Buildings Sold, Retail and Industrial
Buildings Leased and Sold, Resorts Sold, Land Sold, Manufacturing Businesses
Sold, Hotels Sold, Golf Courses Sold, Commercial Buildings Sold, Land Sold,
Subdivisions Sold, Motels Sold, Trailer Parks Sold, Businesses Sold, Development
Land Sold, Office Buildings Sold and more.
Some Sales and
Leases. Who sold and leased them? Click
results. Full training and personalized service included.
When you mine for gold, do you rush out and tell everybody. Not
really. You stake your claim and work your find. Just so with many
brokers today. One broker who had three deals, works from home. He does not even tell
people within his own office! Why? It is his competitive advantage
in his market.
Many brokers are absolutely surprised and excited to see a competent service
like this on the internet. Many are skeptical that deals are getting done.
And many members are not in a rush to tell the world about it.
Well this advanced information is here and it has taken ten years to build it.
You can be benefiting within minutes!
Some Recent
Some testimonials follow:
Yes it has helped market our properties and we get regular clients from this
It also helped Us build a database specific for farms and international farm
relocation. Yours is one of the most user friendly internet sites
Check our new site and let Us know what you think.
Yours Truly
Broker Western Canada
Ben has sold properties to people from Europe.
Hi Gary.
I sold two apartment buildings in Waterloo after a Toronto investor (with Hong
Kong money) found me on ICIWorld. We had other investment listings and he
did not know any realtors in the K-W area.
I have also had investor interest from Europe, Israel and the US on my listings
that have not, as yet, let to a completed transaction.
It does work.
is a story that I heard recently
One broker had a $1,000,000 property on
the service. He received an email from Geneva Switzerland and after a
while of going back and forth with email and eventually showing the property
sold it. The gentleman had received the golden handshake from his firm and
was returning to his home country. Not only did the broker sell the
property that was on ICI World but he later he sold the family a home for
$500,000. All business with and through this client can be
considered benefits for a lifetime. The home sale is what I call a
secondary deal because it occurred as a result of an original contact through
ICI World. These are the kind of stories that I am hearing about weekly.
They are common through this service! The first is what I call a primary deal
where someone purchases the actual property placed on the service. The
second is what I call a secondary deal, selling a home but the client came
through ICI World. Secondary deals also include obtaining a client off ICI
World and selling something else not on the service. Another example of a
secondary deal was a broker competing for a listing. When he specifically
used ICI World in his listing presentation when handling objections, he got the
listing. He got the listing by using ICI World and ended up selling it
through other means. All of these are benefits to their clients and to the
members. You will hear more on this later from me. I call it
the "Power of Many." It is the power of an industry to help you
in your individual affairs.
I just sold the convenience store business I had listed to a Korean business
man who called on my listing within 24 hours of me REPOSTING it.
It had been already on for about 6 weeks and as a passing thought...it
occurred to me that there had been no action on it so I acted on the
impulse...went in immediately and redid the ICI WORLD listing and BANG.
I always believed that the Buyers come onstream on a daily basis and
thus the consistancy in advertising may seem stale to us but is fresh
to them the first time they see it. Just proved that theory.
There is so much more I wanna do but you know...there is never enough hours.
Stephen Rath, Associate Broker, Heritage Realty Schomberg Ltd.
An independent Coldwell Banker 1st London in London looked up for a
member in Chatham, found an independent who subsequently had a tenant for
a building that he had in Chatham and they leased it. $9,000 in one phone
I am pleased to advise that finally, after one year of
negotiations, I have completed a $520,000 sale of a resort property to
a buyer client from Malaysia, obtained through the Market ICI World Network.
Obviously, I will be renewing my executive membership.
Sale of two apartment buildings by placing one message on the service,
"two apartment buildings, coming for sale." The broker received
14 calls in 24 hours, one from a principal. He sold the first building and
made $150,000 and a week later sold the other and made $89,000.
Gary: I'm a little disappointed with your network. I thought my pager
would be beeping after entering the marina listings yesterday. Why
it take 6 hours to get 4 requests on the marina info? Just kidding,
"it is now necessary in my business"
Real estate broker; "I saw a $400,000 property on The Market ICI Network and sold it.
I am joining the service."
(from a broker)
"We are a major franchise and are looking for locations. This
is a great vehicle to reach the marketplace."
Terry, Sales Representative Century 21 Lanstars Realty Inc.
"Within one day of joining The Market ICI Network and on my very first
listing I received close to a $4,000,000 offer on a shopping plaza in Hamilton.."
Hi Gary,
I'm involved in numerous network on the web, although I must tell you
that ICI NETWORK is my favorite & I rarely fail to access it on
a daily
So far I have sold a larger industrial building netting a $21,000
commission and have a number of potential leads right now, of which
know some will definitely materialize, all due to this network. Am
I a
happy camper....you betcha.
