ICIWorld Monthly
Information Tuneup

You can print the
following for assistance.
For Executive Members
It is very exciting to see all the
deals being done, the money being made, the service to the public being
provided. You can see some
of the successes here.
There is however a responsibility on
the part of all Executive Members to look after your information and
Internet marketing tools on behalf of your prospects and clients to make the Internet work for you. Think
about it, if you have a property for sale and it is not being marketed
properly or at all, you and your customers can easily be missing out because of your lack of marketing effort or knowledge and
not realize it.
If you do not have fifteen
opportunities minimum to do business on ICIWorld you can easily be missing out generating showings and doing deals and
not realize it.
You can be doing 100% residential and still have fifteen opportunities. This is a real estate information service not a listing service like a real estate board. Associations serve an important and vital service. An information service is a separate service that needs to be learned to worked in a competent and professional manner and compatible with the industry.
This works for commercial AND residential real estate. See the Training Videos Number 2 The Three Questions that helps all members make money and has helped one member make $54,000 within 90 days of learning them.
There is some time involved to set
things up and help you understand the different ways deals are being
generated. Once you have read through things you do not have to do it
again. Once you have read through things you will see there are
specific things you can do to r e a l l y take advantage of the Internet.
Just book an appointment for a
Webinar workshop analysis of your web site and your information on ICIWorld.
However once
things are set up most all things work on auto pilot.
See time required.
How do you measure if you are taking full advantage? One
way is to understand
Our Pledge
that everyone should be doing business every 90 days or you call us. I
Defects are the difference between doing deals and not doing deals.
Make sure you understand them. You may not know how to fix things but you
will learn that you must do something. Just get into a
Workshop Webinar.
This is designed as a self help type of a world wide
advertising service for you to deal direct with the public. This keeps the
price down for the service yet you are marketing world wide! Once you know
how to do things you do not have to learn them again.
Here are instructions you
should print out. This is for all Executive Members who can use
an "information tune up", and new and renewing members. It
Welcome Instruction Page;
Startup Checklist;
How to Enter Information;
Marketing Plan;
Instructions for your web site
designer to add revenue producing links to all your web sites;
Web Site Instructions Once You Have
Your New Web Site. Make an appointment for a Webinar workshop to get
started and/or to do a consultation session;
Training Videos for
Executive Members Make sure you see Movie 11, three questions (these
questions have helped some members make $50,000+ within three months of
You Tube Videos
Every item contains vital information that if you
miss . . . can be the difference between doing deals and not doing deals
and not realize it. When you have questions call 416-840-6227 or
416-831-1620 or 416-214-4875.
Why? The reason? We have found that the majority of deals occur at the
top half of the database. Your listings can get stale and out dated.
They go down in the database after 30-60-90 days. People simply get so
busy working the top half of the database that they do not get get down
to the bottom where your listings go after 30-60-90 days. Secondly any
listing modified after 30 days, gets EMailed to the industry. There are
over 10,000 Emails delivering information daily to the public. If you
do not modify your listing, they do not get emailed out to the industry
to all the new people subscribing. You actually can be missing doing
deals and not even realize it.
There is a responsibility on the part of members to maintain the
integrity of their information to the public.
Go to http://www.iciworld.net
click on Member Management. Click on My Listings. You will see an "age"
column. Anything over 30 you should be renewing. You can renew them from
there by simply clicking on modify, your listing will come up, click on
modify record at the bottom and you are done! Click Latest World on the
left to see how the public actually sees your listing. Check that all
your links work and spelling is correct, etc.
By modifying your listings every 30-90 days, your information goes back
to the top of the database receiving over 1,500,000 hits per month, from
over 40,000 people from over 110 countries of the world, and . . . it
gets emailed out to the public instantly and automatically with over
10,000 EMails delivering information daily.
Remember this service is unlimited Haves and Wants. This includes what
your buyers are looking for. If you do not place their information, you
can be missing doing deals and not realize. That is the reason to have
Have and Want sheets handy so if you are on the phone talking with a
buyer, fill in a Want
A large percentage of the deals over $3,000,000 are started from the
"Wants." One member had a Want for properties $20M-$100M. A mortgage
broker spotted it, new of an owner who wanted to sell their office
portfolio, contacted the broker. Eight months later deal closed on $55M
office complex.
Have Sheet Keep track
of all the opportunities you have to do business. If you do not write
an opportunity down the moment you know about it, because of the busy
schedule everyone has, you can easily miss working the information
through the market place and you can easily miss doing a deal and not
realize it. These are like a pilot's checklist for a broker.
Entering Haves and
Wants Instructions on how to enter listings effectively and
Click on My Record to update your personal
information. Make sure your home page url is filled in, your email
address is correct and your phone numbers are correct. Make sure you
have your specialty and market area filled in. If you speak another
language place the words "languages spoken" in the comments area and
list the languages you speak. Some people do not call on a listing,
they look up the directory and select a salesperson based on other
factors. See
Executive Members.
