Want, Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario, Industrial Buildings For Sale

432982Wanted Scarborough, Markham, Pickering, Ajax, need place for worship looking to lease long term or buy ( $1M to $2M )
432960Wanted Mississauga, Oakville Or Burlington 3-5 Acres Market Price Land For Banquet Hall $9M - $25M For Ready Buyer.
432959Wanted In Ontario Triple Net Retail Or Industrial Plaza, $2M - $55M, For Qualified Investors. Principles Only.
432957Wanted Outside Storage Zoning Land at Market Price, 5 To 6 Acres Around Hwy 427/ Major Mac/ Langstaff In Vaughan. $10M - $25M
432933Wanted GTA Industrial Land prefer vacant, BLDG is on site no problem? 2-20 Acres from $5M-$30M has Funds to close the deal quickly. A VTB is always Preferred ?
432895Wanted London to Markham, North to Barrie, Niagara Region, industrial Land, Hwy Exposure $1M - $7M,
432836Want Car Wash W / Property , Toronto, From $3M - $25M, Repeat Client, Cash Purchase
432825WANTED Mississauga, Markham, Richmond Hill, warehouse,$5M/5000-10000 sq. ft. Qualified motivated buyer
432824Wanted London to Toronto to Kingston, North to Sudbury, Niagara Region, Retail office or Industrial, $1M to $4M, prefer passive investment 6%.
432818Wanted, Mississauga, Milton, Toronto, Cabinet Millwork manufacturing, woodworking, $500K
432788WANTED: Hotel for sale in GTA area! (Max 1 hour from Toronto) Cash buyer, ready to purchase! Experienced Hotel manager looking to invest.
432765Wanted, Ontario, Machine Shop, $300K to $500K, Cash
432747Want Industrial Buildings, 50-150,000 sq.ft. Minimum ceiling height 20ft Clear. Vacant or Tenants ok. From Oshawa, Newmarket, Brampton, to Hamilton
432744Wanted Brampton, Mississauga (North of Derry), Industrial Building / Unit 10,000 sq. ft, $3M - $4M, Experienced Expanding Business
432690Wanted! 40,000-300,000 SQFT, Vacant Warehouse to purchase in Scarborough, R.Hill, Markham Immediately.
432682WANTED! Vacant Space, 60,000-100K SQFT, 18 FT Clear Height, Dufferin-404, Yorkmills-H.W.7, For Indoor Tennis Courts.
432673WANTED! Thornhill, large building, Office, Warehouse, Industrial or Commercial for Private School*
432672WANTED! Vacant warehouse 100K-300K, in Markham or Richmond Hill for purchase ***
432639Wanted Ontario retail or industrial, single tenant, $2M-$10M, Net leased.
432601Wanted London to Toronto to Oshawa, North to Owen Sound, Niagara Region, Abattoir and / or meat processing. Qualified.
432582WANT Burlington to Toronto to Oshawa, North to Newmarket, Industrial Land, $10M to $30M, 10-150 Acres, serious buyer.
432556Wanted - GTA west. Industrial with sports zoning. 12-15k sqft with 25ft clear height. Need parking, love to have change rooms already or plumbing.
432509WANT York Region to Barrie to Durham Warehouse, $2M - $10M, 6000 to 8000 sq ft, office min 2500, to buy or lease, prefer with large garage door, loading dock
432482Wanted Etobicoke, Vaughan, King, Caledon Industrial 100,000 sq. ft. 150,000 $10M-$20M or land to build. READY TO GO.
432479Wanted Cash Buyer Etobicoke, Vaughan, King, Caledon 4M-20M,150,000-200,000 Sq. Ft Industrial Building Or 5-100 Acre Lot / Outside Storage Zoning, High Ceiling!!
432433Wanted Toronto To Barrie - Uxbridge to Brampton, Industrial Building, 10,000 - 20,000 SF, $5M - $10M, Cash Buyer
432392Wanted Vaughan 1-3 Acres M3, M4, C3 Zoning vacant land, $7M, will consider property with a BLDG. Can close very quicly and with money in hand! please call me.
432352Want free standing Industrial Building in Peel with outside Storage, 20000 to 50000 sq feet, for sale or lease.
