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Message #6526
Date: 07-Nov-96 12:01


Type: Timberland
Geographic Limitations: North America, South America, Central America, Australia, Asia, anywhere in the world


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Message #4175
Date: 22-Jan-95 16:50


Joint Venture Partner - Coal Reserve Development
Type: Rights to develop, mine, transport and market from Gov. concessions
Location: Concessions located in State of Guarico, Venezuela
Price Range: $1 Million capital contribution required - may be staged
Size Range: Geology indicates up to 130 Million tons of steam quality coal w/ less than 1% sulpher available
Yield Expectations: Anticipate 25K ton/mo mining from each of tracts budgeted profit of $5/ton
Comments: Royalty and profits interest offered - details negotiable
Client Type: Principal
Client Problem: Requires Cash to complete development and commence production.
Objective: Become operational ASAP to commence cash flow
Motivation: 10 - Result of 3 years of effort
Client Will: Take partner to site and share all data and completed contracts and approvals
Wants: Ready, willing and able entrepreneur for unique opportunity!
Recommendation: Bring knowledgeable mining person to the table!
Control: Direct to principal


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