Have, Canada,Ontario,Central and Eastern Ontario,Trenton, Sites Commercial and Industrial

432024land 18 Ac Highway commercial / Industrial for warehouse, Truck terminal, Hotel , Gas station , storage etc. All services Water, sewerage, HYDRO ETC. online.
431862Kirkland Lake (5 hr. to Orillia) Branded Gas Station With Car Wash, Conv Store, House And Three Commercial Lots For Sale. $2.4M, Making Money.
431260Belleville Land (1.5 hr. to Toronto) 48.6 Acres-HWY 401, Shoreline Casino now announced on site. Commercial / Industrial. HWY 401 land w / frontage.
431259Belleville Land (1.5 hr. to Toronto) 100 Acres-HWY 401 frontage, Shoreline Casino. Commercial / Industrial. HWY 401 land w / frontage.
430766Prince Edward County 35.5 Acres of Vacant Land For Sale for $638,000. 2.5hr from Toronto or Ottawa
430371Commercial Vacant Land FOR SALE in Belleville, ON! $7,890,000 on 26.71ac 1,090 ft of frontage, offering unparalleled visibility and access to the Quinte Region.
429951Approx. 20 mins North-West of Belleville, building & property for sale, $775,000 and 9,313sq ft, amazing investment opportunity in the quaint town of Stirling.
429778126,200 SqFt Industrial Facility FOR SALE OR LEASE for $10,750,000. Located in Belleville's Industrial Park, Ideally Situated Between Toronto and Ottawa!
428745Downtown Storage space in Belleville!
427959Ontario, Residential, Commercial and Businesses financing mortgages,$50K - $50M. Good Credit or Bad Credit we work with our Clients.
425696Schedule your next landlord tenant Seminar in your office New clauses, 5 ways to stay out of trouble Presentation Designed for the Real Estate Agents
4256945 things to know before you start legal action, or an appeal, RECO legal Analyst with decades of R.E experience Lets get after it BRA. Breach, Appeals,
394145Belleville(1.75 hrs. E of Toronto) Great opp. in NE ind park-former site of cross dock truck terminal on 1.18 acres. New pre-fab bldg. arriving this week! $700k
387797Belleville(1.7 hrs E of Toronto)Hi profile +-14,000 sf comm bldg. Hi traffic N Front St. Large lot(+-1.95 ac)Ample on site prkg-Major renos 2002.$1,900k
386039Madoc (Hwy 7 @ 62) Exciting 5.7 ac. serviced development opportunity on Highway 7 just east of intersection with Highway 62 and adjacent to McDonald`s in Madoc.
372051Belleville(1.75 hrs E of Toronto) Level comm. lot in great location just n. of Hwy.401. Entrance from Hwy. 62. Approx. 1.7 ac. subj. to survey, severance. $279k
366173Crucial legal Confrontations? Litigation Legal Support Analyst with decades of experience, know-how RECO/TREB, BRA Breach, Appeals.
365910Do you want to cut straight to the facts? Take me with you to court. No Non-sence R.E disputes, Small Claims,Evictions, R.E legal Focus. Tools and advice