432348Wanted, Milton or Mississauga land for parking trucks, $20M-$50M, 5ac-10ac. They have the money. need immediate
432338Wanted: Vaughan, Brampton East, ON, Industrial, Office Building (No Condo), $3M - $8M, 1,500 Sq Ft - 10,000 Sq Ft+, Client Ready to Close in 90 Days
432337Wanted: Etobicoke, Mississauga Industrial Freestanding Building (No Condo), $4M - $15M, 4,000 Sq ft - 25,000 Sq ft+
432332Wanted Waterloo Region to Toronto to Ajax, North to Barrie Industrial Land / Building, $3M - $5M, End-user going to build up to 50,000 sq. ft
432327Wanted Metal / Machine shop business with property, Distressed, Contaminated, Greater Toronto Area, up to $20M, Experienced
432322Wanted Aurora Industrial Building 20,000 - 30,000 sq. ft, with 3-4 acres Land, $5M - $15M, ASAP Motivated Buyer
432321Wanted Kitchener to Toronto to Durham, N. To Barrie, Niagara Region, Prefer Mississauga, Machine shop Metal Mfg. Business, $1M - $3M+ For a Family Business
432305WANTED: Markham, Richmond Hill or Vaughan, 30,000 TO 60,000 SQ FT Warehouse Industrial or commercial with property
432292WANT: GREATER TORONTO AREA, and surrounding, 0.5 to 2 acres land to build Residential or Commercial on, * PREFER YORK REGION* Open to area
432281WANT: Multiple project, Toronto and 2 hours surrounding, $5 Mill to $2 Billion, looking for multiple projects commercial/ residential existing or development
432278WANT: Mississauga to Toronto to Oshawa to Newmarket, Retail or Industrial Investment, $1M-$20M, Prefer Upside potential
432268WANT: ETOBICOKE or surrounding, INDUSTIRIAL BUILDING, 150,000 SF for a client. It should have a good height say 24 feet or more
432233WANT: East hwy 400, close hwy 404 & 401, south Downtown Toronto, North Newmarket, LOOKING LAND, Leasing / commercial condo TO BUILD, Medical Building, $1M-$10M
432217WANTED: Mississauga to Toronto to Oshawa to Newmarket, Retail or Industrial Investment, $1M-$20M, Prefer Upside potential
432210Wanted: Industrial Building For Purchase, VAUGHAN, 30,000-40,000 Sq Ft. Qualified Buyer.
432065WANTED, London to Windsor, Milton to Brampton, Mississauga $2Mil to $3.5 Mil., 12000-15000 Sqft.,Truck Repair and body shop, Qualified Buyer.
432060Wanted Brampton, Caledon, Mississauga, to Toronto to Aurora, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, York Region, industrial, 20,000 sf - 50,000 sf., $6M - $20M
432052Wanted Toronto to Durham, industrial unit, 1,000 to 2,000 sf, zoned for a church. $500,000
432045Wanted Toronto to Oshawa space suitable for a Church. $300K - $500K
431884Wanted Hamilton to Port Hope, and north to Lake Simcoe Industrial land for storage up to $2,000,000
431866Wanted Alberta, Ontario run-down, abandoned, distressed properties suitable for Gas Station / truck stop $1 - $1M, Experienced 25+ years
431865WANTED Brampton Industrial Warehouse Building 100,000 - 200,000 sq. ft with up to 80,000 sq. ft vacant space. Investor / owner user $20M - $50M. with upside
431864Wanted SCARBOROUGH Place of Worship, 25,000 -35,000 sq. ft, 2.0 acres Land, $5M - $12M
431767Wanted Mississauga, Brampton area, Industrial Building, $4M - $14M
431698WANTED: Toronto, York Region. Industrial Plaza with Multi Tenant. Budget up to $20M.
431413Wanted Canada Industrial or Commercial with a AAA tenant $1M-$25M very active qualified, willing to joint venture.
431411Wanted Canada Industrial or Commercial. $10M-$500M very active qualified.
431401Wanted, Anywhere in Ontario on Major Highway, Gas Stations & Truck Stop, Running, Closed or to be Built, $3M - $30M, Serious & Qualified Buyer
431393Wanted: Waterloo to Toronto to Coburg, North to Barrie, Niagara Region, Retail, Office, Industrial, $2M - $20M, looking to buy multiple Properties. Qualified
431188Wanted Toronto to Kingston to N. to Barrie, Industrial Warehouse, 5,000 SQ FT - 7,500 SQ FT, $700K - $1.1M, has the money.
431187Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Oshawa, Truck Yard, 4 AC - 7 AC, $2.5M to 3.5M has the Money
430804Want Hamilton to Toronto to Oshawa, N. to Barrie. Land up to 4 acres for ready mix concrete production facility. Must have power and water. Prefer on main road.