Startup Checklist
Helps you organize what you need to do.
Instruction Page (Everyone
should print this out.)
Marketing Plan (Everyone
should print this out.)

If you miss one concept you can miss making money. Every
member must read this to maximize ones opportunities to make money.
Otherwise you can miss making money and not even realize it. For
instance, everyohe should read number 12. Everyone should have at least
fifteen opportunities on ICIWorld to do business. This is one way to
make opportunities available for yourself while providing a great
service to the public.
Educational Help
Training Videos - All brokers respond they like these better than
the weekly training conference calls because they can view them anytime.
For the videos that are for the private and exclusive use of Executive
Members only, go to www.iciworld.net.
click on Member Management and click on Training Videos on the left.
Or click here. Also see the YouTube videos on the left. We are
adding to this all the time.
Search Database 1 Over 13,000
15,000 real estate Haves
and Wants placed by member brokers. Go to
www.iciworld.net and click on
Search Database 1 (at the top in the middle)
On the left you will see two choices: 1. Advanced 2. Advanced with
Contact Information.
Advanced with contact information includes strictly active listings.
There is a video on this.
Print out the list as it contains contact names and numbers. You can be
sitting in a restaurant and make calls on your cell phone from this
Advanced - One good use of this is to print out a list of buyers when
your go on a listing presentation. It shows how well connected you are
to the marketplace of buyers. It is a very powerful listing tool.
It does contain expired and inactive listings but no contact information
However this does not necessarily mean they are not active. Just because
a member's membership expires, does not mean that their information is
not active. We maintain expired member's information for the benefit of
The public can not click on the message numbers, but members can.
It is active information only that appears on other brokers web sites.
Database 2 is over
13,000 Haves and Wants placed by the public free. There is a limited
view to the public but only you the Executive Members of ICIWorld have full access to the contact
go to www.iciworld.net click on
Search Database 2 FSBO's click on Member Access to FSBO Area. Make
choices on the left.
Learn how to use the Advanced Search Feature.
You can contact these people directly.
$25M of a $40M portfolio has been sold through this area. Members
report doing double enders.
You can work referrals.
subscribe to receive these listings from the public by EMail! Have you
ever tried to do a referral? We suggest you try to do ten referrals
this next year.
Referrals average 5 minutes to do and $5,000 to $10,000.
Subscribe to receive Haves and Wants for your
area Database 1.
Everyone should be on a minimum of two lists. One for their state or
province or area. One for the private FSBO's being added.
We recommend that you choose the DIGEST method. That way you only
receive one email whether there are 2 or 10 new listings.
Go to http://www.iciworld.net and
click on Free Haves and Wants by EMail.
Blackberry and other handheld
devices. You can have the DIGEST for your start or province sent to
your Blackberry. You can also have a favorite link set up on your
Blackberry to search, or provide your favorite daily searches.
You can produce a list of buyers, or properties for sale on your
Use your mobile device, use your browser and type in
add it as a favourite on your home page. For assistance call anytime.
Subscribe to receive Haves and Wants from
Database 2 FSBO Area. Go to
http://www.iciworld.net click on Free Haves and Wants by EMail,
click on Search Lists on the left, choose Type - For Sale by Owner
Choose the country you are in. Work the leads as referrals or directly
Here is one big revenue producer. Place
special links on all your web sites to the information on ICIWorld. Why
is it special? Because all listings are structured in a way that YOU get
the calls. When the public sees any of the information in these special
links, they have to call YOU.
Instructions are here for your web site designer to install links to
your existing web site(s).
These links are revenue producing links for every single member for
every web site you may have. It is absolutely inevitable that you
will generate leads because no contact information is available to the
public. They have to call you for more information. DO REFERRALS
for the enquiries on listings that are out of your area or expertise.
There are links to your state or province listings, world listings, FSBO
listings, and your personal listings.
If you have one of the web sites that we supply you then we install the links for you.
These links automatically update themselves daily so that you have
50-100 new listings a day being added to YOUR web site and you do not
have to do anything! Just send this page to your designer.
Ask for new links for your State or Province.
No Home Page? No problem. Simple call us.
A home page is your storefront to the public on the
Internet where there are over 1.8 billion people using the Internet.
All you have to do is ask for it. They
are $199 per year. We set it up for you and it is
Sample web sites
We recently made a statement at a major real estate board trade show
that "you could have a $30,000 web site and it would not be as powerful
as the one from ICIWorld for $199/year. Ask for
a demo and then you be the judge." It is because of thousands of
listings. It is content that triggers the public to call you and now
you will have it. Do referrals or do direct business.
Please note, web sites are like billboards. It is okay to have more
than one generating leads for you. And there is a way to link them
For a full explanation of why this is so important for every broker and
salesperson in the world visit
Regarding your web site. Make sure your meta tags are set up properly
and you have a proper domain name as recommeded by ICIWorld. Otherwise
you can be missing doing deals and not realize it.
