Why should you
call about a seminar for your office.

Contact us
For Residential and
Commercial Real Estate Brokers and salespeople world wide.
We help the technology
challenged real estate salesperson.
If the Internet is like
climbing a mountain, let us help you every step of the way.
We provide a video called Web
Site Workshop, another called How To Promote Your Web Site. It comes
with an online manual showing how to do everything. If you get stuck
you simply contact us free from anywhere in
the world!
Free for thirty days then $199/year hosting. Complete setup, training and support from ICIWorld. In some cases it is working within 1 hr ready to make you money.
Mobile Web Sites - The new Internet Revolution and ICIWorld Widgets
Absolutely inevitable to generate leads!
Free Demonstration on how it all works. 1-877-272-1721 for all real estate professionals in the world. See our demo and then you be the judge.
ICIWorld Widgets for Your Website - One of the most powerful tools of the
Internet that every broker and salesperson must have or you are missing generating leads from your website.
We have one of the busiest booths at real estate board trade shows.
The reason?
We make a statement that "you could have a $30,000 web site and it would not be as powerful as
the one supplied by ICIWorld for $199 per year." Yet why would we
recommend you keep all your web sites?
It is because of ICIWorld Widgets that should be added to all brokers and salespersons websites in the world. It is the unique listings, Haves and Wants in these widgets that trigger inquiries and bring people back to your website to check for new ones.
See New Designs
See sample web sites.
Completely customizable with your own design and graphics!
Powerpoint New Designs
Especially see the links in all the Search Buttons!
All designs can be made commercial or residential just by changing the picture to
commercial or residential and changing the wording.
We totally set up your first web site to get you up
and running pronto!
We help every step of the way to set it all up for
We help you take advantage of the Internet. These
are powerful tools when set up properly and when you understand how
they work.
How To Promote Your Website. Take it every month until you are generating leads.
First line of support for these web sites. We support all web sites with links that generate
the leads for you!
IDX Links to your MLS, real estate board.
IDX links to ICIWorld Haves and Wants
Power Point
(Once you have it in Power
Point use your page up and page down key to control going back and
Download or open the following
Seven examples
(1 min. to download)
Seven Examples
(15 sec. to download)
Four Examples
(15 sec. to download)
Support for all your web sites!
We provide special links for all your web sites!
Every day you miss
having everything set up properly is missing opportunities for you to do
Support is
provided WORLD WIDE by way of live Daily
Webinar Workshops! This is live on line support for all your web
sites no matter where in the world you are located! You attend
on line from the comfort of your own business or home office
computer while listening and conversing on the telephone or through
your computer using VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). We suggest you use a good USB headset
with Microphone. This way all your training is free no matter where
in the world you are located.
Engine Optimization is included along with a special program "How To
Promote Your Website." This is also provided exclusively to Executive Members of ICIWorld by way of a Webinar once per month.
See web sites on your computer
using PDF file. Use the page up, page down button to view each
slide. Save it to your computer and then open it. Advance each slide
by pressing enter or page up and go back by pressing the page down
key on your key board. View full screen.
Simple to start
Register and get an ICIWorld Executive Membership
Then Order a Website.
It is all about the special links to listings
supplied and set up and provided by ICIWorld that trigger the calls for you
and the special ICIWorld set up, training, and programs to generate
traffic for your web site!
The moment you have these special links, the very next person who
visits your web site and then sees and becomes interested in any one
of the listings, MUST CALL YOU GET MORE INFORMATION. If they do not
see any of these listings, why should they call you?
Operate Power Point to see Web Sites. Allow 1-2 minutes to download.
in Power Point format You should have powerpoint on your
computer. Open it into a slide show full screen. Press enter or page
down to advance each screen. View full screen.
in PDF format. We suggest you zoom to fit the page. Then advance
using the page down key or the enter key. View full screen.
10 sec. per slide of web sites Download. Power Point.
if your web site has some extra links to thousands of listings on
your web site, can you not see the difference of having these
listings and not having these listings? One
lead on a referral makes you $5,000 and paid for service for a
is absolutely inevitable that people call you
unless you have "material
defects" in your membership or you are not getting traffic and we help you fix that
pronto! You just call us if you have not
generated leads and there is a way to fix things.
Once fixed it is like turning on a light switch.
why the special residential and commercial real estate links to
content is what generates interest from people and provides you with
is ICIWorld that provides these unique links. It is ICIWorld that
provides the support, telephone help, training videos, search engine
optimization, to help get it all working.
Web sites are free for one
then $19.95/month if you want to keep it! Most members do not
pay this. Instead they pay the special of $199 per year.
Most all members keep them
because they are a powerful Internet tool.
You can and should have more
than one web site because they are like billboards. All can generate
leads. You can link them and more.
At $19.95/month you could have
the yearly rate for $199. For ten years that would total $1,000.
You could do one referral and make $5,000 enough for fifty years of
The domain name belongs to you. ($16.95 per year not included
or less from goddaddy.com)
We totally set
up your first web site.
You can change it any way you want.
Every broker and
salesperson that uses it loves it.
sites are included free for one month in an Executive Membership
and then $19.95/mo subject to our distributor's policies and
thereafter at your option.
is our goal to ensure we show you how to make them produce revenue
for you. See
Our Pledge.
do this by generating leads. You can selling advertising on it and
more! It works!!! We should know. We have been helping real estate
people since 1994 learn how to use the powers of the Internet.
why would we recommend you keep all your web sites? We can help you
with Search Engine Optimization on all your web sites.
- We set it up for
- Works
automatically on the Internet generating leads.
- Complete support
and training
- Training videos
Read on and you
be the judge.

