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429681ActiveKitchener / Waterloo opportunity to own a garage / car sales, $1,149,900 Single bay garage and a 2 bedroom bungalow with a separate lower level. 30+ cars on lot
427578ActiveDevelopment site Kitchener, $3,000,000 Site plan approved for 20 Stack-towns. Will include all drawings, inspections and plans. Ready to build.
427161ActiveKitchener / Waterloo 20 Stack-towns new build asking $9,600,000,large 2 bedroom units should be finished by late summer 2025
426668ActiveCambridge, Ontario, Jewllery store, listed at whole sale cost of inventory $315,000 Business and inventory
426402ActivePOWER of SALE! Commercial condo, 1218sqf located by UofW and WLU in Waterloo, former convenient store, Zoning allows many uses
426355ActiveWanted, Windsor to Toronto to Ottawa, north to Barry, Niagara region , Storage facility $2M - $300M+ will consider portfolio purchases as well.
426354ActiveWanted, South western Ontario, apartment buildings 20+ units, pequalified buyer.
426353SoldSOLD K / W area Waterloo Wellington Airport plane hanger for sale great for personal or investment type hanger $239,900, 8 bays 2 are used by owner,
111618Sold(SOLD) Waterloo Laundry Mat $ 229.900 easy to run well established laundry mat good profit.
47116Sold(SOLD) Kitchener (1h from Toronto), Subway Franchise, $129,900 ,newer store in high traffic location, two other locaions available