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430892ActiveHave Markham Main Street Corner Building Hair Salon Spa and 2 Rental Apartments. Owner Occupied with Income. 1,650,000
430891ActiveToronto Busy Coin Laundry 4 years old machines, $600,000 over 2200sqft with full basement, Potential Wash and Fold other income
430890ActiveToronto Etobicoke Culinary College Fully Equipped Kitchen $1M invested, $200k or Lease to own 2000 sqft. State of Art, Could be Ghost Kitchen or Catering, VTB
430889ActiveToronto Juicery Gym Bar, $5000 per month plus hst, Equipment included, Over $350,000 spent setup, Landlord wants rent busy Etobicoke location 50,000 cars / day
430888ActiveToronto UPS Store for sale, $120,000, VTB available with $50,000 down, Brand New Setup was over $300,000 Owner Must Sell, Call for Details
430887ActivePlaza Etobicoke 4 Acres $43,000,000. Potential to develop future 800 plus units 3 phases 100,000sqft retail
430886ActiveHave, Toronto Opportunity 65 unit Affordable Rental Building Etobicoke Site Plan 58,000sqft buildable $9,000,000
427317ActiveHave Lake Joseph, 4 acres on water with brand new custom built dream, 8000 plus sqft of luxury and all the toys, 20,000,000
427316ActiveWanted, Guelph to Kingston and Toronto to Barrie, Site Plan Ready 3-5 year Development Land, $5M - $250M, Principals and agents WE WILL BUY.
427313ActiveHave, Toronto Etobicoke Culinary College Fully Equipped Kitchen $1M invested, $400k or Lease to own 2000 sqft. State of Art, Can Ghost Kitchen or Catering, VTB
427312ActiveHave, Etobicoke Toronto Plaza 2.8 Acres $1.7million net with Management $35,000,000. Potential to develop future on 1 acre of 360 units 35000sqft retail upside.
427311ActiveToronto Furnished Office Spaces , 550sqft $2000 Gross all in into 8000sqft $30,000, Elevator and full floor available, TTC 401 Weston rd 5 mins
427309ActiveToronto Car Sales Lot for Lease, Car Dealer or Outside Sales, $6000 per month as is , Corner location on busy ALbion Rd 50,000 cars per day, call for details
427308ActiveToronto Development Land, $9M, 65 units Site Plan with 9000 sqft Retail, Join Venture Possible
427306ActiveToronto Warehouse Space for Lease, Retail, 15,000sqft as is at $12 semi gross lease, Ceiling height 16 ft and close to 401 Weston Rd
427304ActiveToronto Busy Coin Laundry 4 years old machines, $600,000 over 2200sqft with full basement, Potential Wash and Fold other income
427302ActiveFinancing Available $100,000,000 Plus for Condo Developments anywhere USA or Canada. No Presales necessary. Will provide Construction Funding and pre buy units
413906Sold(SOLD) Building Lot opportunity Richmond Hill 1.6 Acres $2800000,
405258LeasedHave Apartment Buildings Southern Ontario. 4.25% Cap. 99 units $ 36,000,000 . Full Leased. Cap X Zero New
404973SoldHave Retail AAA Bank opportunity Milton ON 4.5% Cap $116K NET 7 YEARS REMAINING ON LEASE, PRINCIPALS ONLY SINGLE TENANT
404972SoldHAVE Scarborough PLAZA available 4.8 CAP at $4.5M Transit at door step. Principals only.
398089SoldSOLD rental apartment building GTA 100 units Looking for more Buildings to Buy
395887SoldToronto Near Assembly 11 Buildings to make 32000sq ft next door 35 storey Condo selling for 1200/ sq ft $ 75 million
354768SoldHave , Durham, Condo Townhome Rentals (32), $10,500,000, for Viewing call 6478397973
354767SoldHAVE Vaughan Maple, 70 Executive Townhomes Exclusive Hot Area, Plan is Approved, Services and Water 3 Years, Secondary Plan, $24000000,