Buy Membership
Have more than one web site! They are like
billboards! Read more.
Add special links that
generates leads to all your web sites!
Turn Key Web
Sites in ten minutes!
It's high tech . .
. low cost.
Works for USA and Canada and now all areas of the world.
They are among the most
powerful ternet marketing tools for real estate salespeople world
wide. Let us give a 3 minute demo and then you be the judge.
us free from anywhere in the world. |
Already have one home
Have two! They are like billboards and if the one we supply helps
you make $50,000 and more and your other one does then why not?
you can add links to your existing site!
See sample web sites.
Order it now and it can be working within 30 minutes of you reading
Customizable, training, support.
All members can agree "among the best support and direction in the business."
Why is it
powerful? Because of links to:
1,000's of
residential listings.
1,000's of commercial real estate ads.
All in a way that YOU get the calls!
Do referrals. Do direct
All year long!
Brokers and managers can generate leads and give them to your
No other web site on the planet earth has all these combinations.
And . . . it updates itself automatically daily and in real time with new listings!
It makes your web site "live."
That's what brings people back
to your web site regularly.
Get excited!
These are the most powerful web
sites on the planet earth for real estate brokers and salespeople.
Why? Because not only are they a $5,000 to $10,000 looking web site
(that is how much they used to cost just a few years ago), but they
contain content to both thousands of residential real estate listings and
thousands of commercial real estate listings, all in a way that you
receive the leads.
Benefit from the Internet!
Do direct business!
Do referrals!
This is the number one way to
do it. You just need the content for people to become interested in
a listing and then for them to ask you for assistance. 96% of
people searching the Internet are looking for listings. Now
you will have them! When they see a listing, they have to call you!
All listings have been agreed to by other brokers to be advertised
on your web site. This has taken countless thousands of hours of
building, designing, technology, etc. and you get it all. Details to join. You
could have a $30,000 site and it is not as powerful because you
would not have the thousands of commercial and/or residential ads
all working to help you generate leads. One re/max salesperson has
done 15 referrals and made $45,000! See
The sites, and the combination of residential
and commercial real estate content and the training makes these sites from ICIWorld one of the
most powerful marketing tools in the real estate business today.
there are 50-100 new commercial and residential listings coming
in daily;
this means your web site is "live" with new
information daily;
it automatically
updates itself and you do not have to do a thing;
this brings people back to your web to look for
new listing otherwise why should they come back to your web site
once they have seen it!
This is an important tool for every single
licensed real estate broker and salesperson in the world and a value added service you can provide
to the public. You just have to order it.
ICIWorld distributes to you a $5,000 looking web site that is
customizable, included in an
Executive Membership. Then we consult with you and place links
to commercial and residential real estate ads all in a way that you
get the calls.
"I have been a broker for over 30 years. There are
many great services on the Internet. But this one, having your own web site, with real
estate ads
on it in a way that generates leads for
you is cutting edge technology! It is a win win situation for the whole industry."
It takes only minutes to totally set it up for you and you will have
"leads for
a lifetime." It can become
your most important internet marketing tool.
There are special links for your whole company if
you have many real
estate salespeople. Click here for
Company Links.
Also ask about a special
Search Matrix
