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432559Active2200 SF Professional Office Space (Aurora) Yonge Street Exposure! Furnished or Unfurnished, $14/sf + $9.95 TMI includes utilities! Signage on Yonge & Building
432558Active1000 SF Office Space (Aurora) Excellent high traffic exposure on Yonge Street. $14/SF + $9.95TMI includes utilities. Furnished or Unfurnished.
432557Active1200 SF Professional Office (Aurora) Busy Yonge Street, $14/SF + $9.95 TMI (includes utilities) Free month's rent with 5 year lease
432543Active4 Acres with Bungalow on River (1 hour north of Toronto) $900k-$1M Seeking Investor for Fixer upper, 400 ft frontage, RU zoning
432435ActiveHome with Shop & Pool (60 Mins North of Toronto) $2,148,888 - 6500 SF Home With 2 Car Garage + 4 Car Shop & Parking for 20 cars, Inground Pool
432434ActiveBig Bay Point Innisfil (90 Mins to Toronto) $1,888,888 - Bed & Breakfast Potential, Deeded Beachfront on Lake Simcoe, 3 separate units, Firepit
432433ActiveWanted Toronto To Barrie - Uxbridge to Brampton, Industrial Building, 10,000 - 20,000 SF, $5M - $10M, Cash Buyer
432432ActiveMuskoka (90 min. to Toronto) Commercial Residential $1,198,888, 11 Ac. with 3000sf retail building with mechanic's garage, residential bungalow 700ft frontage