Gilles Brunet, Broker
Steve Evans, Associate Broker, Century 21 Armour Real Estate Inc.
"I just wanted to inform you that your system has enhanced my ability to
seure Listings. When I show my clients that I have all these purchaser's
waiting to buy their property, they are quick to list their property or
business with me. The fact that the Network has major players in the ICI
Industry give the Network credibility. The bonus is to the public as they
can also access the information. Glad to be aboard!"
Dear Gary I have been able to find listings that otherwise i would never
have known about and I have just co-listed a B&B with another member John
Moroz I have not yet had a sale but have had a showing on land by a
Japanese party thanks to the I.C.I. World Network
"I am
happy to inform you that a response to a fellow broker's Have resulted
in a "nice sale" of a manufacturing business. The business had already
been on the market for more than a year and we worked on it together for
many months. Not only was there a substantial commission, but I have a
new colleague and friend. The business is profitable and the new owners
are an excellent fit."
"I would
like to report that because of the networking opportunities offered by
this system, I was able to share a six figure commission on the sale of
a golf course with another member. What makes this story interesting is
the fact that initial contact was made on an unrelated listing on the service.
The advantages of being able to network with professionals in our field,
with this type of system, is not only cost effective, but it also provides
an opportunity to meet some really great people that would otherwise be
terribly difficult to connect with."
"I am pleased to report
that I have successfully sold two shopping malls as a result of the ICI
Network that generated in excess of $80,000 commissions. I highly recommend
this service to all my fellow agents."[editors note: This broker has now sold
seven shopping centres as a result of our services and is looking for more.]
As for having done any deals?... I have secured listings both locally
and outside of my area as well as purchaser enquiries from as far away
as Russia and Brazil. One fellow came up to Lindsay to view a property
on a recent trip from Brazil. These contacts as well as at least one
property where we have received an offer on a $949,000 property have
come as a direct result of the ICI World network. It is merely a matter
of time before one of the deals comes together.
I remain a huge supporter Gary.... keep up the outstanding work.
Sunderani, Broker of Record, Classic Realty Inc., Brokerage
just reported the sale of an apartment building in Eastern Ontario
Belleville area. He advertised it on ICIWorld. A buyer called. He
gave him the address, he looked at it, and returned to Toronto and
bought it. $985,000 and a commission of $40,000. This was Diamonds
first deal on ICIWorld more than enough to pay for a lifetime of
[editors note: we do not remove listings, it is members who
mark listings sold, delete them, etc.. As long as a member is
active their listings will remain active. If we arbitrarily
removed this listing after 90 days this deal may never have
occurred. All listings are dated so you can choose how far back
you wish to search.] |
Abouna, Sales Representative with Sutton Group placed a shopping center on his
real estate board and on ICIWorld. He got a call from someone looking on
ICIWorld and sold it. It was from another realtor who saw it on ICIWorld. He
gave him the MLS number and they sold it together. This is a good example of
ICIWorld triggering a call and then members of a real estate board working
together with a real estate board MLS service for the exchange of detailed
information to serve a buyer and seller quite successfully. Steve is in
Michigan and his web site
"I have found considerable
benefits to the ICI Network, even though I am traditionally not a modern
Internet professional student, but I have had successful dealings in Kaohsiung,
Taiwan, Linte, Denmark, Cantabury, New Zealand, and I am presently negotiation
in 2 other off-shore countries, I credit the ICI Network with a large part
of positive movement in these particular cases. We have also completed
a factory sale just under $1,000,000 directly related to the network."
24 hours of advertising a horse farm property north of Toronto, there was
Email on my desk from an interested party in Nashville, Tennessee. I am
convinced that this sort of electronic data exchange is the way of the
future. The ease of accessibility and the ability to pinpoint relevant
information quickly are two features well handled by the ICI World Network.
I regularly download the database and use the keyword search routine to
find what I'm after."
I watch the membership roster grow in numbers and miles I recognize new
opportunities for business and contacts beyond traditional real estate
boundaries. Gary, has created an advertising forum complete with on-line
training and simple formatting of information that eliminates the need
for extensive computer experience or expensive equipment to use."
"The World ICI Network is a very interesting venture which really does
not yield me any money at this time." "Yes it has been worthwhile in that
I did meet some interesting people during the CCIM breakfast. Always interesting
to see how the other side of the world operates." "Costs of some other
broker services are somewhat prohibitive" "That is why I am a supporter
of your World ICI Network."
From a broker who has sold three properties as a result of introductions
from the service. "If you want to make your phone ring, there is no
better (or more economical) use of your advertising dollar than The Market
ICI World Network. Every call, without exception, which I have received
off the Internet, has been from this source."