for your company or organization. It is a link to a page that helps people
search all the listings in your company within seconds.
You can design this tool with the look and feel to suit your company. It
is the database search engine that we provide. It makes it easy for
all your sales staff to enter their listings and then the link we provide
can be placed on your existing web site and it produces all the listings
for your company in a matter of seconds. And it makes your listings
searchable and sortable in a number of ways to make it easy for the public
to see all your inventory.
Real estate web sites with
content. A web site by itself does not generate leads. A web site
with "content" generates leads!
See sample web sites. ICIWorld provides websites with your
choice of thousands of commercial real estate ads and/or thousands
of residential ads or a combination of both, with all listings
structured in a way that YOU receive the leads!
There's millions of people on the Internet.
This is one tool designed for every single broker and salesperson in the world
and ICIWorld helps you set it all up properly and effectively. This
will help you stay competitive in the marketplace.
Residential Web Sites
Now a
network of over 140,000 real estate professionals in North America
and the world using these web sites;
they allow their listings
to be on your web site in a way that you get the calls;
add residential homes, photos;
add links to 2.5 million listings, and much
people can subscribe to
receive listings daily from your web site;
ICIWorld adds a link to
20,000+ commercial real estate ads to your home page;
this link updates itself in real time
with new listings daily;
this is all structured in
a way so the ads generate leads for you;
work referrals;
work direct business;
provide a great service
to the public;
residential brokers do
referrals on the commercial real estate enquiries;
the commercial link is
simply a choice on your web site. If people are not interested in
commercial listings they simply will not click on the link.
However if they are interested, they can click and call you for
more information. You simply say you will have someone call
them back, and then call the other broker who has the listing and
say "is a 25% referral fee okay with you." Five minutes?
one Re/Max broker has
done 15 of these! In his case being in a small town he made
$45,000 for 5 min. x 15 referrals = 75 minutes of his time!
do this someday when you
retire! My question to you is, "would you mind doing the odd five
minute referral that makes you $5,000-$10,000?" See ICIWorld's
Retired Brokers Program.
and more.
Web Sites
totally set up for you!
we add a link to 20,000+ real estate Have and
Want ads;
the ads constantly update themselves daily in real time
automatically in a way that generates leads
for you.
you can work the leads as
referrals and/or direct business;
there is another link provided for your
personal Haves and Wants;
when you add your own ads to ICIWorld, your ads
instantly and automatically appear on your own web site;
you can link to other sites that
provide information
you can have people to fill in their contact information
before providing access to other real estate board type information and more!
commercial brokers do
referrals on the residential enquiries;
and more.
Links on your web site can include:
mortgage calculators;
about you and your company;
about your area;
offers of a free
free documents on buying and selling, area information;
and you can add and change things at will;
training and support provided.
You will be surprised at how simple it can be;
your homes with photos and slide show displays;
keep in touch with customers
by automatic emailing;
properties are googled from outer
and more.
I call the ICIWorld combination of this web site on
the Internet, with commercial real estate ads, with residential real
estate ads, the Mercedes Benz of web sites on the
No other web site provides
"content" like we do and it is "content" that generates leads, not
the web site.
Training, education and support is provided by:
initial orientation session;
printing out our welcome introduction page;
