Have, World Confidential, Apartment buildings/multi unit/condo townhouse projects/investments

430247Hollywood Florida, 9000 SF Luxury Penthouse, 7 Bedroom, $12.8M ( US Dollars), Ocean and intercostal View, Income Producing
430242Hollywood, Florida, Hotel Type Rental ( AIRBNB), 3,300 SF combo condo, 4 Bedroom, 30th floor,$2,95 Mill ( US Dollars) , Ocean & Intercostal View, Income Prod
428536Florida, large multifamily, $100M, very upscale
15867650 Unit Apartment Bldg
107113North America Apartment Rental Market Intelligence Program, New Apartment Construction, Due Diligence on Purchase and Sale, The Hidden Value Market Survey
98444Florida Commercial and Jumbo & Super Jumbo Residential Financing $500k-15million Fast, Convenient, Honest