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before your time.
If you miss this Webinar, catch the next one and/or see a recorded video of a recent one. There are recorded videos of these sessions in the Training Videos at Log In at look for Training Videos on the left. See Number 15 How To Promote Your Web Site. There is a big section which you can study and implement ideas and concepts over the next year that you should include in your marketing plans for the upcoming years.
You should promote your website with a passion.
The reason? Of all the industries on the Internet, the highest return on investment (ROI) is for real estate. That is because one lead can make one a lot of money. (See testimonials)
Until you are generating leads regularly every 90 days and making money, you should take this every month until you are generating leads regularly!
We recommend all Executive Members attend a minimum of three sessions so register for more. There is simply too much information to comprehend in one session. This is really a full day training session crammed into 90 minutes with homework that you can focus on and ideas you can work over the next coming year and work into your marketing plans.
Your web site must be set up properly first! Otherwise you can be wasting your time. Once you understand the widgets supplied by ICIWorld and once you have them you will see that it is inevitable to trigger leads unless you have no traffic to your website.
Two things most important, to have thousands of listings . . . and . . . in a way that you get the calls, leads. Then if you are not getting calls it is not because of the widgets or lack of properly setup listings, you will know that it is because you have no or little traffic to your website. See sample websites with residential and commercial listing feeds all setup by ICIWorld working with member. You do not need to know how to do it. ICIWorld provides a turn key solution for you, working with you. It is like building a house while you stand with us with your input and design suggestions all along the way.
The bottom line, are you getting enquiries. If you are not, you need this session How To Promote Your Website.
Your website must have what we call the sparkplugs for a web site the way we set it up from ICIWorld. There should be links to thousands listings, residential AND commercial, MLS AND Exclusive. If you miss one link, your customers are missing seeing listings that they could be interested in. Then you are missing opportunities to make money and do not realize it. See Sample Web Sites with Links.
Call to make an appointment for a free Demo.
Widgets are included in an ICIWorld Executive Membersip.
A website is free for one month then $199/year. if you want to keep it. See the new revolution in Internet real estate tools Mobile Webistes.
For the Webinar once registered you will receive an email confirming your registration with information you need to join the Webinar. |