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430201ActiveWanted, Peel or Waterloo, Daycare Business with Property, $1M-$3M, Qualified Buyer.
430200ActiveKitchener, 1 hr to Toronto, Condo Townhouse, 3+1 Bed, 4 Bath, $829K, Close to Transit, above commercial unit for sale, Live Work Concept
430199ActiveKitchener, 1 hr to Toronto Detached, 4 Bed, 3 Bath, Double Garage, $1.1M. Close to School, Transit, Court location, Deep Lot.
430198ActiveKitchener Commercial Shell Unit For Lease or Sale, $419k 1,460 sq ft, great for accountant, travel, mortgage, salon, pharmacy, medical, etc high walking traffic
430197ActiveWanted, Brampton, Caledon or Mississauga (Peel) Space To Lease For Pizza, 1000 sq ft to 1500 sq ft, For a Franchise.