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431792ActiveWanted: Brampton, Vaughan and Caledon. Pharmacy, $400K-$1.5M, qualified and experienced buyer
431791ActiveWanted: Mississauga, Milton, Oakville, Burlington and Hamilton, Pizza store, $150k-$500K, Qualified.
429574ActiveWanted Brampton, Caledon, Milton, and Vaughan, Restaurant with the property, $700K -$1.2M, Cash buyer, space with restaurant equipments.
429573ActiveWanted Brampton, Caledon, Vaughan and Richmond hill, Pharmacy, $1M - $2M, preferred with property, Qualified and experienced buyer.
429572ActiveWanted Toronto York to Kitchener, North to Newmarket, Niagara region, commercial plaza, $10M - $12M, Cash buyer
429571ActiveWanted Windsor to Toronto to Kingston, North to Barrie, Niagara region area, commercial plaza, $3 - $5M, has the money
429570ActiveWant, Southwestern Ontario, Car wash, $400,000 - $1M, Cash buyer
429569ActiveWanted KWC region to Mississauga, Brampton, Durham, Toronto to lease for Recreational sports activity, Commercial, 6000-15000 sq.ft, 24 feet height
429568ActiveWanted: Scarborough, Office building, 2000 sqft-5000 sqft, $1M-$3M, Cash buyer.
429567ActiveWanted: Looking for restaurant with property in Mississauga, Brampton, Milton, Caledon and George Town $500K-$1 Million
429566ActiveWanted Ontario Metal Recycling, $500K - $2M, qualified with cash.
429565ActiveLondon, Restaurant, $250K, 40 seats, busy downtown location, Owners relocating out of province, Motivated seller.
429564ActiveWanted: Georgetown, Brampton, Caledon, Mississauga, or North York, $1M-$3M, Pharmacy with doctor's office 3000-5000square feet
429563ActiveWanted Hamilton, Brantford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge or fur. West or 1 hr. drive from GTA. 1-2 acres land with metal recycling permit or with unit,$3M-5M