Special announcement for all licensed real estate brokers and salespeople in Ontario
Add a special real estate Ontario Commercial IDX "Have" and "Want" listing feed to YOUR web site. It can become the best revenue generator of any link on your web site. Why? Because 96% of people searching for real estate are searching for listings. This listing feed provides listings for your web site in a way that they have to ask YOU for more information. 75% +/- of these listings are not on real estate boards. They are exclusive. They are provided by real estate brokers and salespeople who have agreed to allow them to be on your web site. They are specially structured by ICIWorld so that a someone visiting your web site and sees any one of these listings, has to call YOU. They can not click on the listing number. It is inevitible that you generate leads or your have no traffic going to your web site. We have solutions for that as well. How To Promote Your Web Site. Add the link to your web site and the very next person that visits your web site who clicks on the link and sees any one of thousands of listings that interests them, must then contact you for more information. This gives you an opportunity to do business. Either make an appointment to show the property or do a referral. The only reason brokers and salespeople do not do referrals is because you do not get the leads. Now you will. No web site? No problem! Have one by tomorrow up and running with a domain name to follow. Web sites are your storefront to the public. They are free for one month then $19.95/mo. or $199/year. See www.realestatebrokersandsalespeople.com See the Ontario Commercial button (link) on any of the following sample web sites. Residential salespeople may only wish to do referrals on all of the enquiries. See sample web sites with the Ontario Commercial link listing feed. Look for the Ontario Commercial button on Ontario web sites. Members of ICIWorld who are licensed real estate brokers and salespeople have agreed to allow their listings to be on YOUR web site. The advantages?
If for any reason you do not receive leads it is because you are not getting traffic to your web site. We provide a special program on How To Promote Your Web Site. It starts with how you hand out your business cards to SEO techniques (Search Engine Optimization) for your web site and forty different ways to promote your web site. This is provided for Executive Members only as it becomes a major competitive advantage. After you have joined we provide the instructions for your web site designer to install these special revenue producing links on all your web sites and provide a great service to the public. ICIWorld.net, Inc. is a real estate Have and Want information service operating since 1994 on the Internet. You can place www.iciworld.ca as a resource on your web site absolutely free. This is not the same as the paid Ontario Commercial link. The difference is that people can click on the message numbers at www.iciworld.ca when they visit your web site and click on it. It is still a valuable resource for those who do not join ICIWorld particularly for people who like to deal with you personally. It is still possible to generate business for you. But the paid link does not allow people to click on the message numbers which means they have to call you for more information giving you the opportunity to do business. It is like having the real estate classified ads of a newspaper on your web site in a way that triggers interest. Subscribe. Click here. Listing feeds are just one of many services included in an Executive Membership. Call Bus. 416-840-6227 or after hours and weekends 416-214-4875. 1-877-272-1721 toll free North America World Wide support click here. |
ICIWorld.net, Inc.
Since 1994 (The Market ICI World Real Estate Network) Canada: 33 Hazelton Ave., Suite 408, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2E3 Bus. 416-840-6227 Cell. 416-831-1620 After hours and weekends 416-214-4875 USA: 3200 N.E. 7th Ct., Suite 303C, Pompano, Florida 33062 Bus. 954-317-2327 USA www.iciworld.us Canada www.iciworld.ca World www.iciworld.com 26,000+ real estate Have and Want ads, 50,000 readership. See testimonials. Among the most being reported on the Internet. www.retiredbrokers.com | www.referralbrokers.com | www.realestatebrokersandsalespeople.com Full training and telephone technical support Contact us free world wide |