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424556ActiveHave, Kingston, Ontario, Builders, Developers , investors, APPLICATION SENT TO GET APPROVAL TO built high rise.commercial / residential
424165ActiveToronto, Scarborough Residential Development Land, $22M, Approx. 2 Acres., close to 401, 404 & 407. Shopping & Schools, Go Train.
424081ActiveWanted, Ontario, Tim Horton & Mcdonalds or Major Branded Food Franchise, $1M - $12M, Has Cash
424070ActiveWanted Toronto To Oshawa, North to King City, Retail or Industrial To Lease for A Kitchen For Caterers, 900Sqft - 1300 Sqft, Prefer with Exhaust.
424069ActiveOne hour to Toronto, Branded Gas Station, $6M, Commercial Stores and Apartments, Making Money. Room To Build More. Upside Potential.
212205LeasedSOLD high traffic area,commercial building with 7 offices and two stores all leased