"I have had at least one positive response from my two current listings.
The reason I subscribe is that I feel there needs to be a quick access
product/client network if realtors are to be successful in this new electronic
age. I compliment you in ensuring the system stays up-to-date. I look forward
to doing my first deal and I am sure it is just a matter of time before
this comes about."
"We have received
4-5 calls from the United States (Arizona, California, Florida, New York)
since you have listed our properties on the Internet Service. Within a
week we are in negotiations to sell one of our plazas in the U.S.A."
"I have found this
to be a great source of information. I obtained an industrial listing because
the vendor could see that I had far more opportunity to contact buyers
that his other agent had."
I think the Market ICI World Network is a great tool for us to give properties
exposure on an international basis which would otherwise not be available to
us. We are a small real estate company and can not always provide a
with national or international exposure as can some of the bigger brokerages.
Market ICI provides us with a effective and affordable medium to advertise our
properties to a wide audience of interested parties, as well as network with
other people in the industry.
great to see the membership growing at such a rapid rate. Now, with the
number of properties being marketed through the network through so many
commercial specialists I am receiving an increasing number of enquiries
on my listings. Although this has not resulted in any deals as yet, I am
confident it will. In any event my personal network grows each time I make
contact with other I.C.I. agents."
The service has brought another broker to a listing in our office and has
resulted in a offer on a property listed at $2.75 million.
I find it very useful to have all postings sent to me by email as they are
posted. It keeps me up to date on the Real estate world across Ontario and
gives me ideas on how to value certain properties.
"at this stage
I'm not sure if your service will provide leads or not but I know for sure
it will help in closing listings. I was successful in obtaining an out
of town listing on a full service 30 room hotel in Melville, Sask. The
client wanted someone with ability to market on the net."
Western Canada
From an appraiser "Very informative service helpful in expanding
our market awareness and knowledge."
"I would reiterate what many others
have said in the past in relation to the value represented by membership
in the ICI Network and the potential for reaching the "right people" as
a direct result of the networking capabilities inherent in the system.
You are to be commended for your foresight and perseverance in making this
system available to the ICI practioner. I would highly recommend membership
for anyone serious in making a living by specializing in the ICI field,
- - you cannot lose."
Gary: Thanks for your 'welcome' note re training. We really
the training session; especially the function showing how to link to
Ontario and parts thereof; it really can make a difference 'broadening'
one's geographical horizon!
CONTACTS. Broker Western Canada
Hi Gary- Glad to give you some feedback.
Although I have not yet completed a solid transaction,
I do have several deals in the works. They are as
1. An agent in Kitchener working with a serious
prospect for a $42,000,000 portfolio of retail
properties I posted three weeks ago;
2. Several agents and principals as well looking at
a 97 unit apartment building ($5,000,000) I posted
about a month ago;
3. Working with a principal in Kingston who saw my
WANT add for office buildings- he owns one here in
Peterborough in the $800,000 range he is going to list
with me;
4. Countless contacts made with leading ICI agents
all over Ontario with whom a flow of market
information will be maintained by both sides for
future dealings.
I would like to mention that every "listing: I have
posted on iciworld.com I also have posted on
Loopnet.com, where I have been a member for over 1
year, and from which I have never received a single
call or contact.
I have no doubt in my mind that iciworld is the
only way to go.
Derek Sales Rep
[Editors Note: Loopnet is a great service mainly in the USA. That may be
the reason why this person did not receive a call since his listings were in
Iciworld network is a very essential vehicle to our industry, its as if not
more important tool next to our MLS System. We all know that any property
should be exposed to the market as much as possible to achieve the highest
price possible, then why not expose it to the world. Gary is doing one hell
of a job, helping people achieve their goal, as he has done for me. Gary is
always there to help, when you need it the most.
Dave, Broker

Continued (About testimonials,
what they demonstrate, how it can help you do business by
understanding how certain transactions got started, and more)
Sponsorship Program for you to join ICIWorld. Ask one of the ICIWorld Executive Members to sponsor you to join. You can then join for $240 for one year and save $79. Talk to them about how they use ICIWorld to do deals. Ask them if they have fifteen opportunities on ICIWorld working information not just listings, widgets on their website generating leads and do they promote their website. The above are successful picking and choosing what works for them. ICIWorld.
Provides the ultimate in Internet marketing exposure for exclusive information.
AND . . . provides this service from YOUR website . . . called ICIWorld Widgets.
"This is the Internet's
longest and most established World Wide Have and Want Industrial, Commercial and
Investment (ICI) Real Estate, Land, Businesses & Financing Information
(established 1994)
Techology will never replace Realtors . . . Realtors with technology will.

Contacts . . . make contracts!