Results 1 to 7 of 7

423269ExpiredWanted London to Toronto to Kingston, North to Orillia, Niagara Region, Site suitable for CarWash. $500K - $2M, Ready to take action, Qualified.
423267ExpiredUxbridge (45 min to Toronto) For lease, retail space 2000 SF in a Plaza anchored by RBC, $18/SF. High traffic, Great use for restaurant, Retail, Service.
423250Sold(Sold)--Discount Variety+ 649 store. Oshawa, Great location, Weekly sale $30K. High Volume and high profit margin.. Asking 199K.
254176ExpiredWanted--> Gas Station, High Volume,up to 4 million- Principals Only.
253655ExpiredWant- anywhere in Ontario, Gas Station $600K-$2M for serious and ready client. Prefer brand name with property...
165965ExpiredWant->>Property for car sales, automotive.. In toronto, richmond hill, north york, in busy area.. less than 1.5 million.
153982ExpiredWant- Triple Net Investment and apartment buildings.. Less than 3.5 Millions. GTA, Port Hope, cobourg, Trenton.