To maximize your opportunities and to
be successful there are several things you must do to network your haves
and wants to make connections to do business.
This is for everyone
looking to trade in some aspect of commercial real estate.
For assistance, call
1-877-272-1721 for a quick demonstration.
Since 1990 we have been building services to connect people with each
other in the field of
Industrial, Commercial & Investment (ICI) Real Estate, Land, Businesses,
Farms, and more.
ICIWorld.net Executive Members are reporting deals regularly.
See thirty one pages of testimonials
This is a major shopping center in the world for this kind of real estate.
Place your Have or Want Information in
Database 2
Free FSBO (for sale by owner) Area.
Click Here Step 1 Add Your Have and/or Want to Database 2
When you are finished, close
the window and return here and continue.
There are over 5,000 Haves and Wants
placed by the public.
Haves and wants are located there to be searched regularly and your
information is circulated to
Executive Members who have subscribed to our FSBO Area.
If they have something that matches your have or want description, they
can contact you directly.
You can also Search Database 2 the Free FSBO Public area.
You will have a Limited View of all listings placed in this area.
Click Here To Search Database 2
When you are finished, close the window and return here and continue.
There could be another person there now interested in doing business with
You must contact a broker member to make contact.
Click here to Search for a Member
When you are finished, close the window and return here and continue.
You can search for one in many ways. By city, state, first few
letters of a zip code, etc. If
one is not in the exact area you wish, contact one nearest and ask for
suggestions. Most of the
time they will be able to refer you to someone that can help you. You can
sort by home pages as well
and click on them for a wealth of information.
If there are no members in your area, you may join for a term of one year.
When you are finished, close the window and return here and continue.
You make your own arrangements for compensation.
Click Here Step 2 to Search Haves and Wants in Database 1
When you are finished, close the window and return here and continue.
There are over 6,000 Haves and Wants placed by Executive Members of ICIWorld.net
complete with contact information. This is a publicly available
database that is receiving over a million hits per month from
the public (and growing
monthly) from tens of thousands of unique viewers from over 90 countries
of the world.
Average search response time . . . 4.9 seconds.
You literally can pick up the phone, in many cases make an appointment to
show a property. It can
be that fast. The most important thing however in my opinion is the
the people behind the
service. It is best to develop a relationship with these people
because they may know about
opportunities that are not on the service. However it was ICIWorld who put
you in touch with the right person.
SUBSCRIBE AND UNSUBSCRIBE to receive Haves and Wants by EMail for your
area . . . FREE.
Click Here step 3 to Subscribe to Receive Haves and Wants
by EMail.
When you are finished, close the window and return here and continue.
When a member places a Have or Want on the service, not only does it go to
the top of the database
that is receiving over a quarter of a million hits per month, but
instantly and automatically the
information is EMailed to the industry within the hour! You can
subscribe to receive these free
by EMail.
Many deals are done directly from these emails. May we suggest you
subscribe to the DIGEST for
your state or province or area to start. You can always change things
Click here Step 4 Search For a Member
When you do, your information will be in a database that is receiving over
a million hits per
month from the public from over 90 countries of the world, plus a major
distribution through several
hundred ICIWorld List Services that circulate information by EMail . . .
World Wide.
This distribution gets underway instantly and automatically the moment an
Have or Want is placed
with the balance of all services distributed within thirty days.
This provides for the maximum
opportunity to reach the world of over 600,000,000 people World Wide.
Only then do you receive the benefits of all the mailing services that
deliver over 10,000 Emails
daily to the industry.
To contact an Executive Member:
go to
Click on Search Members
Place some criteria, such as typing in your state or province, perhaps
three numbers of your area
code in the phone number field of your telephone. If you need a hand
please contact us anytime.
May we suggest you sort on Home Page so you can immediately visit their
home page to become
familiar with whom you might talk to.
5. Have
your personal real estate broker or salesperson subscribe to the service
and place your information. If you are a broker or
salesperson reading this, you should consider joining now. There are
services here that can help you make money that are not available on any
other service in the world.
Join now and
help people in your marketplace for real estate brokers and
It is a matter of a few minutes.
Everything is automated on line. We conduct training sessions in offices
1-3 times daily and have been doing this for years. You get the benefit of
this knowledge and experience in one short session and a marketing plan
that you can print out.
Of interest to real estate brokers and salespeople.
Please consider us a personal marketing and information assistant to you.
We are here to help
you make money in your service to the public.
Gary Nusca, CCIM
The Market ICI World Commercial Real Estate Network (Since 1990)
Bus. 416-214-4875
. . . Make Contracts! |