Web site
training videos Learn every element of the web site we supply
through simple, step-by-step instructions.
Regarding the P2 web site. Make sure you log in a minimum of at least
once every three months, otherwise your site can go inactive. IE: your
listings will not appear on the P2 network.
There are changes on the P2 Network occurring at this time. You need to
choose new neighborhoods. Go to
www.p2a.com for more information and how to do it.
Make sure your web site is RECO compliant if in Ontario and compliant
with your state or provincial licensing body. Usually this means the
proper title for yourself and the company name larger and properly set
up so there is no doubt who the company and salesperson is. When people
click on Contact on your web site, you should have all your contact
information on that page. Many do not. It is only a form to send email
to you. You should fix it now.
We recommend every member have a least fifteen
opportunities on ICIWorld. If you think you will have trouble getting to
15 within the next 90 days, then read item 12 in the Marketing Plan. It
has made a lot of brokers a lot of money. Remember it is not just
listings but information that can make you money.
Retired Brokers
Would you mind doing a five minute referral that makes you $10,000?
See Retired
Brokers Program A properly set up web site can generate the odd
referral opportunity every once in a while. One broker on the west coast
said "Gary, this is great! I just received a check for $6,000 from doing
a referral a few months ago!"
See www.retiredbrokers.com
So keep your license and do referrals and have fun with it.
You will need traffic going to your web site to make this all work.
If you are not getting leads, it is simply because you are not getting
people to visit your web site to look for listings. You need to
see the video training programs:
Segment 5 How To Promote Your Web Site. (comes with a printout)
Segment 4 Website Workshop
Domain Names.
See the manual for the web site. From within your web site click on
support, click on manual, look for How to promote web site.
Referral Brokers Program - much the same as the
retired brokers program. See
Make sure you have a minimum three links on
YOUR home page from ICIWorld:
World Commercial
My Haves and Wants
Your State/Province Commercial
Residential - you should have at least 1,000
listings and more of residential properties. If not, call us.
This is a material defect if you do not have that many. Who is
going to generate more opportunities to do referrals, a site with 10
listings or a site with 1,000 listings?
Instructions for your Web Site Designer
Add revenue producing links to all your web sites. Why? People are
searching for listings. These link real estate Have and Want ads in a
way that YOU get the calls. Do referrals and/or direct business. They
are simply choices you provide on YOUR OWN WEB SITES.
Web Site
Checklist. Web sites will make you a lot of money. It is your
storefront to the public. But there is a checklist of items that if you
miss one, you can easily be missing making money and not realize it.
Web site
training videos Learn every element of the web site we supply
through simple, step-by-step instructions.
Company Links If you have many salespeople using ICIWorld, place
links on your company web site to all your sales staff's Haves and
Take advantage of the traffic on your main company home page to generate
business for your own sales staff!
There are also links available to display members of your group who are
also registered members of ICIWorld called a
This provides very complex programming for the benefit of your company
that helps your sales people make connections to do deals and it does
not cost you a cent.
Fill in your Haves and
Wants properly. Many are incomplete, the wrong area, or not enough
business categories, prices not filled, links to economic development
agencies not filled in. This is all marketing to the public! There is a
responsibility that everyone has to work information in the best
interests of your prospects and clients and yourselves.
Listings must be relevant to the Business Category
and Business Area.
If you see any price that is wrong or a listing
that is not in the right field or business area or category, let the
person know who has it or let us know and we will fix it.
CAVEAT EMPTOR Let the buyer beware.
News and security page
This is a public service to the real estate industry.
The Internet has the good, the bad, and the ugly. Read about the bad and
ugly and what to do about it on the ICIWorld.net Security page so that
you always benefit from the good.
Read our news and security
page and study the articles so that you become knowledgeable about
the problems on the Internet and computers and what the solutions are.
You can mention this when you are listing a property how you protect
people from the problems on the Internet.
Now the service that you provide to the public as a licensed real estate
broker or salesperson becomes all the more valuable as you protect them
from getting taken advantage of by unscrupulous people.
Are you knowledgeable? Take the spam IQ test below.

Spam IQ Test
Seminar for your
office. Fifteen years of learning how the Internet can help real
estate salespeople all crammed into one "120 minute session."
offer a three month bonus to your membership for any people that you
refer and join ICIWorld.
More members means more opportunities means more successful deals for
In case you missed the
Monthly Information Tuneup, here it is on YOUTUBE (However with this video we recommend that you skip the first 4-5 minutes. The rest still applies. We have not edited this one and will be making a newer version in the future.)
So you see there are things that can
be the difference between making money or
making zero and it only takes a few minutes to correct in many cases.
There is a responsibility on the part of the
industry to look after your information and ensure that everything is set
up properly. !
We will examine your membership and identify
material defects, fix them with you and get you going. But you must let us
Every Executive
Member does business otherwise you call me!
If you have any ;questions, suggestions please let us know.
Contact us.

Since 1994
This is a monthly notice update for all