Want, Canada,Ontario,Northern Ontario,Sudbury, All

432959Wanted In Ontario Triple Net Retail Or Industrial Plaza, $2M - $55M, For Qualified Investors. Principles Only.
432929Wanted Condo Titled properties, Windsor to Kingston, N. to Barrie, Niagara Region $10M - $75M money in hand can close quickly. In need of work no worries
432860Want Niagara Falls to Toronto, North to Barrie Apartment building , $10 - $30Mill, also looking for portfolio multiple buildings, qualified buyer
432851Wanted Hamilton to Toronto to Ottawa, North to Barrie, Niagara Region, Apartment Buildings, $ 10 M - $60M, From 40 - 80 Units, Great Successful Transactions.
432824Wanted London to Toronto to Kingston, North to Sudbury, Niagara Region, Retail office or Industrial, $1M to $4M, prefer passive investment 6%.
432820Wanted, Ontario, Hotel, $20M - $25M, Experience Buyer.
432794Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Kingston, North to Barrie, Niagara Region, office retail investment, $6M - $15M, Qualified
432765Wanted, Ontario, Machine Shop, $300K to $500K, Cash
432751Wanted Sarnia to Toronto to Kingston, N. to North Bay, Niagara Region, grocery anchored plaza, $20M - $30M, qualified.
432711Wanted Windsor to Hamilton to Ottawa, North to Barrie, Niagara Region, Residential Vacant Land to built Townhouses, $1M - $4M, All Cash Qualified
432654Wanted Ontario Agricultural Business showing excellent returns for investors 0-15 million
432601Wanted London to Toronto to Oshawa, North to Owen Sound, Niagara Region, Abattoir and / or meat processing. Qualified.
432590Wanted anywhere in Ontario Medical Diagnostic Imaging Clinics, $1M -$5M , Qualified Buyer
432441WANTED . Ontario Mobile home park or year around trailer park 100 sites and up ! Buyer ready to move up !
432417Wanted Ontario Hotel $10M - $40M looking to expand.
432370Want Ontario 50+ unit good quality apartment buildings located in a good neighbourhood $10M - $100M+
432333Wanted Ottawa, Peterborough-Norwood, Coburg-Belleville, Ottawa-Cornwall, Barrie, Muskoka, Morrisburg, Rural Land 500-700 acres, <$10,000/acre. User / Investor
432332Wanted Waterloo Region to Toronto to Ajax, North to Barrie Industrial Land / Building, $3M - $5M, End-user going to build up to 50,000 sq. ft
432317Wanted Ontario Commercial Retail Space to Lease, 1,000 sq. ft - 50,000 sq. ft, Qualified various retail tenants, prefer prime retail locations
432314Wanted London to Toronto to Belleville, N. to Barrie, Niagara Region, Money Making Car Wash Business with property or Land to build, $3M-$30M, Active Investor
432260Wanted Ontario Retirement Home $1.5M - $5M Qualified
432200Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Oshawa, North to Barrie, Niagara region, Commercial Cash flowing AAA Tenant property $1M - $5M
432066Wanted Ontario Gas station $500,000 - $5,000,000
432059Wanted Ontario, commercial land and / or building, zoning highway commercial, $500K - $1.2M, for a drive thru restaurant. Population minimum 20,000.
432030Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Kingston, north to Thunder Bay, Niagara Falls, Development Land, Residential and Commercial, $3 M - $200M+, All Cash
431866Wanted Alberta, Ontario run-down, abandoned, distressed properties suitable for Gas Station / truck stop $1 - $1M, Experienced 25+ years
431524Wanted Kitchener to Toronto to Cobourg, North to Barrie, Niagara Region, Apt or Land to develop 5 to 60 units, $500K to $10M, syndication JV possibilities
431401Wanted, Anywhere in Ontario on Major Highway, Gas Stations & Truck Stop, Running, Closed or to be Built, $3M - $30M, Serious & Qualified Buyer
431393Wanted: Waterloo to Toronto to Coburg, North to Barrie, Niagara Region, Retail, Office, Industrial, $2M - $20M, looking to buy multiple Properties. Qualified
431196Wanted Woodstock to Toronto to Oshawa, N. to Barrie, Niagara Region, Medical Diagnostic Clinic $800K - $1.5M, has the Money.
