Have, Canada,Ontario,Greater Toronto area,York Region, Business Opportunities

432789Home with Shop & Pool (60 Mins North of Toronto) $1,999,888 - 6500 SF Home With 2 Car Garage + 4 Car Shop & Parking for 20 cars, Inground Pool
431409Canada, 2 Restaurant Just Franchises, Indian Food & Afghani
430891Toronto Busy Coin Laundry 4 years old machines, $600,000 over 2200sqft with full basement, Potential Wash and Fold other income
430890Toronto Etobicoke Culinary College Fully Equipped Kitchen $1M invested, $200k or Lease to own 2000 sqft. State of Art, Could be Ghost Kitchen or Catering, VTB
430889Toronto Juicery Gym Bar, $5000 per month plus hst, Equipment included, Over $350,000 spent setup, Landlord wants rent busy Etobicoke location 50,000 cars / day
430888Toronto UPS Store for sale, $120,000, VTB available with $50,000 down, Brand New Setup was over $300,000 Owner Must Sell, Call for Details
430807Toronto. Upscale Café in an excellent location. Repeat loyal clients. Great income. 60 seats. $320,000.00 Training available.
429009Etobicoke (Toronto), Coin Laundry Laundromat, $599K, 24/7 Money Making Business, Unattended.
427313Have, Toronto Etobicoke Culinary College Fully Equipped Kitchen $1M invested, $400k or Lease to own 2000 sqft. State of Art, Can Ghost Kitchen or Catering, VTB
427309Toronto Car Sales Lot for Lease, Car Dealer or Outside Sales, $6000 per month as is , Corner location on busy ALbion Rd 50,000 cars per day, call for details
427304Toronto Busy Coin Laundry 4 years old machines, $600,000 over 2200sqft with full basement, Potential Wash and Fold other income
425696Schedule your next landlord tenant Seminar in your office New clauses, 5 ways to stay out of trouble Presentation Designed for the Real Estate Agents
425695Buying or selling a Business. ? Franchise? Commercial Property? Can you trust the buyer or seller? We provide a full report.
4256945 things to know before you start legal action, or an appeal, RECO legal Analyst with decades of R.E experience Lets get after it BRA. Breach, Appeals,
423747Montessori School Business for Sale with 25 students $315K. Agent Welcome. NDA required.
415224Etobicoke, Toronto, auto mechanic shop $3.5 million with land for sale, could be used car dealership or other uses Close to QEW / HWY 427 next to Amazon.
405516Business or large project financing Available, Venture Capital, Private, Banks fast closing, North America $250K-$20M no limit
366173Crucial legal Confrontations? Litigation Legal Support Analyst with decades of experience, know-how RECO/TREB, BRA Breach, Appeals.
365910Do you want to cut straight to the facts? Take me with you to court. No Non-sence R.E disputes, Small Claims,Evictions, R.E legal Focus. Tools and advice