430793Want...In East of Toronto, Pickering or Ajax Area. Church or an industrial building zoned for church / worship purposes. $500K to $1.5M. ASAP. Have buyer ready.
430785WANT! Plaza In and around GTA or within 1 hour from GTA with good cap rate. $4.0M. My client is ready.
430779WANT. Scarborough to Ajax church or industrial to convert to church for 250 to 300 people. Client ready now.
430778Wanted. Oakville, Mississauga Brampton to Pickering, North to NewMarket. Church up to 250 people. $1.5M-$3M Financing in place can close any time. Could build.
430777Want. Toronto, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Aurora, Brantford. Space to buy or lease for daycare. 3000 to 10,000 SqFT. Space for playground too. Client ready now.
430702Wanted: Townhouse Project In GTA, Up-to 100 Units. Prefer Site Plan (SPA) Approved and W Building Permit. No Budget Limited
430648WANTED; Vaughan, Industrial Space, 25,000 to 35,000sq ft for an Indoor Ice Training Rink.
430579Wanted: Townhouse Project In GTA, Up-to 100 Units. Prefer Site Plan (SPA) Approved and W Building Permit.
430312WANT Toronto to Ajax, North to Newmarket, Industrial land, 2-3 acres, near highway, $4 - $7 Million, Qualified
430306want Industrial / Warehouse Vaughan, between Bathurst and 400 $11M. Min 18-foot Ceiling, One drive-in door, and one truck dock, No condominium
430270Want Durham, Scarborough, Toronto, Mississauga, North York, Vaughan - to buy or lease for Woodworking - 1500 - 5000 Sq Ft
430162Wanted to Lease: Caledon to Oshawa - North to Richmond Hill, Sports - Recreation Use, 20,000 sq ft - 40,000 sq ft. $25K - $40K per month, Depending on Size.
430102Wanted Toronto Scarborough heavy industrial need 1-3 acres land with or without building. $4M - $20M+, qualified
430098Wanted Peel Region - Mississauga, Brampton, Milton, Burlington, Oakville, Montessori School Day care or a good location.
429869Wanted to buy 12,000 - 18,000 sq.ft. industrial in York Region, Mississauga or North York.
429703*WANTED* Self Storage Facility in Peterborough, Oshawa, Barrie, Toronto, Niagara, Kitchener, London. $1-$5 million.
429666Wanted Hamilton to Toronto to Scarbrough, North to Newmarket, industrial property 1400 Sqft - 2000sqft, $800K - $2M to buy for Automotive business.
429665Wanted, York Region, industrial commercial property, $500K - $1M. Prefer existing auto business related.
429660Want, Industrial property at York Reign, Scarborough, over 1000sqft, up to $1.5M, for automotive-related business.
429566Wanted Ontario Metal Recycling, $500K - $2M, qualified with cash.
429511Wanted in Toronto, Halton, Durham, GTA, Oshawa to Hamilton or Guelph to New Market or Fergus in the north, Cold Storage, $2M - $10M ASAP
428017Wanted: Markham, Richmond Hill,Scarborough and North York, Warehouse For Food Storage. Area 50K-100KSF.
427843Wanted Mississauga, Brampton, 6 Acres Truck Yard or Land with potential to be improved as a Truck Terminal with shop, garage building and / or a warehouse.
427501Wanted, Milton, Truckyard, $3.5M - 4.5M, 3+ Ac, Qualified has the money
427203Wanted Mississauga Close to Hwy 401, Land or Building that is Zoned for Recreational use, $8M to $12M, or Lease, 50K to 100K SqFt, Ready to Act Quickly
426362Wanted Oakville to Toronto to Scarborough, N. to Innisfil, space to lease for a banquet hall, 2,000sf to 10,000sf, ASAP. Now. 30 years experience.
426355Wanted, Windsor to Toronto to Ottawa, north to Barry, Niagara region , Storage facility $2M - $300M+ will consider portfolio purchases as well.
426269Wanted - Georgetown to Brampton, N. to Bolton, Caledon, Truck Mechanic Repair Shop $4M - $6M (6000 - 8500 Sq.ft) Trailer Parking, Experienced looking to expand
426051Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Cornwall, North to Barrie, Niagara region, retail, office, or Industrial, $2M to $3.5M, prefer passive income, qualified investors.
425544Wanted:- Bolton to Toronto, Truck Terminal or 7 to 11 Acres land with appropriate Zoning $10M - $30M
425543Wanted Close to Highway 410 Area - Industrial Warehouse 20-30,000 sq.ft. for owners use. Price Negotiable.