printing out a checklist;
providing a marketing plan;
windows media videos;
telephone support;
We teach you how to take control of your
information, modify it at will, customize and design and change
things! This is your storefront to the public.
For example, a NAR survey showed that thus far
in 2006, 56 percent of agents spent more than $1,000 apiece on
technology and that 30 percent spent $2,000 or more. In addition, 16
percent of agents and 28 percent of brokers are now spending more
than $1,000 annually on their Web sites. Realtors® with personal
business Web sites – not including an area on a broker’s site – was
71 percent in 2006, compared to 31 percent in 2002, showing a jump
of 129 percent.
The survey also showed that the amount of
investment in Web sites has a direct relationship to the number of
leads coming from the Internet. Thus, 40 percent of those who spent
more than $5,000 on their Web site showed that more than 60 percent
of their leads come from the Internet.
Realtors® are also reacting more quickly to online inquiries. In a
surprising change from past surveys and findings, over half the
survey respondents indicated that it takes them less than two hours
to respond to an Internet inquiry, and only 2 percent indicated that
it took them more than a day to respond. That compares with a 2004
survey showing that only 27 percent of practitioners responded
within eight hours to an online inquiry and 46 percent of inquiries
received no responses.
A web site by itself
does not make you money, it is content on a web site that makes you money by
generating leads.
Get both content and a web site started with iciworld.com within ten
minutes! For content see
"Leads For A Lifetime."
Members no longer send people to ICIWorld to look for listings. You
should now always send people to your own web site to look for
listings! Become familiar with what is on your web site.
There are over 1 Billion people on the INTERNET and according
to a survey by NAR (National Association of Realtors) 71% of people who search for real estate
will use the
Internet. Another survey shows 96% search for listings on the
ICIWorld provides:
"turn key" web sites for brokers and salespeople AND with content
of listings that generates leads;
they are included in your membership whether
you use them or not;
There are 50-100 new listings a day automatically entered;
This helps to bring people back to your web site regularly to look
for new listings;
This helps to generate opportunities for you to do business;
These web sites are included in your membership whether you use them
or not.
You can have a residential looking site or commercial or a
combination of both. Generate leads that result in referrals and/or direct
business. You just have to
it. Then read our secret competitive report "How to Promote Your
Web Site" that is now on video. You can view this the moment
you join as it is a Windows Media Video file. You click on it, and
it plays on your computer! Work the calls.
If you are retired or too busy, then
just work five minute referrals that make $8,000+/-
Feel free to call anytime 1-877-272-1721 Toll
Free North America.
See web sites on your computer
using Power Point. Save the power point presentation to your
computer and then see them on your computer. Make it full screen.
Use the page down key to click to advance it.
Click here to
download it. (about 3 minutes on DSL or cable) You must have
power point on your computer to see this demo.
See web sites on your computer
using PDF
file. It should open within a minute or two. Using the page up
and down button to view.
The only reason brokers and salespeople do not
do referrals is because they do not get the leads. Now you will!
There are millions of people on the Internet. This will be a professional marketing
presence on the Internet! Provide services to the public and earn money. You just have to order it.
There are
different affiliation templates!
The following are mostly all
For $49.99/mo and a one time $500-$1,500 we can show you designer
web sites.
Here are a few!
Click on your
affiliation and view a sample website!