431194WANTED Ontario, Tim Hortons coffee donuts Franchise B / W $1-2 Million, Within 1-2 Hour From GTA, I Have Some Motivated & Qualified Buyers And Investors
431188Wanted Toronto to Kingston to N. to Barrie, Industrial Warehouse, 5,000 SQ FT - 7,500 SQ FT, $700K - $1.1M, has the money.
431187Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Oshawa, Truck Yard, 4 AC - 7 AC, $2.5M to 3.5M has the Money
431100Wanted, Canada , Apartment Buildings, Commercial Building/ Plaza with Residential Apartments , $500k to $3M, Quick Closing Possible
431098Wanted All over ONTARIO, Commercial or Multiplex/ Apartment Buildings , $500K - $2M, Quick Closing Possible!
430817Wanted Ontario Retirement / Nursing Homes, $10M - $30M+, International Serious Buyer
430668Cash buyer Ontario, MHC , $1M - $10M, Commision paid by Buyer. For the right price would you consider selling ? bring us property
430667Cash buyer Ontario $1M-$10M, Commision paid by Buyer. For the right price would you consider selling ? focus is on mobile home communities
430663Cash buyer for Ontario, MHC (mobile home community), $1M - $10M, Our Buyer Pays the commission. Actively buying. ideally 100+ units....
430600Wanted Windsor To Toronto To Kingston, North To Timmins, Niagara Falls, Retail Plaza, S500K-$5M, Cash Buyer.
430160Wanted - Ontario. Land for Cemetery Use, $2 million - $10 Million.
429749Want From London to Belleville @ from Toronto to Muskoka, Retirement Home 40 - 150 Units, $7 M - $30 mill, Buyer is my repeat client.
429571Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Kingston, North to Barrie, Niagara region area, commercial plaza, $3 - $5M, has the money
429346Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Ottawa, N. to Sudbury, Niagara Region, Retirement / Senior / Care Home, Long-term care, Nursing. $1M - $10M+. Qualified Experienced
429030Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Oshawa, North to North Bay, Niagara Region Daycare, $350K - $20M, With or Without property! Qualified buyers!
429010Wanted Hamilton to Toronto to Kingston, North to Barrie, Niagara Region, Car Wash, $100K- $300K, Qualified has the money, prefer unattended Coin Car Wash.
428259Wanted: $1-$1M Ontario College, Ready To Act Quickly
427855Wanted London to Toronto to Kingston, N. to Barrie, Niagara Region, retail plaza, $2M - $4M, qualified.
427316Wanted, Guelph to Kingston and Toronto to Barrie, Site Plan Ready 3-5 year Development Land, $5M - $250M, Principals and agents WE WILL BUY.
426363Wanted Burlington to Georgetown to Toronto to Oshawa, N. to Barrie, Niagara Region, apartment buildings, $1M - $20M, qualified buyers.
426355Wanted, Windsor to Toronto to Ottawa, north to Barry, Niagara region , Storage facility $2M - $300M+ will consider portfolio purchases as well.
426051Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Cornwall, North to Barrie, Niagara region, retail, office, or Industrial, $2M to $3.5M, prefer passive income, qualified investors.
425897Want any where in Canada large hotels (150+ rooms) that need refurbishment or is motivated to sell. $500K-$10M established and can make decisions quickly
424674Wanted, Ontario & Saskatchewan, Residential & Apartment Building, $2M - $5M, Qualified.
422202Wanted London to Toronto to Kingston, North to Huntsville, Niagara Region, Medical Building, $1M - $10M, funds available
418346Wanted, Kitchener to Toronto to Whitby, North to Newmarket, Niagara region, Restaurant to Buy or Lease, $1-3 Mil, Sqft 2000 - 4000 Sqft, Qualified Buyer
416876WANTED London to Toronto to Ottawa, north to Sudbury, Niagara Region, Shopping Centre, $2M - $15M, Successful experience selling with this buyer.