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431479ActiveGTA, Auto Body shop.6M, 10kSf, 1 acre Land.
430819ActiveWanted, Mississauga, Oakville. Plaza, or medical building.1M-10M
430168ActiveSouth western Ontario (2.5 HRs to Toronto). 8.5 Ac Commercial industrial Land . I2 Zoning. $4M. Approved for Gas station & carwash. Lots of uses etc trucking.
430078ActiveWant, Burlington Industrial to lease 12,000-15,000 Sf. Qualified tenant
430077ActiveDunnville (90 Min to Toronto) 1.1 acre site $950K with zoning and draft plan approval for 9 homes (2 singles, 2 semis and 5). All amenities and services towns
430047ActiveWanted Hamilton Nebo and Rymal Industrial warehousing or 3 Acres of land to build, $1M - $15M, qualified buyer