Have, Canada,Ontario,Northern Ontario,Sudbury, All

432661BARRIE AREA>>IT'S LIKE POWER OF SALE*Private Airport! On 31 Acres land with 3200 sqft house! Two Runways+ Hangs, Mechanic Shop! IT WAS RENTED TO $12,000 net*
432519Orillia Tattoo & Piercing business, office. Take over lease $1,950/mo. or lease premises for your business. busy location, 1,080 sf, two bathrooms.
432518Orillia Apt. for lease, $2,100, 2 bedrooms, balcony, new building.
432514Orillia (60 min. to Toronto) retail for lease w / office, 1,080 sf, $19.50/mo gross, big restaurant next door, busy road, great for insurance, professionals.
429659Have, a new waterfront cottage at Orillia, 3 beds, 3 washrooms, 3 stories, private boat slip. $1,250m. 1.5 hours to Toronto. Marriner's pier, pool and park.
427302Financing Available $100,000,000 Plus for Condo Developments anywhere USA or Canada. No Presales necessary. Will provide Construction Funding and pre buy units