Want, U.S.A.,American Samoa, Apartment buildings/multi unit/condo townhouse projects/investments

431282Wanted Hallandale, Hollywood, Florida, Multifamily, $500,000 - $700,000 qualified buyer
431279Wanted: Hillsboro, Pinellas, Pasco Orange Counties, Florida, Single-family or multifamily, $300,000- $500,000, cash buyer, Rehab up to 80k, no HOA.
431269Wanted Florida, Multi-family 4+units $1.2M - $3.7M, Cap rate preferred 5-8%, ready to go before the end of the year.
431099Wanted, USA, Apartment Buildings, $50k to $1M, Quick Closing Possible
421065Wanted: Florida, Multifamily, $250K - $2M, Serious qualified cash buyer, Realtor is the buyer, Can act quickly, 2 week to 6 month closing, commission negotiable