Brokers & Other affiliations
click here or on the image below
for samples

USA Web Sites

There are over 200,000
salespeople using these web sites in the USA and Canada
Only a few examples are provided on this page.
Due to the thousands of web site examples here
are just some examples.
C means Commercial, R means Residential
Most all contain both
residential and commercial links to listings, but the overall
initial impression is determined by the graphics at the top of the
web site and on the first page.
Upon joining:
we send you by EMail a web site
link to your new web site.
we help you log in to it
we help you design a
domain name
we show you how to customize it.
we show you how to add your listings.
support and training.
Commercial AND Residential Brokers and Salespeople
Powerful Real Estate Web Sites
Key Web Site in 10 minutes!
Once you get it, it is then customized.
ICIWorld provides special links to listings, features and support.
Over 200,000 created in North America
Ask for your web
site to be residential or commercial or a combination of both. You add
residential listings directly on the web site. You add commercial listings
to ICIWorld and they automatically appear on your web site instantly and
Commercial Web Sites | Residential Web
Or a combination of both.
real estate brokers and salespeople click here.
This is a complete turn key
web site up and can be working for you within 10 minutes of joining! We
work with lyou to customize it over time.
Join Now and we send you
an EMail with a link to YOUR new web site within 10 minutes!
You can change it anyway you want. It is yours to do with as you please
even if you do not renew your membership with ICIWorld in one years time.
We know of no other service on the Internet that provides you the
content of over 20,000 commercial real estate Have and Want ads in a
way that makes you money as well as thousands of residential ads all
designed to generate leads for you and it provides a valuable
service to the public who are searching for listings.
It is all structured in a way that YOU receive the calls. It has
taken years to build and get agreements to have other brokers allow
their ads to be on YOUR web site.
"Leads For A Lifetime" links that make you money from YOUR web
site. Residential brokers and salespeople work leads as referrals
which average five minutes each and eight to ten thousand dollars.
USA Web Sites
There are over 200,000 web sites created for
salespeople in the USA and Canada
The following are standard web sites which work and generate
Professional web sites provide for more customization and features.
R+C |
http://richardeilert.point2agent.com California |
R+C |
Dennis Alexander,
Dencor Real
Realty Inc.
Home Page
Florida |
R+C |
http://www.ohiorealestatehelp.com/ Ohio |
R+C |
http://www.pollycorealty.com/ Florida
There are over 200,000
salespeople using these websites in the USA and Canada
The above are standard web sites which work and generate
Professional web sites provide for more customization and
In addition to all features of web sites ICIWorld provides
additional special links to commercial real estate Haves and
Wants world wide, links to listings, customization and
strategies tailored to the user. Support is provided by way of
Daily Webinar Workshops. |

C means Commercial, R means Residential, rLink
means it is a link to their other residential web site.
http://www.raykouri.com/ Ottawa |
C+R |
http://www.mississaugarealestatelinks.com/ Mississauga |
C+R |
http://www.richardkent.ca/ British
Columbia |
R+C |
http://www.gotomydreamhome.com/ Burlington, Oakville,
Mississauga |
C&R |
www.mississaugarealestatelinks.com Mississauga, Ontario
(Professional) |
C |
http://www.rogerjain.com/ CCIM Commercial |
C+R |
http://www.realestatetorontoontario.com/ Toronto |
C+R |
http://www.commercialrealtysource.com/ Barrie |
R+C |
http://www.torontorealtyspecialist.com/ Toronto |
R+C |
http://www.maheshmarya.com/ Brampton |
http://www.rontomblin.com/ Hamilton |
Free broker site one month | Professional Broker
Site 15 agents, pop email accounts |
Broker Site
Unlimited Agents, Banner Ads, Public facing roster, unlimited
email accounts, spotlight ads, neighborhoods, manual prospect
routing, unlimited pages. |
And you can link to your real estate board
listings and many other things to serve your prospects and clients.
Learn these in our training sessions. |

C means Commercial, R means Residential, rLink
means it is a link to their other residential web site.


C means Commercial, R means Residential, rLink
means it is a link to their other residential web site.


C means Commercial, R means Residential, rLink
means it is a link to their other residential web site. |


