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Have/Want Listings by Area and Category to Message Number 432205.

Haves and Wants of Industrial, Commercial and Investment Real Estate, Land, Farms, Business Opportunities, Financing, and more . . . World Wide. Free to the public, supported by licensed Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople . . . World Wide. Average 4.9 seconds to all listings. The World real estate Have and Want information at your fingertips!

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This is a 24hr. per day Have and Want World Wide Marketing Service. It is one of the highest traffic centers in the world for networking commercial real estate information. This is direct advertising to the world. Support provided with videos, printouts and one on one on how to market effectively on the Internet. Contacts . . . Make Contracts!

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World Confidential

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)

Canada,Atlantic Canada (NB NS NF PEI LB),Prince Edward Island

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Central and Eastern Ontario,Trenton

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Far Northern Ontario,Timmins

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Greater Toronto area,York Region

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Niagara Region,St. Catharines

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Northern Ontario,Sudbury

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Northwestern Ontario,Thunder Bay

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario,Woodstock

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)

Canada,Quebec,Saguenay (Chicoutimi, Alma, about 250 KM north of Quebec City)

Canada,Quebec,Outaouais (Gatineau, Aylmer, Cantley, Pontiac, Montebello, La Peche, Val des Monts, Bouchette, etc.),Gatineau

Canada,Quebec,Saguenay (Chicoutimi, Alma, about 250 KM north of Quebec City)

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),Saskatchewan

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),Alberta,Calgary

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),Saskatchewan

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),British Columbia,Vancouver Island

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),Saskatchewan

World Confidential

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,Central (IL IN KY MI OH WI),Wisconsin

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,Mid Atlantic (DC DE MD NJ PA WV),West Virginia

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,North Central (IA KS MN MO ND NE SD),South Dakota

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,NorthEast (CT MA ME NH NY RI VT),Vermont

U.S.A.,NorthEast (CT MA ME NH NY RI VT),New York,New York City

U.S.A.,NorthEast (CT MA ME NH NY RI VT),Vermont

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,NorthWest (AK ID MT OR WA),Washington

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,Rocky Mountain (CO,UT,WY),Wyoming

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,South Central (LA MS OK TX),Texas

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,SouthEast (AL GA FL NC SC VA),Virginia

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,South (AR,TN),Tennessee

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,SouthWest (AZ CA HI NM NV),Nevada

U.S.A.,American Samoa

World Confidential

Africa,South Africa

World Confidential

Asia,South-East Asia

Asia,South Asia,Sri Lanka

Asia,South-East Asia

Asia,South-East Asia,Vietnam

World Confidential

Caribbean Basin & Central America,Turks & Caicos Islands, B.W.I.

World Confidential


World Confidential


Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)

Canada,Atlantic Canada (NB NS NF PEI LB),Prince Edward Island

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Central and Eastern Ontario,Trenton

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Far Northern Ontario,Timmins

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Greater Toronto area,York Region

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Niagara Region,St. Catharines

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Northern Ontario,Sudbury

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Northwestern Ontario,Thunder Bay

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario

Canada,Ontario,Southwestern Ontario,Woodstock

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)

Canada,Quebec,Saguenay (Chicoutimi, Alma, about 250 KM north of Quebec City)

Canada,Quebec,Outaouais (Gatineau, Aylmer, Cantley, Pontiac, Montebello, La Peche, Val des Monts, Bouchette, etc.),Gatineau

Canada,Quebec,Saguenay (Chicoutimi, Alma, about 250 KM north of Quebec City)

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),Saskatchewan

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),Alberta,Calgary

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),Saskatchewan

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),British Columbia,Vancouver Island

Canada,Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT),Saskatchewan

World Confidential

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,Central (IL IN KY MI OH WI),Wisconsin

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,Mid Atlantic (DC DE MD NJ PA WV),West Virginia

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,North Central (IA KS MN MO ND NE SD),South Dakota

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,NorthEast (CT MA ME NH NY RI VT),Vermont

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,NorthWest (AK ID MT OR WA),Washington

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,Rocky Mountain (CO,UT,WY),Wyoming

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,South Central (LA MS OK TX),Texas

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,SouthEast (AL GA FL NC SC VA),Virginia

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,South (AR,TN),Tennessee

U.S.A.,American Samoa

U.S.A.,SouthWest (AZ CA HI NM NV),Nevada

U.S.A.,American Samoa

World Confidential

Asia,South-East Asia

Asia,Western Asia,United Arab Emirates

World Confidential

Australia New Zealand,Sydney

World Confidential

Caribbean Basin & Central America,Turks & Caicos Islands, B.W.I.

World Confidential