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429709ActiveWant. Toronto / GTA Studio Space to Lease for 1 of Canada's Prominent Rock Drummers, for practice & teaching. 600-800 SF Preferred. Price flexible.
429708ExpiredEastern Ontario Residential Development Waterfront Site $9.499M, Potential to Include up to 500+ Retirement, Condos, and / or single family Homes
429707ExpiredWanted Hamilton to Toronto to Peterborough, N. to Barrie to Accommodate wheelchair access, min 4-6 Bdrms for a Group or Respite Home. Experienced investors
411573LeasedLEASED, Avenue Rd / Eglinton, 700 Sq Ft Office Space. Amazing location, High traffic intersection, near new Crosstown Stn. $995/M + TMI, Immed Possession.
406764SoldSold Moore Park Area., Detached, Brick, 2 sto, 4 Bdrm, Live in, Reno, build new. Unfinished Bsmnt, Sep Entrance 30.5' x 143.5' Lot. $1,795,000.
406761Sold(SOLD) Just Listed. Detached 2 Sto Home, Avenue Rd / Lawrence 44' X 150' Lot, Steps to Ave Rd. Developing Area, Asking $6,000,000
392266SoldToronto. Spotless, Leslie/Sheppard, $1,248,000, 3 Bdrm Bungalow, Move in Condition, 1 Bdrm "In Law Suite" (Sep Entrance), Outstanding Gardens
391297SoldToronto! Outstanding Cabbagetown $1,649,000 Classic Freehold Twnhse, Built Approx 1880, 3+2 Bdrms Parking. Exceptional Downtown Location!
390396Sold(SOLD) Kevin's Auto Depot. App 1000 SF, fully outfitted Auto Shop/Used Car Sales.Finch/Weston Rd/Hwy 400. Move in and start to work. $89,000.00, Business Only
331093SoldHillside Village, Kennedy and Eglinton. Bungalow on 30 x 125 ft lot, Renovate or build new. Great location, shopping, transit, access to downtown. $429,000.00
179397Sold(SOLD) BRING AN OFFER!! Amazing Newer Price! Cricket Club Area. 2 Bdrm Bnglw, 40' x 122'(Irreg) lot. Build New, Top Up, Renovate & Live in. $549,900.00.