425121Wanted: Rexdale / Etobicoke / Vaughan, Freestanding commercial unit / Warehouse close to public transit, Min. 15 Parking, Over 4000 sqft, 2M-4M, Motivated Buyer
425118Wanted Windsor to Caledon, North to Fergus, South to Lake Erie, 2-5 acres industrial investment with building, $1M - $3M, prefer that it is rented.
424006Wanted Scarborough Industrial Building 15,000 sq ft - 20,000 Sq ft, $3M - $6M Cash Ready
423569Want: Warehouse For Sale In Richmond Hill Or Markham, Area:20,000- 100,000sqf.
423568Want: Warhouse For Lease In Richmond Hill Or Markham, Area:20,000- 100,000sqf.
423563Wanted Markham, Richmond Hill,Scarborough and North York, Warehouse or Office For Sport business. 10000-50000SF。
423560Want: Car Dealership, Land Or The Property For Used Car sale Business In Ontario, Budget: $60M.
423484Wanted:Thornhill, Wearhouse, building, industrial , office building,$2M to 8M
422902WANT GTA INDUSTRIAL 5000-10000 SQF $2.5M
421817Want: Vacant Land For Warehouse In GTA Nearby HWY, Area 2 Acres Or Up. Budget Up To $11M.
420737WANTED: Industrial Unit For Purchase in the GTA. Min 3000-6000 sq ft, Truck Level, Min 14' Height!
420593Wanted industrial warehouse for sale in Hamilton, Guelph or around the area. Min 15,000 sqf.
419106Large, vacant industrial buildings wanted close to 401 hwy. in Ontario. Please contact me today!
417575Want free standing Industrial Building in Peel with outside Storage, 50000 to 150000 sq feet, for sale or lease.
417103Wanted, Thornhill to Newmarket, East up to Leslie, west up to Dufferin, to lease or buy, shop for tire and Auto oil changes.
417101Want, Bolton, Caledon, Brampton, industrial Land, $4M - $20M, cash buyer
414902Want:- Brampton, Caledon, Mississauga, 10000+- Sq Ft Building with Ample Parking for Place of Worship
414233Want: Warehouse Or Industral Property From Brampton To Ajax, For Sale, Area 20,000SQF Or Up.. Budget Up To $30M.
413346Wanted, Industrial condo, 1 Truck Level, Ontario, Must have Rental income, Max. 1M, Can Act Quickly
413343Wanted: Rexdale / Etobicoke / Vaughan, Freestanding commercial unit / Warehouse close to public transit, Min. 15 Parking, Over 4000 sqft, 2M-4M, Motivated Buyer
412553Want: Warehouse For Sale Or For Lease In York Region. Area 5-10,000 SF.
412139Wanted: VAUGHAN, Purchase Only! Commercial Unit for Dental office, Up to $1M.
411795Want: Warehouse GTA, Area About 5,000-10,000SF.
409303Wanted Restaurant or Food related Property in Mississuaga or Brampton From $ 200,000.00 to $ 1,500,000.00 Area 1000 sq. ft. to 5000 sq.ft for.
407883Wanted: york region industrial building 4000 - 5000 sqft, 20 ft clear height
406629Want Industrial land or future Industrial Land.
405807Supermarket or the plaza, warehouse or any industry building that could be used as supermarket In GTA.Ceiling: 20' and Area: 20,000SF, Solid Buyer, No Budget.
401519WANTED: York Region up to Barrie, Warehouse & Outside Storage, $1M - $5M, Cash Buyer, Motivated, Qualified.
396938Wanted Industrial Building In Toronto,Richmond Hill, Vaughan or Markham, Ontario, Area:7000-10,000SF, Ceiling 20Ft Qualified Buyer.
388843Wanted Industrial Building In Toronto or Markham, Ontario, Area:45,000SF, Qualified Buyer.
388743Want:GTA or South Of Ontario, Warehouse or Industrial Building For Potential Planting, Price About $2M.
388740Want: GTA Area Income Properties:Plaza, Medical Building & Gas Station.Price Around $10M or Below.
380794Wanted,Warehouse In Markham, Scarborough or GTA Other Area.Area: 10,000-30,000 SF.
379777Markham, Richmond Hill,, Warehouse. 60,000-100,000SF。
379776Markham, Richmond Hill,, Warehouse. 60,000-100,000SF。
377165Wanted Ontario, Better In GTA, Warehouse For Planting, Size 10,000-20,000 SF, Very Serious Buyer.