Broker & Other Affiliations
C means Commercial, R means
Residential, rLink means they have a link to their other residential web
http://www.kuldipbassi.com/ Brampton, Mississauga |
R+C |
http://www.remiojo.com/ MLS Toronto Scarborough |
C+R |
soldwithsunny.com Businesses For Sale Page |
R+C |
http://janefeng.point2agent.com Mississauga,
Brampton, FSBO's, Power of Sales, Header, Sample different language |
R+C |
www.torontorealestatehelp.com Toronto |
R+C |
http://www.condosandhome.com/ |
R+C |
Kitchener, Waterloo |
R+C |
Giovanni (John)
Messina, Broker, Realinvest Canada Inc. Toronto |
C |
Tony DiCarlo, President,
Incompro Ltd. Toronto |
Web sites work no matter where in the
world you are located! They are tailored for your location and the
type of work you do whether residential, commercial or something
else. |
Roger Jain, CCIM, Principal Broker / Owner,
Home Page
George Nichols, CCIM, Broker,
Home Page
There are over 2 Billion
people on the Internet with 180,000,000+ in North America. A recent National
Association of Realtors study suggests 71% search
for real estate on the Internet. We have helped hundreds of brokers and
salespeople to start their Internet marketing. May we help you?
Communication Tools of
the 21st Century.
See more sample Web Sites
Once you have joined ICIWorld we supply you with a checklist to get your
web site working.
We provide the initial programming so
that your site is up and running immediately! It is fully functional.
We will show you how to modify your
web site yourself add residential and commercial listings and more.
If you already have a web site we
have a page of instructions for your web site designer.
Call or
EMail us.
We will personally install a simple link to
thousands of
real estate ads (and growing).
This link pulls the information
from ICIWorld and displays it on the screen of the viewer within YOUR
web site.
Listings are structured in a way that you get the calls.
The page updates itself by the
second with new listings ... automatically ... you do not have to do a
thing to update it.
In many cases this link becomes one
of the best generator of leads for your web site.
Works on every real estate web site
in the world!
The leads
help you make money.
"Leads For
A Lifetime."
We will also install a link to your
personal ads on ICIWorld called "My Haves and Wants." That way
whenever you add a Have or Want ad to ICIWorld, it instantly and automatically
appears on your home page, as well as 18,000 other places throughout the
Internet world.
We can help you create a specialty
page and/or a state or province page of links to selected Haves and
Wants that suit you and the kind of business you want to do.
We provide a special document
exclusive and secret
to members of ICIWorld called "How To Promote Your Web Site"
that is now on Windows Media Video and YouTube format. It
is our goal to help all our members be number one in their respective
market areas. You will get leads! You can do business! It is
Our Pledge.
We provide education, support and
help through orientation, welcome instructions, checklist, marketing
plan, videos, resource center, manual for the web site, telephone
assistance and then periodic EMails on what we call Information Tune Ups
and Tips.
This program
"Leads for a Lifetime," is designed for every licensed real
estate broker and salesperson in the world.
The following group of web sites are just a few
examples of hundreds of home pages that we have helped to start.
You can start with an
economical membership.
Do not hesitate to contact us, 1-877-272-1721.
More Sample Web
Straughan, Sales Representative, Century 21 First Canadian
Ron Stewart, Sales
Representative, Hoff Realtors (Illinois)
Venderov, Sales Representative, HomeLife/ROMANO Realty Ltd.
Stan Pajor,
Sales Representative, David Murray Real Estate Broker Ltd.
Brokerage Web Sites
Links For All Your Web Sites
If you already have a web site, here are the
to add 16,000 real estate ads to your web site in a way that you get the
calls. Send this link to your web site designer.
Sample of links that go on real
estate web sites created by other companies:
Real Web Solutions
Gabriel Jeans, Web Tech Dezine
Many, many other companies.
Virtually any web site can have our special links. There are paid links,
there are free links.
Paid links do not allow customers to
click on the links. This means they have to call you.
Here are some examples of paid web sites that have
the ICIWorld links that generate leads for you:
Nawel Seth, Broker,
Coldwell Banker Trail Blazers Realty
Campisano, Associate Broker, Re/Max Niagara Realty Ltd.
Tony DiCarlo, CCIM
President, Incompro
Contact us anytime.
Make an appointment with us and see how easy it becomes!
Details to order it today. We will make it easy for you!
ICIWorld is one important way to
serve the public by networking
real estate Haves and Wants in the most
economical way possible in the world today.

Since 1994
Make connections to do business.
Unique Internet tools to help you in your service to the public.